

A/N: I'm half asleep while writing this, so sorry if it isn't up to par as everyone else.


I glanced over myself in the mirror, my hair tumbling around me as I tried to smooth it down. I bit my lip again, my freckles peaking out against my cheeks. I sighed before turning around and walking away from the mirror, opening Jaxon's bedroom door and walking into the hallway.

As I walked down the steps, I eyes Mona and Riley standing next to Jaxon and what I presume was their parents. They all were dressed up in their Sunday best, slacks and dress pants for the guys and dresses and skirts for the girls. I suddenly felt self conscious in my plain lace black dress, trying to conceal as many of my runes as possible.

My eyes met Jaxon's, his eyes wide and jaw agape. I smiled at how stunned he was, watching a huge goofy grin spread across his face. I crossed the threshold to stand before him, looking up to meet his eyes as he towered over me.

That tall fucker.

"You look, goddess you look amazing." I grinned and placed a kiss right on the corner of his lips, blood and heat spreading across my cheeks.

I nodded to the Alpha, watching his son and I with a similar goofy smile. "Come, both of you."

We followed behind him and the Beta and Delta family, Jaxon's Delta trailing behind. I hadn't met him yet, he had been in one of the surrounding packs helping with a recent attack from Hunters and Rogues. His name was Chase, and had dark auburn hair and freckles adorning his face.

I stood outside the door, watching as Jaxon's father, Jesse, opened the door and all of us filed out. He placed his hand on my shoulder, halting me momentarily. I looked up to him with wide eyes, his own worn face looking back down at me.

"Thank you." I furrowed my eyebrows, cocking my head slightly.

"What for?"

"Making Jaxon alive again. After his mother, he just kinda stopped fully living. He'd go girl after girl, not putting emotion into anything at all. The first day you came here, even with him rejecting you, you put his ass into place. He came home, and actually smiled for the first time in years."

I looked down at my hands as heat creeped across my face, a small smile playing on my lips. "You shouldn't thank me for that, as long as he's happy you know?"

He chuckled as he shook his head, patting my shoulder gently before exiting out the balcony. I walked out not long after him, my eyes finding their way to Jaxon's grey ones. He cocked an eyebrow, looking over to his father pointedly.


I walked up closer to him so al other wolves around us doesn't hear, leaning in a bit to warm up my body from the oncoming fall. "He just wanted to thank me."

His eyebrows shot up even more, glancing over to his father before settling back on me. "What for?"

"I'll tell you later, when's the ceremony?" Almost as soon as I spoke his father walked up the steps to the podium, his smile wide and warm as he looked out onto his pack.

Jaxon's pack wasn't a big pack, it was actually pretty small, but it was one of the strongest in the country. They were known for their warriors and fighters, especially known for how savage they were. If I had to chose between them and Rogues, I'd go with the Rogues any day.

"Hello everyone! Today I am here on such a wonderful occasion, my son and your future Alpha has found his mate!" He was met with cheers from the crowd numbering close to fifty wolves, my eyes scanning across the curious faces.

Jaxon pulled me along with him onto the podium, his eyes flickering between all of the wolves before looking back down at me. I didn't watch him do it, I had been staring out at the wolves and smiling as genuinely as possible, but I could just feel his gaze on me. Maybe it's a mate thing, maybe it's a witch thing, who the hell knows.

"I want to thank everyone for coming to see me and my mate, and watch as I take over my fathers position as our packs Alpha. I have a few loose ends I must tie up first, but I will be taking over the position by next Tuesday at the latest. Now, this here is my wonderful mate, Artemis." I grinned at the crowd while he bent down, pressing his lips against my temple gently yet firm.

"Hello, I wanted to say thank you. I'll try to be a good Luna, and I'm apologizing in advance if either I or Jaxon mess up really and." I smiled graciously as they laughed, my eyes watching as the sun began to descend.

Tonight was finally he full moon, and to say I was freaking out would be an understatement. Jaxon understood; along with his father, Riley and Mona, that I would have I leave quickly after the announcement. I just didn't trust myself to not let the moon overtake me, which resulted in either me setting a lot of things on fire, or coming onto someone aggressively. Thankfully, the few times my body decided it wanted someone I had only kissed them, because I would've absolutely hated myself the morning after.

I watched Jacobs father step back up to the podium as we stepped down, his face warmer and his smile wider than it had been a few moments ago. "Alright, now everyone have a good feast and enjoy the full moon tonight!"


Everyone began to disperse, the teenagers heading for the piles and piles of food while the adults lingered and congratulated both me and Jaxon. It wasn't until I was about to bolt out of the home when someone tapped on the microphone, my eye wandering to a smug looking Kendra on the stage.

"Hello everyone! I just wanted to go ahead and say congratulations to the lovely couple! Oh wait, I almost forgot," She jumped off the stage, walking closer to where Jaxon and I both stood with confused looks on our faces. "I challenge Artemis for the Luna position!"

I felt Jaxon growl beside me, his chest rumbling against my skin. I heard gasps around me, some of the older woman taking the dramatic route instead of just watching us duel. The only problem was, the moon would be in full affect soon, and I couldn't think of what I would do if I let it take over me.

Kendra looked around her as she heard the gasps herself, including the echoing growl that came from both Jaxon and Mona. "Well?! What did you expect!? She's a weak human, who's a liability to the pack."

I felt Jaxon stiffen, knowing just how much I hated being called human as a derogatory word. I grit my teeth and took a step forward, eyeing Kendra in her black skin tight jeans and white off the shoulder top. I'll be honest, it was a cute outfit, but it isn't as if I'd ever tell her that.

"Come on mutt, let's get this over with."

Idiots idiots idiots. I kept chanting that in my head and I stalked towards the training field, my eyes flickering over Kendra little group of friends. They were snickering and watching me with such amused expressions, all completely sure their wolf friend could beat this poor weak human. I watched as Jaxon's father kept a hold on him, as well as one of their top pack warriors. His body strained against them as I stood in the middle of the circle, undoubtedly having his wolf clawing to surface.

I spun around just as she took off running, shifting midair to try and collide with me. I simply took a large step sideways, watching with a smirk as she tumbled onto the ground. I blocked her blows, including the bites she aimed for my shoulder the entire time. I flung her back, watching as she hit the bark of a thick oak and fell down tightly. She rolled and growled, launching herself to latch onto my forearm.

I quickly punched her directly in her snout, before sending a kick directly into the center of her chest. I watched as it sent her tumbling, her eyes holding guy and rage. She quickly bounded up, but I used my gifts to extend the grass and thorns below her, tangling her into a wed she herself weaved. Too easy.

I turned back to look at the pack before me, a sheepish smile on my face as I took in their wide eyed looks. "I'm sorry everyone, but I'm not human. I'm actually a witch."

Goodness, if you thought those little old ladies gasped before...

"How can a wolf and a with be mates?" I shrugged as I looked down to a smaller boy, his hair red like Chases, complete with the exact same freckles.

I crouched down, moving some of his hair out of his face. "Honestly, I'm not really sure. It just somehow worked out for me and Jaxon."

I looked over my shoulder, releasing Kendra from her entanglement of thorns and weeds. I stood back up and nodded to the boy, who blushed and smiled at me. I wasn't a huge kid person, but he was absolutely adorable.

"How can you all be okay with this!?" I rolled my eyes when I turned back to Kendra, already feeling the air shift as Jaxon was released and his father walked over o where we both stood.

"She won fair and square Kendra, now stand down." Jaxon's father growled out, eyeing as Kendra tried to stiffen her spine and stand as tall as she possibly could.

I looked up and looked directly into the moon, partially hidden by the roof of the house as it still rose. I felt blood rush trough me, heating up every inch of my skin as I stood there. I could see Jaxon looking at me worriedly, all while trying to keep an eye on Kendra.

I looked directly to Jaxon and felt my muscles loosen and coil all at the same time. My eyes widened as I tried to look away, tried to put away whatever he hell was going on inside of my body under a rock to never be felt again.

But all it took was one sniff of Jaxon's scent, and I felt my entire body grow rigid. It was like someone lit a flare deep within my chest, like he was a light post, calling me home from sea. I wanted him, needed him, inside me, outside, around me, just him all by himself.

Guess I knew which side the moon chose tonight.

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