《The Ex Best Friend》Chapter 3


Chapter Three

Humming to myself quietly, I stepped out of the elevator and made my way to my cubicle. As I walked, I felt my heartbeat speed up. No, I told myself sternly. There's nothing to be nervous about.

Last night, when I was lying in bed and couldn't fall asleep, I decided that I was going to just cut Jake out of my life. Of course, professionally speaking, I'd still be his receptionist, but other than that, nothing. I didn't want a repeat of what happened in his office yesterday.

With a tray of coffee (2 sugars, 1 cream for me and a double double for Jake) and a small baggy of cranberry muffins in one hand and the latest Glamour magazine in the other, I sat down in my comfy chair. Looking to my left, I saw through his big window that Jake was already inside his room.

I stood up and smoothed my skirt. Picking up his food, I walked to his door and opened it slightly, then kicking the rest open with my foot.

"I thought we had a deal," Jake hissed into his phone, not noticing me at all.

"No, this is not for real! We're just pretending so that - Oh, good morning Jessica," Jake said quickly when he saw me.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked curiously.

"Nobody," he replied and snapped his phone shut.

I nodded understandingly and walked over to put down his food.

Jake looked at the coffee then at me. "What's this?"

"Your breakfast, silly," I said playfully. My eyes widened when I realized what I was doing, and I switched my expression back to a blank one. Just remember to keep cool.

Jake laughed. "I know that, but why'd you get it?"

"For you to eat..." I answered. I didn't know how to finish what I was saying since I didn't even know what he was asking me.

Tilting his head to the side, he gave me a confused look. "I can get my own breakfast."

The amusement in his eyes was telling me that he thought I actually cared enough about him to get his breakfast.

"Ms. Whitby always made me get her food so I assumed that you would too," I replied dryly.

As I suspected, his face fell and I smiled.

"Did you think I got it just cause of you?" I teased.

Jake gave me a sheepish smile. "Well, I thought I was special."

"Oh, you're special alright," I laughed. As soon as I said that, I mentally slapped myself. What was I doing? Flirting with him? Oh God.

Before I could say anything else, the door burst open.

"Darling!" the woman said and rushed up to Jake to give him a kiss on the cheek.

I watched as Jake stiffened, then a small smile spread across his face.


"Good morning, sweet peach," he said cheerily.

The woman took off her sunglasses and gave me a look over. "Who's this?"

"That's uh, Jessica," Jake replied.

Putting her sunglasses on her head, the woman gaped at me. "Jessica? Jessica Bryans? Oh. My. God. It's me, Scarlet! You remember right?"

Of course this was Scarlet. I almost forgot Jake had married her.

"Hello Scarlet," I said in a strained voice.

"Oh sweetie, you've grown!" she cried, checking out my figure. "You're so tall now, but your uh, area," her hand moved around her undoubtedly fake chest, "needs some improvement."

Jake stifled a laugh and I shot him a death glare.

"Thanks for the suggestion Scarlet," I said through clenched teeth. "Now if you don't mind, I have other errands to attend to."

I walked to the door and twisted the doorknob.

"Hey, Jess," Jake called.

I turned around and gave him a bored look.

"Thanks for the muffins," he said with a side smile.

"No problem," I said and walked out the door.

The door closed, but not before I heard Scarlet's hyena-like laugh. I had a feeling that she was going to be here often and I was already getting a headache.

The day passed incredibly slowly. All it involved was me getting Scarlet snack after snack after lunch after snack - the biggest drag. Once or twice I would glance into Jake's room to see Scarlet all over him but I looked away before I could make eye contact with him. When I thought I couldn't take it anymore, Stacy walked to my desk, jacket and bag in hand.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

I got up faster than lightning and put on my jacket. "Yes, please save me."

"What's wrong?"

"Jake and his...wife, they're torture," I complained.

Stacy wiggled her eyebrows and smiled. "So you call him Jake huh?"

Leave it up to Stacy to tease me about that.

"Did you even hear the second part?" I said impatiently.

Stacy looked at me innocently. "No."

"Of course not. Well he's married," I said matter-of-factly.

"No," Stacy gasped.

"Yes. And you won't even believe what kind of person he's married to," I said with distaste.

Before I could say anything else, Jake's door opened and Scarlet stepped out.

"Jessie, Jake needs you to stay late today," she told me with a high squeaky voice.

Stacy turned to me and mouthed: her?

I nodded and looked at Scarlet. "Okay," I sighed.

Scarlet gave me and Stacy air kisses then strutted away.

"Well then," Stacy laughed.

"Yep," I agreed. "You don't mind me staying do you?"

"Of course not!" Stacy told me. "You get to stay late with that hot piece of -"

I stared at her in disbelief. "Stacy!


She laughed naughtily. "Oops, sorry. Anyways, of course I don't mind. I'm more jealous than anything."

"Okay, okay. Now get on out." I waved goodbye and took my jacket back off.

Just when I was so glad to leave, turns out that I had to stay even longer.

Taking what time I had left, I went to the washroom. I filled a sink with cold water and splashed my face with it, hoping to get rid of the headache I had thanks to Scarlet and her annoying voice. When I felt my headache start to subside, I walked back into the office.

It turned out I took longer than I thought because everyone was gone. The sky outside was beginning to darken and the only light on was in Jake's office. Taking a deep breath, I walked to his door and opened it slowly.

Jake was hunched over his desk, his arms propped on the desk surface, with his suit lying on his chair and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The muscles on his arm were tense and just the sight of him made me stomach clench. Up until now, I hadn't realized how much I missed him. All I want now is to be best friends again, but how much he hurt me, I don't know if I can get passed that.

Closing the door slowly, I took a few steps forward.

He looked up and straightened his back. "Hey," he said. His voice was rough from not talking for so long.

"Hey yourself," I said from impulse. It was one of the things that Jake and I had always done.

He gave a small laugh, and then his face went back to the same troubled expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This seating plan," he began.

I walked over and stood beside him. "What about it?"

"I don't like it," he said, turning his head to look at me.

"Let me see."

He shuffled a bit and I stood beside him. Trying to keep my focus on the seating plan, I couldn't help but notice how close he was.

Eyes on the board, I commanded myself. Studying it a bit more, I pointed to one of the circles. "Well okay, look here. You put the press too close the beginning of the runway when they should be near the end."

I peeled off the sticker and put it in another place.

"Mm," Jake said in agreement.

"And here, there are too many chairs," I moved my hand to change it but I accidentally knocked over a pencil holder cup.

"Woops," I mumbled and reached to pick it up.

Jake beat me to the chase and grabbed hold of it. He was literally leaning over me and I could feel him pressing against me. It didn't hurt; it felt more like a pleasant pressure. When he put the cup back up, he stood up straight again.

"There, it's fine now," he said quietly.

"What?" I whipped my head to face him.

My hair got caught in his face and I quickly brushed it away with my hand.

"Sorry," I laughed.

"It's okay," he said joining in with my laughter.

I was suddenly aware that my hand was rested on his cheek. My back was leaned against the desk and Jake was standing very close to me. The laughing atmosphere was gone and replaced by a tense, unnerving silence.

My hands snapped back to my side and my eyes dropped to the floor.

Clearing my throat, I fiddled with the hem of my skirt. "Are we - are we done?"

Jake had a blank look on his face for a second. "Huh?" he blinked. "Oh yeah, you can go."

"Okay," I croaked, my throat suddenly very dry.

With a final look at Jake, I pushed past him and out the door. On the way, I picked up my jacket and walked my fastest to the elevator. The elevator door opened and I stepped in, pressing the ground floor button.

The door was a foot from closing when Jake's shoe popped through the slit. "Hey, you forgot you bag," he said, out of breath.

I grabbed my bag from his out stretched hands and mumbled, "Thanks."

Jake took a step back and put his hands in his pocket. "See you tomorrow then."

"Are you coming?" I asked curiously. Please say no, please say no, I secretly begged.

"No, I gotta do a few more things," he said and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"Oh, alright. Bye," I said and gave him a small wave.

"Bye," he nodded.

I stepped over and pressed the ground floor button again. Waiting for the door to close, I stood there not knowing what to do. When the doors finally began to move, I glanced at Jake one last time. He looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself and just wave instead. I waved back and watched him disappear as the doors met.

The elevator began to descend and I leaned against the back wall. Closing my eyes, I let out a deep breath. So much for being out of my life.


ahhhhhhhhhhh, that was so long! im so proud of myself :D 6 pages on word!

so, i like this chapter okay, it's not too great, and when i read it, i felt like it was going to fast since it's only the third chapter, but that's how i wanted it to go.

thoughts? comments? i'd love to hear them! i read all your comments but its hard for me to reply since im always on my ipod :(. but i really appreciate each and everyone of your opinions :D

as always, please comment/vote!

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