《The Ex Best Friend》Chapter 16


I laughed and set my things on my desk. Taking a deep breath, I faced Jake’s door and was about to walk forward and knock when it flung open.

“Woah, Jessica. I didn’t see you there.”

It felt like a potato sack to the stomach: Scarlet.

Coming out of Jake’s office.

Messy haired.

Smudged lipstick.

Shirt undone.

Did I mention she was coming out of Jake’s office?


“Are you okay Jessica?” Scarlet asked, looking at me worriedly.

“Hm?” I cleared my throat. “Yeah I’m uh – I’m fine. Just dandy actually.”

She shrugged, then glimpsed at the bag in my hand. “Are you looking for Jake?”

“Yeah I was just going to bring him his muffins.” My voice cracked several times.

“Oh, sweetie, that won’t be necessary. I already brought it for him.”

I had the urge to smack her and tell her that that was my job, but instead I just smiled and said, “Thanks Scarlet.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied and smiled back.

I watched as she strutted off, her heels clacking sharply on the floor.

“Scarlet! You forgot your – oh. Hi Jessica.”

I stiffened and turned around slowly to face Jake. He was staring at me with a shocked expression, his hands running through his messy hair (which he should not have). My gaze traveled down to his shirt (which was buttoned incorrectly).

“Hello Jake,” I said finally with an icy tone.

Jake winced. “What’re you doing here?”

“What do you mean what am I doing here? I work here,” I told him coldly.

Jake laughed nervously. “Oh, right.”

I suddenly felt a bit nauseous and walked towards my desk, turning my back to Jake.

“Jessica, that wasn’t what it looked like.” Jake approached me slowly.

“Oh, no. Don’t bother wasting your breath lying. Of course it was what it looked like,” I said sarcastically.

“Jessica –”

“God, how could I have been so stupid?” I leaned forward against my table, my face heating up in humiliation.

“Jessica –”

“I mean, you’re married to her, Jake. Married. And here I thought that you might have actually had feelings for me. And then I acted on it. And I thought that you did have feelings for me. Or at least, that’s what it seemed like.”

“If you would just listen –”

“Well I suppose I would never get anything as long as she’s around right?”

Jake looked away from me. “That’s not a fair question.”

“Of course it’s a fair question.” I laughed dryly, wishing I hadn’t come to work today, wishing I hadn’t gone over to his apartment yesterday. “You’ve answered it once before haven’t you? And the answer was her. I don’t know what about her intrigues you so much, but I guess she’s got it and I don’t. And I know I’ve said this so many times before, but I’m stronger now and –”

“Jessica, at least hear me out,” he pleaded.

“No Jake,” I said sternly. “I’m not going to – mkfkf.”

Suddenly, Jake was in front of me, looking at me with piercing eyes. He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me so hard my hand felt like it was going to be yanked off. Then, the next thing I knew, he had one had behind my back and one holding my head and he was kissing me. Hard. I had to fight every urge in me keep myself from kissing him back. Finally, I gathered enough strength to push him off.


“Jake! What the hell!” I cried, furiously smoothing out my hair and shirt.

He gave me a boyish grin. “Well, you wouldn’t stop talking so…”

“So you attack me?” I shrieked, still feeling dizzy from his kiss.

“I didn’t attack you!”

“Yes. You. Did. It felt like I was being mauled by a bear,” I snapped.

We stared at each other in silence for a while before he lips started quivering and following him, I cracked a smile.

“Please, hear me out?” he said finally with big puppy eyes.

I sighed. “Fine.”

“Okay so what happened was … what’s he doing here?”

I turned to see Anthony strolling down the hall towards me. “Oh, I invited him.”

“You invited him?” Jake stared at me incredulously.


“Why are earth would you do that?” he demanded, the smile on his face gone.

I took a step back. “Because he’s my friend.”

“Oh I see, he’s your friend,” Jake said sarcastically. I didn’t like the tone in his voice. “So now you just go around befriending people who harass you?”

“He’s actually not that bad…” I mumbled.

“Not that bad? Not that bad?! Jessica, he attacked you. Some would call him emotionally unstable.”

Anger rushed through me. “Call him emotionally unstable? I think you’re emotionally unstable.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “Jessica, I’m not going to let you be friends with creeps like that.”

I took a step back and eyed him with contempt. Who does he think he is? “Let me? Let me?”

Jake rolled his eyes again, and leaned all his weight on his left leg. “Okay, don’t get all melodramatic now,” he said soothingly. It’s like he doesn’t even care.

“Hey Jessica.” Anthony walked to my side. “Jake,” he added. There was no friendliness in his tone.

“Hi Anthony,” I said, smiling at him.

Jake made a face of disgust. “Can I ask what you’re doing here after I clearly told you that you weren’t welcomed here anymore?”

“Jessica invited me,” Anthony answered with a bit of confusion.

“Like I said, you’re not welcomed here,” Jake told him. His voice left no space to question whether or not he was being serious – he was dead serious.

I took a few more steps back, stunned. This was not at all the Jake I know. Sure, he’s had his dark moments here and there (most of them involving Scarlet) but never was there such hatred in his voice that made me feel cold inside. Anthony did some bad things, but no one gets to be treated like that (unless it’s Scarlet. Or maybe now when I think about it, Jake needs a little mean-ness in his life too). When his gaze shifted to me, I shrank into my clothes.

“Let’s go into my office to talk,” he said, shooting glares of pure loathing at Anthony. He turned swiftly and head for his office. I didn’t follow.

“Are you coming?” he asked, his face softening a bit.

“No.” I managed to sputter out.

Jake looked at me in confusion. “What?”

“I’m not coming with you,” I repeated. Feeling foolish for being a bit scared of him before, I straightened myself up.

“But you need to hear my –”

I raised my hand and cut him off. “I don’t want to hear anything from you Jake.”


“But –”

“Save it. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear any of it. Not another one of your stupid jokes, not another one of your stupid lies, not another single thing.” This was harder than I thought. My mind was racing because really, I had no idea what I was saying. I don’t know why it took me so long to realize, but he was never going to change. From the first day, I told myself I wouldn’t be weak, but there was just something about him. But I’m stronger now. I learned. I got burnt a few times but I learned. Jake was unfixable. Unchangeable. Stubborn and stupid and ugh. He’s just a stupid stupid stupid boy. It makes my blood boil just thinking about how stupid and … stupid he is.

Jake nodded slowly, his face turning dark again. I can almost see the gears in his head turning, searching for some stupid comment so that he wouldn’t look like the stupid one. “Fine Jessica. Fine.”

“Fine,” I snarled, glaring at him hard. I grabbed my bag and headed the opposite direction, pulling Anthony with me.

“Fine, go! Just walk away like you always do!” Jake yelled after me, taunting me I supposed, so I could turn around. But I’m not falling for that.

Ignoring his snide remarks, I continued walking. Good thing Anthony knew to keep his mouth shut because he didn’t say another word.

The way to the elevator seemed impossibly long and it felt like decades before I reached the metal doors.


“What?” I snapped angrily, twisting my head to see a stunned Jenna.

“Oh God, I’m sorry,” I added quickly. “It’s been a bad day.”

Jenna looked down on her feet. “Well, it’s going to get a lot worse.”

“Why’s that?” I asked, dreading the answer.

“The final run-through of the show’s about to start,” she said quietly. “They need you down there now.”

“And all the other models…”

“Are already there. They’re all waiting for you.”

I let out a sound of frustration and knocked my head against the elevator doors. “Oh joy.”

When I got to the studio room type of thing (I really don’t know what it’s called), all the models were standing in a circle around a short bald man. I assume he’s the director, though I’ve never met him before. Then again, I haven’t been to any of the practises.

“Ugh, Jerry, just let me do her parts! I can easily handle both,” Michaela whined.

“No, we have to wait for her,” the short bald man – Jerry – said. “Besides, everyone’s been raving about her. I myself want to see just how amazing she is.”

“Trust me; she’s not amazing at all. Plus, she doesn’t even show up! Oh, speak of the devil,” Michaela said, looking in my direction.

“Don’t waste your breath with your insults Michaela. They’re not very good,” I told her as I walked past her.

“Ah! You must be Jessica Bryans,” Jerry exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.”

I flashed an award winning smile. “Yep, sorry I’m late.”

“No worries, we were just getting started anyways. Why don’t you go and get ready?”

“Sure thing, Mr…?”

“Please, call me Jerry.”

“Okay Jerry,” I laughed and added a wink.

Jerry laughed along and I strode off to my dressing room, which I didn’t know I had. As soon as my back was turned to him, I dropped my smile. Behind me, I could hear Michaela’s angry voice, no doubt telling Jerry off about not giving me a harder time. I heard Jerry protest and I caught a few words like “nice” and sweet” and “you’re being ridiculous” and “drop it Michaela”.

I got out of my dressing room in record time, since I didn’t much make-up for the sleepwear, and ran as fast as I could – in my 5 inch heels – to backstage of the runway, where all the girls were already lined up.

“Quick Jessica, you’re the first one up,” somebody said hastily and pushed me in front of Michaela, who moved aside so quickly it was like she thought I had a disease or something.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” she jeered as the lights dimmed at the music started.

“Of course I do,” I snapped, my back facing her. I was a bit nervous, but still felt confident in myself. After all, I did prance around in a bunch of ridiculous costumes with Ja – … After all, I did prance around in a bunch of ridiculous costumes.

“Try not to make a fool of yourself,” Michaela whispered as the guy beside me motioned for me to start walking.

“I won’t,” I told her.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped onto the sleek white floor and started making my way down the long walk. Most of the time, I kept my face forward, concentrated on not falling. But I did steal a few glances at Jerry and the rest of the crew and from their faces, I could tell that I was doing, if not good, then at least a decent job.

On my way back, I passed Michaela who was walking with a sour expression on her face.

“Good luck,” I said sweetly and smiled innocently.

Her sour expression turned even worse and I had to manage off the stage without bursting into laughter.

When I re-entered backstage, I was quickly ushered for another change of outfit. The routine continued for the next few hours and we probably went over the show 3 times, perfecting everything.

Halfway through, Stacy, Jenna and Anthony came in to watch, all of them holding “Go Jessica!” signs in their hands. I noticed that Stacy and Jenna were still keeping their distance from Anthony and made a mental note to myself to explain the entire situation to them later.

I was glad to find that Jake had not come throughout the entire rehearsal because if he did, I would’ve messed up for sure. Whether it would’ve been out of anger or some other emotion, I didn’t know, but it wouldn’t have been good.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t show up tomorrow, when the real deal happens, either.


sorry for the long gap between the uploads!

hope you like this part. i think it's pretty alright! if there are any mistakes, sorry. i don't know what was wrong with me when i was writing this. i kept making the stupidest mistakes like there - their and here - hear. and just now i just mistyped "this" and typed "there" instead and also "i" instead of "now". if that makes any sense.

anyways, hope you like this! 120 votes is the goal :)

also, happy mother's day

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