《Barron's Second Chance》Now - Full Circle
Eden had never felt as satisfied as she did that very moment. Her body was deliciously sore from the attention Barron had delivered to it over the last few hours.
There was a dull ache between her thighs, where he had spent an extended amount of time reacquainting himself with - even though their separation barely lasted four hours.
Her nipples were red and bruised thanks to his pinching, biting, and sucking - not that she was complaining; far from it.
Her ass was also a tad sensitive. The firm globes had been squeezed repeatedly, with Barron's middle finger buried inside the tight rosebud while she worked her wet cunt over his cock.
Not that Barron had gone unscathed. She was sure she had pulled a few strands out of his head when she enthusiastically ground her wet slit over his mouth. It was his own fault for giving such good head.
He was also sporting a few love bites on his neck and collarbone, and more on his stomach since Eden decided that she needed to see whether his adonis belt would look pretty with her love bites on them. It did.
Although she was sure in the cold light of day, the bites wouldn't look as pretty. Thank god the weather was changing - nothing that a nice turtleneck or scarf couldn't fix.
Eden suddenly felt her hair tug back, stinging her scalp with the rough action. She would smile if her mouth wasn't currently stuffed full of Barron's hard cock. She gagged and her eyes watered as he buried his hard member down her throat. That was another part of Eden's body that was sore - her jaw.
"Yeah, choke on my dick, baby," Barron groaned as he twisted more of her hair around his hand and tightened his hold.
Eden moaned around his cock, spit dripping down the side of her mouth as she relaxed her throat in an attempt to take him all. She didn't know who was guiding who - was her head bobbing up and down on his dick or was he pistoning his hips in and out of her mouth? Either way, her cunt was into it from the feel of her drenched, slippery fingers as they rubbed at her clit.
"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna shoot," he warned.
She didn't know why he felt the need to alert her every time. Eden had given Barron enough blowjobs that she could tell how close he was by the tightening of his hands on her scalp and the rhythmic, guttural grunts that were spilling from his mouth.
And if he thought he was warning her in case she didn't want his come in her mouth, then he didn't know her at all. Although, the handful of times Barron had wanted to shoot his come over her face had been fun. His dirty version of marking his territory, he smugly told her.
Eden hummed around his cock in approval as it moved quickly in and out of her throat before stilling. Barron moaned loud and long above her causing her pussy to burst in its own warning of an impending orgasm. She rubbed frantically at her swollen and tender nub, timing her explosion of release with the spill of his come on her eager tongue.
"Fuck, baby," Barron groaned, stroking her head tenderly as he watched her swallow his spend. He slipped his softening cock out of her mouth as she wiped at her wet mouth and eyes. "How does it get better and better every time?"
Eden smiled up at him as she sat back on her legs, giving her knees a bit of relief. Another body part that was deliciously sore.
Barron stared intensely down at her, love shining through in his gaze.
Her mouth felt swollen, her hair was in disarray and her skin was glistening with drying sweat. She was sure that she looked a hot mess. But from the way Barron was looking at her, she felt like Helen of Troy.
Eden scrunched her face up as Barron bent down to grab the hand that she had been masturbating with to slip her digits into his mouth.
"Barron, gross," she admonished as she pulled her hand away. "I haven't showered."
She did have a brief wipe-down with a cloth when she went to relieve herself in the bathroom, but other than that she still felt...funky.
"Yeah, and I smell like a bunch of roses right now," Barron grinned before scooping her giggling form up and carrying her to the bathroom.
Feeling refreshed and slightly tender, Eden took a sip of her lemonade as she watched Barron put away the last of their washed dishes. "Mmm, a man who cooks and cleans...how did I get so lucky," she winked as she set her glass down.
Barron flashed her a grin before leaning over his small island and giving her a quick peck on the mouth. "Well, once you move in here you'll be able to see it anytime you like."
Eden glanced shyly up at him, thrilled at his words.
She knew that he had been disappointed when she made excuses not to stay at his place. She had been so tempted to unpack all her shit at his, but that silly part of her - the part that had been scared of change - thought that some distance between them would be good for their relationship, keeping it on the steady line that it had been on.
Even though her body ached for him every time she climbed into her childhood bed after spending practically all day together. Her forced distance made sense in her head. Now, she cursed herself for wasting so much time and for not talking to Barron about her fears first.
"Highly presumptuous of you," she retorted with a teasing smirk.
Barron growled. "Woman, you are not staying another night away from me. While you're back home you stay with me."
If her poor vagina wasn't so sore she would've climbed onto the island and offered herself up as a snack. A firm, authoritative Barron was someone she could get behind.
"Fine," she sniffed. "Wouldn't want you stalking me again."
Barron let out a strained chuckle. "You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?"
"Nope," she confirmed, popping the 'p'."
"I'm gonna kill my Mom." Barron shook his head as he took her empty glass to wash out.
"Still think it's the sweetest thing I ever heard," she assured him.
A thought suddenly popped into her head. It was something she had thought about a lot at the time that it happened, but she had soon forgotten about it.
"Hey, so, um," she twisted her mouth, unsure how to bring it up without feeling silly. "A few months ago, I had a run-in with Lissa at the grocery store."
Barron turned to face her, his jaw clenched as he searched her face for any distress. "What did she say to you?" He gritted out.
Eden waved her hand away. "She said a lot of things. I forgot, it happened so long ago - the day Josh arrived in New Haven," she recalled.
Barron nodded slowly, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back against his stove. "What did she say that you remember, baby?"
She frowned in concentration. "Something about you not being over me? That she caught you pining after me or something?"
Understanding cleared his face as he stood straight. He rubbed the back of his neck, not in embarrassment like he had been when his Mom had caught him, but he still looked a tad uncomfortable.
"What? Is it bad?"
Barron shook his head. "No, I'm happy to tell you, baby. I just...we've come so far I don't want to upset you bringing her up."
"I won't be upset," she promised. "Yes, it can be awkward and I'm not going to lie and say they'll be times that I'll think about our past with sadness. But honestly, the more we're together, creating new memories and keeping our promises to each other, the easier it has been for me. I don't think of it with the same level of pain anymore."
Barron looked relieved but still a little unsure.
"Just tell me, it's worse when you hide it."
"Shit, sorry," Barron cleared his head. "It's not bad, I just hate hurt - okay, basically when she and I were...seeing each other," he shot her a look to decipher her level of unease before carrying on, "she went through my phone and discovered...well, basically discovered exactly what my Mom did. A digital shrine of you. Internet searches, internet pages saved of you, pictures...you name it, I had it on there."
Eden sat there, stunned. Her face felt heated because even though it was very flattering that he had searched her while they were apart - further proof that he hadn't just decided to pursue her when she returned - she also experienced a little secondhand embarrassment for Barron. Two people discovering your hidden obsession was just plain bad luck. A good omen for her, though.
"I creeped you out, didn't I?" Barron carefully searched her face.
"No...but I think you need a stronger password."
Barron threw his head back and laughed. "I'll just let you pick it," he teased. "Besides," he flashed his phone at her which had a picture of Eden in a bikini with angel wings, posing at the end of a runway. "Anyone who picks this bad boy up won't have to guess who I'm obsessed with."
She rolled her eyes, hiding her smile. "You're such a dork," she teased.
Barron came around the island, suddenly somber. "Are you okay, though, baby?" He stroked her cheek lovingly. "We can talk it out if you still have doubts, or insecurities."
Eden shook her head. "I know. I will definitely be open with you if I'm feeling a certain type of way. And you do the same, too, please. I know you were trying to talk with me over the last few weeks and I wasn't very receptive. But I promise to be open from now on. I also have my therapist if I get too in my head about stuff."
"How often do you see your therapist?" Barron took a seat on the stool next to her.
"I don't see her as much as I did earlier in my career. Only if I get overwhelmed with work, stressed or feel a low moment coming on. Sometimes talking with an impartial third party is a big help. But I haven't needed her much lately. I'm able to compartmentalize my issues, she's taught me some coping tools and I have my journal that I write in."
"Does she know about us?" He asked as he rubbed his hand up and down her bare thigh. Barron was constantly touching her. Like he couldn't bear for a body part of his to not be in contact with hers.
Eden tilted her head as she regarded him. "She knows of our history. But I haven't been back to see her since we've gotten back together."
Barron hesitated. "Maybe we can see her together? Iron out any issues that might come up?"
Eden hummed in thought. "Do you think that would be helpful to you?"
Barron shrugged. "Honestly? I never thought of seeing a therapist but I would've done if you thought we needed it and if it would help you to trust me again."
"I don't need her help for that. As I said, you've done a lot over the last few months to smooth over any doubts I have. Will I sometimes feel a little insecure? Probably. But that comes when trust has been lost."
"See, that right there," Barron clasped her hand in his. "If you ever feel insecure about me or us, maybe your therapist - what's her name?"
"Dr. O'Connor."
"Dr. O'Connor. Maybe she can guide us on how to navigate that. You said she gave you coping tools, maybe she has some advice for us that we hadn't thought of?"
Eden slowly nodded in agreement. "I mean, it couldn't hurt. She already knows our history so we don't need to rehash all of that. We can focus on our current relationship, the fact that we might not be in the same city for a while, and what our dynamic will look like going forward. What we expect from each other." The more Eden thought about it, the more it sounded like a no-brainer. "Yeah, I'll see if she has space free in the New Year."
"Perfect." Barron leaned forward, meaning to give her a quick peck. Instead, Eden slid her hand behind his neck and held him still as she deepened their kiss.
"Thank you," she whispered against his mouth. The fact that he was willing to put the work in, and not just lip service, made her feel appreciated and loved.
"You're welcome, baby." He gave her one last hard kiss. "Now!" He said as he settled back down in his seat. "How am I going to win over your dad?"
After the air had been cleared between them, and they consummated their newfound serious relationship many, many times, Eden promptly moved in with Barron.
At least, temporarily while she was home. But it went without saying that she would be staying at his place from now on whenever she was in New Haven.
She didn't have any work between now and Christmas, which she was thankful for. But she did have London Fashion Week in February and there was always the possibility that the odd job could pop up. She never refused work since her career didn't have longevity. But she let her agent know that she was unavailable for any new projects that would take her out of the East Coast, at least over the holiday period.
She didn't want to be away from Barron so soon after they had finally made it official.
She loved being in their little love bubble. She wasn't ready to burst it yet and enter into the real world. They would stay up late talking about everything and anything. It was something they did often but with their declaration of love out in the open and cementing the barriers of their relationship, she felt their love form a deeper bond.
Before she knew it, Christmas arrived. Eden was excited to visit her dad, stepmom, and siblings but it was the first time in a while that she and Barron would be separated. They had discussed him coming with her to Bakersfield, where her dad lived, but ultimately decided it was best he spend this Christmas with his parents.
Eden always tried to be in California for Christmas so she could be with her siblings. And where Eden was, Barron would be there alongside her. This meant that for the foreseeable future, he would most likely be spending most Christmas' away from his own family.
Besides, she joked, it would give her a chance to sing his praises to her dad, in an attempt to get him to warm up to Barron.
On Christmas morning, Barron FaceTimed her as she and her family were opening their presents. They had already exchanged gifts prior to her leaving for California. He had gotten her a beautiful, simple silver tennis bracelet and matching stud earrings. She knew just by looking at them how pricy they were and bemoaned him spending so much money on her - even though she fell in love with the set on sight.
It was then Barron's turn to give her the side eye when he opened his gift and found a beautifully wrapped black and gold Gucci watch. Eden's face had heated. "We never established a price limit," she argued, realizing how hypocritical she was being.
Barron laughed softly as he leaned over to kiss her. "I love it, baby. But next time let's not go over a thousand, yeah?"
Eden made no such promise but kissed him sweetly to placate him.
Her siblings, Max and Charlie, adored Barron without question. Admittedly, she did spend the days leading up to Christmas filling their heads on how awesome her boyfriend was, much to her dad's chagrin. Barron also got the kids gifts which went over well. He even got something small for her dad and stepmom, which her dad begrudgingly accepted.
After Barron had been enthusiastically bombarded with questions by Max and Charlie, her dad had swiped her phone out of her hands.
"I want to talk to him," he firmly told her after she protested.
"It's okay, Eden," Barron's unwavering voice came through on the line. He wisely refrained from using the pet name he usually called her. "I want to talk to your dad, too."
And with that, her dad strode out of the room for privacy. Anxiety churned inside of her at what he would say to Barron. She knew her boyfriend could handle whatever came at him, but they had moved past his teenage indiscretions and she didn't want them brought up again.
"Don't worry, love," Wendy, her stepmom, patted her hand in comfort. "I had words with your father to go easy on Barron. Let him get his 'don't hurt my daughter or I'll hurt you' speech out of the way."
Fifteen minutes after her dad had taken her phone, he handed it back with a small nod. Of approval? Of thanks? She didn't want to know.
"What did he say? Are you alright?"
"Baby relax," Barron smiled with no hint of annoyance. "It was fine. He just wanted reassurance that I had grown up from the 'boneheaded boy I had been' - his words."
Eden groaned as she rolled onto her belly. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. We had a nice chat and we understand each other now."
She didn't even want to know what that meant.
The New Year arrived just as quickly as Christmas. Eden did have one job that she accepted during that time, which took her back to New York. This time, however, Barron came with her. She introduced him to her friends and they spent a lovely yet very dirty weekend locked away in her apartment.
When London Fashion Week rolled around, Eden flew out alone. Barron had wanted to come with her during Fashion Week, but with her tightly packed schedule and industry meet and greets, it wouldn't have afforded them much time together.
Instead, he flew out a few days after Fashion Week ended and they spent a magical two weeks exploring parts of England. Barron was like a kid in a candy store, wanting to visit every tourist attraction that he had seen in movies - Tower of London, London Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament. He even dragged her to Kings Cross station so he could get a picture by Platform 9 3/4. His enthusiasm was contagious and she found herself getting drawn in all over again with the magic of London.
The highlight of their vacation was the surprise two-day trip to Manchester she had secretly planned. Barron was a huge Manchester United fan and when he found out that she had booked them a stadium tour of Old Trafford, Manchester United's home grounds, she swore she saw a tear leak.
The night before they were to fly back home, Eden was lying cuddled up in Barron's arms. They had a chilled-out day today, grabbing London souvenirs for his parents and Bailey.
She was pleased that she suggested he check in an almost empty suitcase because her boyfriend went a tad overboard with the gifts - and not just for his family.
He bought himself Manchester United t-shirts, shorts, pants, and various styles of hats. He also got himself a Gryffindor hooded sweatshirt and a matching knitted cap after their Harry Potter Studio tour. She had managed to talk him out of the matching scarf. After all, she had to be seen with him in public.
"I've had the best time with you," Barron told her as he tightened his arm around her and placed a reverent kiss on her head.
Eden hummed in agreement as she stroked his chest, content to be lying in his arms.
"I'm not ready for the real world yet," he sighed. "How long will you be in New York?"
Eden stopped tracing patterns around his nipple. "Well...," she started as she sat up to stare down at him. He was adorably rumpled with his hair all mused from their previous lovemaking.
"I have a few shoots coming up, one in New York and the other in Paris. But I was thinking...how would you feel if I base myself in New Haven and split my time between home and New York?"
Barron's eyes widened and he sat up on his elbows. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah. My job is flexible unlike yours. I just needed a home base to set myself up in and New York was the best option. But New Haven is hardly far away and I can get to any airport to fly internationally. It's not a big deal."
She gave him a teasing smirk. "We don't have to live together or anything if you want-"
"Just try and live anywhere else and see what happens."
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