《Jack Dylan Grazer Imagines》Fraser Wilson (Requested)


Thank you for requesting this. I haven't really done a request of Fraser so this is gonna be fun

I did alter it a bit, I hope that's okay

"Mom, I really don't wanna go. All my friends are here, and I'm happy. Please can I stay with dad at least," I try to consult with her as she packs all of our things into boxes and crates and stuffs them into the car. "No. You cannot stay with dad. I thought you hated him," and I nod. "You're not wrong but c'mon. It's way better than moving to Italy, what the fuck does Italy have that (wherever tf you live) doesn't," I whine and she huffs. "Well for starters it has a strong military, a place where I can make decent money and fight for our country. It also has new and fun people. You've been so sad here, I figured that maybe a sea of fresh faces," and I groan. "I'll go, but I swear to God if I hate it I'm calling dad and moving in with him," and she gives me the side eye. "One month. You hate it you move with your dad. You like it you stay. Permanently. Get in serious trouble, you stay. Other than that, you can stay or leave," and I clap my hands. Alright, that won't be so hard.

We arrive in Italy, and it's pretty weird but it's at least calmer here. We get settled in a bit and I decide to explore. "Mom I'm gonna go get myself kidnapped!" I say as I rush out the door. "Alright!" She yells from her room, not interested. For a long time she's spent hours or sometimes days in her room. And at first I thought it was just her sleeping around or being too lazy to get out of bed. Then I heard a bunch of groans and moans coming from the room and I thought she was fucking. Then dad left and the moaning and groaning kept coming. So I thought she was cheating and that's why dad left. Then on my 13th birthday at Dave and Busters she went to the bathroom and didn't come out. I went to check on her and she was passed out on the bathroom floor with a shot in her arm, blood leaking form the wound. She over dosed and the ambulance had to give her two shots of adrenaline for her to wake up. That's how I spent my big 1 3. In a hospital, waiting for my mom to recover. She hasn't stopped drinking or doing drugs. Honestly, I stopped caring. I took care of myself.


I walk down the road while blasting my favorite playlist in my headphones, out of it. Suddenly, a person bumps into me and o turn back around and they've run off. I turn around and bump into someone else. I take my headphones off and instead of being rude like the other person I apologize. "It's alright, I saw what happened. It wasn't your fault at all," he says and I nod and continue walking. "Uhm... my names Fraser, Wilson," and I nod yet again. "YN YLN. Nice shirt," I point to it and he smiles. "Thanks," he says.

I explore some more and when the sun goes down, I continue back home. "Little... girl, where have you been!?" My mom slurs and I groan. "Exploring," and she slurs again "YOU DIDNT FUCKING TELL ME! YOU GOTTA TELL ME!" Her spit flies everywhere as she nears me. She's about to land a hit at me when I grab her wrist. I throw back at her, her letting it flop. Before she can actually hit me I run away, leaving the door wide open.

As I'm running I run into a familiar blonde. "Hey Fraser, I know we like met two hours ago but can I stay at your house?" And he nods hurriedly walks with me. Once we arrive at his house he introduces me to his moms. "It's lovely to meet you both," I say and they both smile at me. "I've heard a lot about you, you're YN correct?" And I nod. "Let's go," Fraser says and leads me to his room. "Alright, two questions, why where you running from your house and why did you want to come to mine?" And I smile and huff, out of breath from the running. "My mom, she was having a bad day. I forgot to do my chores. She didn't hit me or anything like that but she got mad," and he nods. "Also I'm new so I don't know anyone besides you," and he smiles. "What?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Nothing. I just thought of this comedy sketch John Mulaney did when you said you where new," and I smile, knowing what he was thinking. "I'm homeless," "I'm gay-" "I have aids," "and I'm new in town," and we both laugh.

So every time my mom did something shitty I would always take a visit to Fraser's. It would last from an hour to a night over. His moms where like my own. One day while we where hanging he asked me if he could go over to my house. "Why?" I asked and he shrugged. "My moms love you, I just wondered when o get to meet your mom," and I shake my head. "Never," and he frowns. "Why not?" And I shrug. "I don't know. I just don't want you to come over. My mom can make a big mess around the house sometimes," and he nods. "I know but I would still invite you over," and I sigh. "You know what fine," he says and scoots in. He leans a bit I smile and connect my lips with his.


The day after the kiss, I invited him over. We've been besties for over a year, mine as well say fuck it. "Mom you have to be sober. Please mom. Do this for me," I plead and she nods. "I know, I know," she says, as if she's been sober her whole life or if she's heard this so many fucking times. I give her this talk every time someone comes over. "And if you wanna be a fucking blackout druggie-" "Then stay in your fucking room," she finishes my sentence for me. "Good," I say and go to get Fraser.

My mom obviously is in her room, which I'm thankful for because I would kill her if she came out high on God knows what. "So where's your mom?" He asks while we're hanging in the living room, listening to Måneskin and watching Death Note. ( whoever does that can marry me. Unless I'm the only one, I feel like I am) "She's sleeping right now," and as fate, a thud comes from her room. I open the door, worried about my mom and she's on the floor, eyes wide and not breathing or moving. "SHIT! FRASER GET THE ADRENALINE SHOTS! THEY'RE IN THE FRIDGE!" I yell to him and he rushes. "What? What's going on?!" He says as he hands me the case. "My mom. She overdosed," I say, calmly. I mark the spot and stab her once, nothing. Stab her again, nothing. "FUCK MOM!" I yell and get the third and last dose I own and stab her. She sits up, breathing heavy. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MOM, I THOUGHT YOU WHERE DEAD! YOU KNOW WHAT IM TAKING YOU TO REHAD WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" I yell at my newly alive mom. "AND IM THROWING ALL YOUR SHIT OUT! THE WEED, CIGARETTES, HEROIN, COKE, ALL OF IT! OUT!" I yell rummage around the room, finding her stash. "Fraser get her in the car. Also get the adrenaline bag," and he does as told while I pack all of her shit into a duffel.

We get to the nearest rehab center, and I sign her in. "And where is the patient?" The nurse asks and I look back. "In the car, she would run if she got out, you would have to sedate her," Fraser says for me. "Okay I have nurses standing by, just lead me to your car," she says and I nod and lead her outside. I get to the car and she's banging on the windows and door trying anyway to get out. "Mark, Anthony, get her sedated please," (mark Anthony 😩😉😋) they sedate my mom and she collapses onto the floor, but they catch her right before she does. "She'll be in good hands," the nurse says as the two broad men carry my mom away. "And this is why I don't show you my mom," I say solemnly.

"YN, you know I love you," and I smile and nod. "Yeah of course I do, I love you too," and he nods. "Alright, so I'm gonna say something crazy. I mean bat shit crazy. I mean out of my mind crazy. You can say no but if you want a chance you could say yes. It's for the best for you alright," and I nod, scared of what will come next. He pulls out a ring pop from behind his back. "Will you marry me?" And my eyes go wide. "Wait what?" I ask very confused. "If you marry me you could stay at my house, and you won't have to worry about your mom anymore. Plus we live relatively close to each other so if you wanna visit you could," he says and I think it over and then nod. "Yes?" He asks wanting confirmation. "Yes!" I say and he smiles, slips the candy ring on my finger and kisses me. Wait. We kissed. HOLY SHIT WE KISSED. "So are we having a wedding?"


2000+ words :)

Anywayz I'm on a road trip with my mom and she said she wanted a boy, but she got hassled with me

We just started the trip too

Also stream literally all of Måneskin, and Mötley Crüe's song plz and thanks

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