《The Ex Best Friend》Chapter 14


dedicated to sunshinebabyy for always leaving me nice comments!

of course i can only dedicate one person for one part, but there are many other parts, so ill be dedicating those as well! :)

Chapter Fourteen

“So,” Anthony said as we sat down in our booth.

I slid into the seat across from him. “So…”

He looked around nervously for a second. “Well, this is awkward.”

“You don’t say,” I replied, offering him a small smile. That seemed to get him relaxed a bit.

“Do you want something to eat? Have you had dinner? Breakfast?” Anthony asked.

“We’re in a Starbucks,” I told him humorously. “It’s not exactly tummy filling.”

“I guess so,” he laughed.

I smiled at him then became serious. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Anthony’s eyes dropped to his lap and he let out a deep sigh. “I just – I just really wanted to say I’m sorry. I know you think I’m a huge creep, but I promise I’m not really like that.”

Well, I was getting bad vibes from you coming out of every direction, I thought to myself but didn’t say it out loud. Then I realized I was sounding like Jake with his power vibes. I focused back on Anthony because now I was thinking of Jake and that’s a touchy subject at the moment.

“I don’t know what came over me those days,” he continued when I didn’t say anything. “Jake just made me so mad.”

My ears perked up at this. “Really? What happened?”

“You know Jake and I used to be friends,” Anthony said. I wasn’t sure if he was just saying that or if it was part of his explanation.

“Friends? You guys look like you hate each other,” I commented. It was hard to believe that Anthony and Jake used to be friends. On the other hand, no one could tell that me and Jake had any type of acquaintance before and we were best friends.

“We do.” There was a twinge of sadness in his voice that made me want to comfort him. He wasn’t the only one shunned by Jake. “But before, we used to be friends. Pretty good friends actually.”

“Then what happened?”

“I don’t really know,” he responded. “I think…I think we always had this strain on our friendship – everything between us had to be a competition. The girls, the cars, the money, you name it, we compete for it. It was good at first – pushed us to our limits. But then, one day he snapped.”

I leaned forward, in awe of the story. “Snapped how?”

“He crossed the line and that was it.”

“That doesn’t really answer my question,” I told him. I knew I should be nicer, but there was still that part of me inside that wasn’t comfortable being around Anthony yet.

“Okay. One day, he came to work and he ignored me the entire day. Usually, we’d boast about what we did that day and then laugh it off but then that day, he didn’t. Later, I found out that he slept with my girlfriend,” Anthony explained.


I grimaced. “I suppose you didn’t take that too well.”

He simply shrugged. “Of course not. I loved her. And I thought she loved me. And even though I knew Jake and I competed a lot, I didn’t think he’d go that far.”

“Is that why…”

“Why I acted the way I acted with you?” he finished for me. “Yeah.”

I gave him a confused look. I didn’t understand why he thought playing around with me would get revenge of Jake.

“I don’t think you see it, but I do,” Anthony said. “The way he looked at you that day of the photo shoot, I knew.”

“Knew what?” I questioned, cocking my head to one side.

“That he likes you,” Anthony said bluntly.

Straightening up from my lean, I sat there shocked. Jake can’t like me. I mean, I guess as a friend but not like like. He’s married to Scarlet and even though it may seem like their marriage is on the rocks, he still made it very clear that he loves her.

“But isn’t he –”

My question was cut off by Anthony yawning, which then triggered me to yawn.

“Jeez, it’s like almost4,”he said, looking at his watch. “We should get going.”

I nodded and got out of my seat. I just realized how tired I was. We walked outside and the air was cool and pleasant feeling.

“Do you have a ride home?” Anthony asked.

“No,” I answered. “I usually walk or take the bus.”

“Well I’m not letting you walk or take the bus at4 inthe morning. My car’s parked just around the corner, I’ll drive you home,” Anthony suggested.

“That sounds great,” I said whole heartedly.

As we walked, my thoughts trailed to Jake again. He likes me? That’s weird because I like him. I can’t be entirely sure that he likes me but Anthony said so. And Scarlet said so. And Jenna said so. That’s…three people right there versus the one (me) who says he doesn’t. Well maybe only half because I’m beginning to doubt that myself. I keep telling myself that he’s married but a person can have feelings for more than one person at a time, right?

“He likes me,” I muttered to myself.

Anthony turned to me. “Hm?”


“Oh. Oh yeah. He definitely likes you.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, a smile playing on my lips. We reached his car which was parked on the side of the road.

“Positive,” he nodded and grabbed for the car handle. “What’s your address?”

I hopped into the passenger side and turned to Anthony excitedly. “Actually, can you take me somewhere else? I have to go do something.”

[AN: I wanted to stop here, but that would’ve been way too short!]

We pulled up to a modern looking condo.

“Well, this is it. This is where Jake lives,” Anthony said. “20th floor, number 2045 okay?”

“Tell me again how you know where Jake lives?” I laughed.

Anthony unlocked the car doors. “We used to be buddies, remember? Now get on out because I kick you out.”


Stepping out of the car, I quickly slammed the door. I gave Anthony a small wave and then scurried towards the entrance to the lobby. When I walked into the lobby, I noticed the inside door was locked. I stood around for a moment. How was I going to get in? Then I got a brilliant idea. Walking towards the intercom speaker, I found Jake’s name and dialled it.

Ringggg ringgg. “Hello?”

“Jake?” I called happily in a higher tone of voice.

“Yeah, who’s this?” He sounded groggy and angry. Too bad for him.

“It’s uh Scarlet!” This was my brilliant idea. It is actually pretty good. I could see if he was alone at home and if he was, he’d let me in. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

“Scarlet? What are you doing here? It’s like4 inthe morning,” Jake asked.

I sighed. “Jacob Marshall let me in immediately.”

The intercom shut off but after a moment, the door clicked and I slipped inside. It took me a while to find the elevator, which was tucked into the back corner of the lobby. It’s not really my fault. The lobby is huge. Like hugeeeeeeeeeee. After I stepped in the lobby, I press the 20 button. Surprisingly, the elevator went up pretty fast and I was on the 20th floor before I knew it. Good thing for me that room 2045 was almost right across from the elevator so I wouldn’t have all the trouble finding it.

“Jake, open up,” I called, knocking on the door. There was no answer after I few seconds so I knocked some more. “Jake, open the door.”

The rattling of some chains came from behind the door and it creaked open. Jake was glaring at me through sleepy eyes. All he was wearing was a pair of very low hung pyjama pants and a flannel shirt with all the buttons undone. He was wearing nothing underneath. I had to look up quickly before I died of a heart attack or something.

“Jessica?” he said in disbelief. “What the heck are you doing here?”

I rolled my eyes and pushed past him into his apartment. “You’re alone right?”

“Yeah,” he said slowly, not knowing my motives. At least he didn’t tell me to get out. That’s a good sign.

“Okay, good,” I whispered, calming myself.

“What –”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence. In a millisecond I whipped around, grabbed the collar of his shirt and pressed him up against the door, closing it at the same time. My gaze went from to his eyes, looking for a sign of protest. His eyes dropped to my lips, and his hard breathing pressed against my chest.

Slowly, I inched towards him, eventually getting on my tippy toes because he’s so darn tall. I was only a few centimetres away from him when I own breathing picked up and my toes curled in anticipation. Jake’s hands clenched together at my side and that gave me the extra boost of confidence. Closing the space between us, I kissed him softly on the lips.

When I didn’t get the response I wanted, actually I didn’t get any response because Jake didn’t move one bit, I lifted my head and deepened the kiss. This seemed to wake him up because his hands flew to my waist and gripped it so tightly I thought I was going to burst into flames. I moaned and leaned harder into him, feeling the heat radiating off his bare skin. Carefully, my tongue traced his bottom lip. Jake’s hands squeezed my hips and then pushed me away suddenly.

“Jeez Jessica,” he panted. His eyes were dark and he had a lustful glint in them that made me want to grab him and drag him into the nearest bedroom.

I stumbled back a bit. “Did I do something wrong?”

He pulled me against him before the words were out of my mouth. “No.”

His hands went to my backside, one gripping me tightly around the waist and one wound in my hair. He pressed his lips against mine and it felt like lightning struck me. Responding immediately, my hands slipped around his neck, pulling him tight against me. Jake let out a small groan and his hands traveled down my back, cupping my rear. I gasped at the contact then quickly jumped on him, my legs wrapped around his waist, not breaking the kiss. My skirt hitched up so that most of my legs were exposed but I didn’t care. I wanted him to touch me, skin to skin.

It wasn’t until Jake moved his mouth down my neck, leaving light kisses did I realize that we were moving. His lips grazed a sensitive spot in the crook of my neck and I moaned softly. Then all of a sudden, it felt like I was flying and landed on a soft pile of bedding. I barely had the time to register that I was now in Jake’s room before he hovered over me and kissed me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist again, pressing against him. He groaned and cursed under his breath and next thing I know I’m pushing off his shirt and he’s unbuttoning mine. I shifted against him, shrugging off the rest of my shirt and we both moan when I pressed hard into him. He can feel me, hot and needy, back arched towards him as close as I can get and I can feel him, breathing shallowly and hard pressed against the inside of my thigh.

“Let me go get something,” he said quickly and jumped off, running out the door.

I can only offer a small nod as I watch him go. Taking this time, I threw my shirt to the floor and shuffled up until my head reached the pillow. I yawned slightly and curled up against the fluffy duvet. It’s from Ikea, I noted, because I have the same one. I yawned again and closed my eyes slowly. This has been a tiring day. Jake hasn’t come back yet and my surroundings blurred. I don’t have time to tell myself that I should be waiting for Jake to come back before I fall into a blissful sleep.


lol i'm not good at writing sex scenes. or almost, in this case.

but in case it was unclear, she fell alseep before they could do it. LOL.

anyways, hope you liked it. the goal for this chapter is 120 votes, so pleaseeeee vote. and lemme know what you think!

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