《nsb stories》♡Game Raging♡Ryan


A/n- Ryan always plays his video games. Sometimes he spends more time on the games then spending time with you which always made you sad.

Ryan had been playing COD all day. You really wanted some attention from him. You hadn't been with him all day since he's been in his room all day. So you went upsrairs to his bedroom and you heard him yelling.

Ryan- OMG F****** MOVE A** HOLES!!!

You were pretty used to him yelling like this while playing gis games so you just ignored it. You tgen walked into his room. He looked at you and mouthed to you, "Get out, im live on twitch" which made you a bit upset but you listened to him and left his room. You then went to your room to watch some anime on your laptop. You ended up falling asleep for three hours. When you woke up from your nap, you went to Ryans room for some affection. So walked back into his room to see that he was off of his live but he was still playing his game and you told yourself that this is a perfect opportunity to get some love. You walked over too him and tried to sit on his lap but he then pushed you off.

You- Ryan wth. Why'd you push me off?

Ryan- Because I dont to be bothored right now. Im in a game.

You- I know but i just wanted some attention from you. You've been in here almost all day.

Ryan- I'll give you some attention later, okay y/n. You were obviously shocked since he usually calls you love, baby, babe, bubba, or princess.

You- But- You were then cut off by an angry man.

Ryan- OMG. OK, I GET IT. YOU WANT ATTENTION. STOP BEING SO DAMN CLINGY FOR 5 F****** MINUTES. NO LEAVE ME THE H*** ALONE!!! You were holding back tears. Ryan has never talked to anyone expesually you like that. You couldnt how he talked to you. You then just walked out of his room. You went down stairs where all the other boys were. You sat down on the couch. Justin then looked at you and he knew that something was wrong so he walked over to you.


Justin- Hey, are you okay?

You- Yea. Im perfect. He knew you were lying. All the boys did.

Oliver- Hey y/n, you know you can tell us whats wrong. We are a family. Oli's caringwords hit you pretty hard. You started balling your eyes our to the point you started breathing really hard. They were all shocked but they were all comforting you.

Kane- Ok, could you try to tell us what happened that made you like this? You were stuttering and still breathing pretty hard but you were able to get it all out. All the guys were shocked, angry, disapointed, and infuriaded by your words. While they were trying to cheer you up, Darren went upstairs to have a chat with Ryan.

Darren- Yo Ryan

Ryan- Sup dude.

Darren- Dont sup dude me bro. What the h*** is your problem?!

Ryan- What are you talking about?

Darren- You yelling at your girlfriend like she is a crazy guy at the club.

Ryan- I didnt even really yell at her that bad.

Darren- Seriously bro. Darren then started to get upset at Ryans words.


Ryan- I- I didnt me- Ryan was then cut off by Regie.

Regie- Didnt mean to my a**. You better find a way to make it up to her. You might not be able yo now that i think about it since she is GONNA F****** AVOID YOUR A**!! Regie was also fumming with anger.

Darren- Bro. You messed up big time. Go apoligize to her and give her whatever she wants.

Ryan- O-okay. Ryan then rushed down stairs to see his girlfriend. All of the guys saw ryan and gave hum death stares. They all then walked away so you guys could have some privacy.


Ryan- Hey, love. You heard his voice and tried to get up but he grabbed your wrist.

Ryan- Wait, please. Im so sorry bubba. Im so stupid. I should have never talked to you like that. I should if been respectful to you, not yell at you like that. If i could go back in time, i would change that whole situation, but sadly i cant. The game was really pissing me off but that still doesnt give me the right to talk to you like that. Part of me wants you to forgive me but the other part of wants you to break up with me for being a such a f****** idiot. Yea, thats a good idea. Then you will find someone much better and more respectful then me- Ryan was then cut off my you kissing him. He was shocked. You then ended the kiss after 10 seconds.

You- Please no. I dont wanna lose you Ryan. Yes, you did really hurt me but you can change. Just please dont let us break up. No one us better then you. You are the only one i love. So please, stay as my boyfriend. You were slowly tearing up.

Ryan- Are you sure love? I really hurt you.

You- Im positive bubba. I love you. No matter if you yell at me. You are my one and only. I would die without you. You make me really happy.

Ryan- Ok love. Go put on that black dress you like. Im taking you out to dinner.

You- Ryan you dobt have to, love.

Ryan- But im going to anyways. Now come on love. Ill be in the car waiting for my beautiful princess. His words made you giggle. You then ran upstairs to get yourself ready for you and Ryans date. You were the most excited becsuse you guys havent been on a date in a while. But you knew that it was gonna be great since your with him.

Words: 1023

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