《Barron's Second Chance》Now - What Are We?
"...so I told your Mom not to get me anything for Christmas. But she let it slip that..."
Barron nodded along to what Susan was saying to him but his eyes kept darting to the kitchen. To Eden.
He watched as she cleared the table, rinsing off the dishes they had used for their lunch and stacking them in the dishwasher. He had tried to help her but had been shooed away to keep Susan and Mike company.
He wasn't trying to help her to be polite. He just craved her company, even if it was working side by side doing menial tasks. Some might call it creepy or possessive; toxic, even. But he didn't give a shit. They hadn't seen each other in person since his surprise birthday party, so any opportunity to stare at her he took.
Eden's lovely face was concentrated as she grabbed a dishcloth and started wiping down the table. Her breasts gently swayed underneath her light cotton buttoned-up shirt causing Barron to shift a little in his seat.
"...so now I'm thinking I should get her this cute bag I saw..."
"Uh, huh," he nodded along as Susan continued her chatter, his mind quickly dipping out again.
Not for the first time today he wished he had Eden alone. Better yet, he wished that she was staying with him and not back with her Mom and Mike.
She had come home for Thanksgiving and he had it in his head that she would stay with him. But his hopes were dashed when she explained to him that it made sense for her to stay with her Mom since she wanted to help with meal preps. He had been disappointed but understood. After all, his Mom had commandeered him to help with her army of dishes. He knew how seriously they took their cooking and so hadn't kicked up a fuss when Eden had informed him of where she was staying.
But Thanksgiving was three days ago. When he broached the subject of her staying with him again, she told him that she had already unpacked and didn't want to do it again, and wasn't it enough that they saw each other every day anyway?
In normal circumstances, some might say that he was moving too fast but their relationship was anything but conventional.
They'd known each other intimately since they were sixteen. Yes, they had some years apart but once they made the decision to date again, they had slotted comfortably into each other's lives with a newfound intimacy that had only grown deeper as adults.
They had also been dating since the end of summer. That was basically three months. He knew couples that were married in lesser time than that. The geographical distance also didn't hinder them either physically or mentally. It only served to bring them closer.
At least, that's the impression he got on his end. He still had no idea where Eden's mind was at. He could only go by her physical cues. Inviting him to stay with her in New York, flying in for 48 hours to throw a surprise birthday party for him, texting, calling, and video chatting with him every day. When they made love it felt like two souls interconnecting - coming together in an explosion of love, passion, and a close intimacy that could only be replicated with her. Even their down and dirty, sweaty fuck sessions - of which there had been many - was done with care, and with gentle love bites and caresses to soothe any lingering marks associated with their rough fucking.
All these examples were really all he had to go on because every time he tried to lean into the subject of them, she'd kiss him and tell him that she was happy and wanted to be with him. He could only take that to mean that she was...happy and wanted to be with him. Only him.
"...so what do you think?"
The last sentence of Susan's rambling finally penetrated through to him and he came out of his Eden-induced daydream. He glanced at Susan who was eyeing him expectantly. Mike was smirking next to her, well aware of where his attention had really been.
"Sorry, what?" He sheepishly asked.
Luckily Susan wasn't offended and gave him an amused smile as she glanced from her daughter to him. "I take it your mind was elsewhere," she softly laughed.
He ran his hand down his face, weary from the emotional unpacking he had been doing. "Sorry, it's just good to have her home, ya know?" Not his home, sadly, but at least they were in the same zip code, albeit temporarily.
"I know, honey." Susan gave him a sympathetic glance before her eyes darted to the kitchen. "How are you two?" She asked in a low tone. She waved her hand before he spoke. "You don't have to go into detail but are you two doing good? She's giving me nothing whenever I ask. She's turned so private lately."
Barron's soul deflated at her admission. Eden was super close with her Mom and acted like they were more friends than parent and daughter. So if she wasn't sharing the status of their relationship with her own Mother, then he really was at a loss.
Barron swallowed past the lump in his throat and tried to give Susan an upbeat smile. "Things are good. I love her and that's all that matters."
And it truly was. As much as he yearned for her words of love and commitment, he knew deep down that she felt it. Their chemistry, the invisible band that kept yanking them together was too strong for it to be one-sided. He could wait. He could.
"I can see that," Susan agreed.
Barron's heart warmed at the affectionate smile she gave him.
Another relationship that was back on track was his and Susan's. He would always feel guilty for what he did to Eden and in extension how Susan ended up perceiving him. To have her welcome him back into her fold again, without question, felt amazing.
"I'm just going to put the washing away," Eden interrupted.
He watched her bend down to pick up the clothes basket by the couch. If they were alone he wouldn't be able to stop himself from reaching across to give her ass a playful tap.
"Oh, you don't have to do that," Susan protested as she made to stand.
But Eden waved her down, cocking the basket against her hip. "No, Mom, I don't mind. I gotta do something 'round here to earn my keep."
Susan relaxed back and smiled fondly at her daughter. "Thanks, sweetie. We're heading out in five to meet Mike's sister. Just leave our clothes on the bed and I'll put them away."
"'kay," Eden murmured. She then flicked Barron a heated gaze before turning on her heel and striding down the hallway.
Barron's dick twitched at the open hunger on her face. He knew she was thinking the same thing he was - that he was going to nail her ass to the bed once Susan and Mike left. Or she was going to nail him. One way or another, they were both getting fucked.
Once again, he marveled at how aptly matched their sexual appetite was. They were tit for tat in their thinking. It had always been that way.
"And on that note, I'm gonna grab my keys," Mike huffed as he stood. He gave Barron a wink as if he knew what they were going to get up to once they left.
Before Susan stood to join him, Barron leaned forward. "Susan? I just wanna thank you for welcoming me back into your life. I know I fucked up badly in the past, I know you probably lost a lot of respect and love for me. But I want you to know that I think of you like a second Mom. And I promise you that I will take real good care of Eden's heart."
Susan gave him a watery smile. "Oh, honey, I forgave you a long time ago. And I never stopped loving you like a son. You just had to grow up and realize on your own your mistakes. And I have to say," she took a deep breath, "you've gone above and beyond to prove your love for Eden. I know it's tough right now with you both living in different States but if anyone was meant to end up together it's you two."
"Yeah? You think so?" He couldn't help the vulnerability that crept into his voice.
"I know so," she firmly stated. "I can see the way you are with each other. I mean, you're as obvious as a bull in a China shop but I can see the looks my daughter gives you when she thinks no one is looking. She's just as smitten."
Barron blew out a breath. He was relieved that someone else saw what he knew deep down in his gut.
"And if you do hurt her again, I know a guy who can get rid of any evidence," Mike smirked at him, "and he owes me a favor."
"Michael!" Susan chastised him. She stood and smoothed down her pants. "Never you mind him, sweetheart."
Mike shrugged. "Am I wrong, though?"
Susan observed Barron quietly, tilting her head as she gave him a long look. "No," she quietly replied. "You're not wrong, honey. But something tells me that Barron doesn't need the warning."
Barron put his hands up. "No, sir," he gulped. Mike was originally from Long Island. Come to think of it, that was the only thing he really knew of his past. And he didn't think he wanted to know more than that now.
After a hug from Susan and a stern look from Mike, the two of them left. He looked out the window to make sure that they had pulled out and driven away. Eden had told him of the time she walked in on them getting frisky on the couch. No way would he want that happening to them.
After triple checking that the driveway was clear, he made his way down the hallway. His cock was already half mast at the thought of bending Eden over her bed and pumping into her from behind.
Barron's steps faltered as Eden's soft voice floated from her bedroom. He cursed in frustration when he realized that she was on a call.
He paused by her doorway, still unseen by her, watching her as she stood by her bed, folding laundry and chatting away through the loudspeaker.
"...where's Max and Charlie?"
"They're both at swimming." A male voice that sounded vaguely familiar came through. "Charlie wanted me to remind you about that thing you two talked about."
Ah, that explains it. Charlie and Max were her two siblings. She was obviously talking to her Dad, Dan, who was in California.
Eden laughed softly as she folded a T-shirt. "Tell him it's all done."
"Well, that's very suspect."
Eden huffed as she opened a drawer. "Never you mind, Dad. It's about Christmas."
At the reminder of the upcoming holiday, Barron's ears pricked. He was well aware that Eden was going to her Dad's and Stepmom for the holidays.
And he understood, really. She had the plans ironed out well in advance. Before they had ever gotten together again.
But a part of him had hoped that she'd invite him along. He knew he was being greedy - he already had her for his birthday and Thanksgiving but if he could tether himself to her until he figured out where they stood that would be great.
"I hope you're not getting them anything too expensive for Christmas, young lady. You spoil them."
"Hmm," was all Eden gave her Dad as she continued folding.
Barron gave a silent laugh at her attitude. He knew from how much she talked about her siblings that she adored them and vice versa. She spoiled them with gifts to compensate for her guilt in not being near them. He also knew that her Dad would most definitely not be happy with the gifts she got for them.
He heard Dan sigh over the speaker. "Speaking of Christmas, you have anyone special this holiday season?"
Barron's mouth quirked at Dan's awkward segue. But at the same time, he waited on bated breath for her response.
"Was that your lame way of prying into my private life?" Eden teased.
Dan grunted. "I just want to know you're happy. Haven't heard a thing about you seeing anyone. I know Josh is a nice guy but I was never happy with you dating a rock star. What with all the drugs and groupies."
At the sound of Josh's name, Barron frowned. Yes, he tolerated the other man in her life. He even reluctantly conversed with him when he called Eden's phone one evening. And he believed her when she told him that she had no romantic feelings for him. But it didn't mean he had to love the guy.
Eden sighed in annoyance at Dan's assumptions. "Dad, that's just a stereotype."
"So he was never on drugs or has groupies?"
Eden paused. "He's been off the hard stuff for five years and he can't help it if a bunch of women want to follow them around on tour."
Dan just made a noise, indicating that he was vindicated in his assumptions.
"So? Are you seeing anyone?" He continued to press.
"I'm seeing someone," Eden slowly said before pausing. His body filled with warmth at her response, even though she sounded like she was pulling teeth while saying it.
"Yeah? Is it serious?"
Another long pause where he watched Eden stand still, staring at her phone with a piece of clothing lying limply in her hand.
Her next words were like a knife to his gut.
Barron's heart sunk like a lead balloon at her answer. He could literally hear his breaths as they came out fast and shallow.
"Oh. Well, that's okay. Anyone I know?" Dan's voice sounded far away as Barron tried to process what Eden had just said but at the same time he wanted - needed - to hear what else she would say.
"No, you don't know him."
Barron's body reacted to that simple statement physically. His shoulders literally sank and he had to grasp the wall because he was so sure he would collapse under the weight of her denial.
His nose tickled and his vision became blurry. He turned back down the hallway, stumbling his way back to the living room. He felt like he was having an out-of-body experience.
Not really serious?
You don't know him.
He didn't know which was worse. Hearing that she still considered him a casual partner or her denial that her father would know Barron.
Because he did know him. He'd known about Barron since he re-entered Eden's life when they were kids. He knew him as her best friend and he knew him as her high school boyfriend. They'd even spoken on the phone to each other a few times.
A distant part of himself implored him to take a moment to calm down. To remember his promise to Eden that he'd give her time. Go at her own pace.
But another part of him - the part that was so sure that their feelings were finally aligning - that part was fighting to surface.
Disappointment. Sadness. Helplessness. Anger. They were all swirling around inside of him, bubbling to the top.
He didn't know how long he stood there, just staring a hole into the carpet. His fists and jaw were clenched as he sought to regain control of his emotions.
"Hey, Mom and Mike leave already?" His back stiffened as he heard her approach. Her voice was upbeat. A stark contrast to his turbulent frame of mind.
"Barron?" Eden asked when he didn't answer.
"Yeah?" He croaked. His throat felt dry yet he found it hard to swallow.
"I asked if they've left already?"
"Yeah," was all he could say, refusing to turn around.
"Oh." He felt her move closer to him before a caress of her hand stroked down his rigid back. Despite his stormy mood, delighted tingles trickled down his neck at her soft touch. "Wanna do it on the couch? We haven't done it there yet," she purred.
He closed his eyes as her arms came around his middle, barely there kisses were making their way across his back. His cock started to rise as her hands spanned his hard stomach before starting to creep down towards his hardening dick.
It was difficult to pull himself out of his Eden sex fog once it hit. It felt like being in a lucid dream, fighting to wake up.
Anytime talk got too serious between them, Eden would turn her feminine wiles onto him, knowing he was helpless to resist her forms of seduction.
But after that phone call, he couldn't do it anymore. Everything he thought he knew about the trajectory of their relationship was false. Was it really only sex to her? Could she really not see them being together permanently?
Would she never forgive him?
Before her fingers started working on the button of his jeans, he abruptly turned; dislodging her embrace.
"What are we?" He bluntly and suddenly blurted out.
Eden drew her head back in surprise at the harsh tone in his voice. She took a step back. Then another.
"Wha-what?" She stuttered.
"What are we?" He repeated. "Our relationship. Or whatever it is. Where do you see it right now?"
Eden paled as she glanced around him, looking like she was seeking an exit. "Barron...," she started. "C'mon..."
"I heard you on the phone just now," he interjected. Eden's mouth opened and closed at his admission. A blush crept in as it dawned on her what he must've heard.
"I thought we were beyond casual," he pressed, frustration creeping into his voice.
"We talk every day, multiple times. You welcomed me to New York, you threw me a birthday dinner, and we've spent nearly every minute of the day together when you're home."
He stopped to take a breath as he felt his voice about to break. "Yet, I heard you tell your Dad that we weren't serious. And worse yet, you told him that he wouldn't know me. You know Dan knows who I am," he gritted out.
Instead of acknowledging his impassioned words, Eden did what he knew she would, evading anything to do with the state of their relationship.
"Why are you always eavesdropping on my conversations?" Eden snapped, as she crossed her arms defensively.
"Because I don't fucking know how you feel!" He roared.
Eden flinched at the anger in his voice before taking another step back.
Remorse filled him at his reaction so he turned away and ran his hand through his hair roughly in irritation.
"I'm sorry," he gritted out. "I shouldn't have yelled. I just -"
He turned to look at her. Her arms were still wrapped around herself and her mouth was downturned in sadness. Tears were glistening in her eyes.
"Eden, I love you. So much. I know I agreed to do a casual relationship until you were ready but every time I broach the subject you do everything to avoid the conversation."
Eden's mouth tightened and she glanced away in embarrassment, realizing that he had cottoned on to her evasion tactics.
"So please, tell me where your head is at," he pleaded. "Has our status changed at all?"
Eden's mouth trembled as she met his own tortured eyes with hers. "I like what we are now," she quietly said.
He let out a choked breath at her words.
"Aren't you happy with how things are?" Her voice was heartbroken as she brushed away an errant tear.
But this was the bed he had made. He finally had his girl back after a series of stupid decisions and impulses on his part. He was happy with whatever scraps she wanted to feed him.
But he was a greedy bastard. The scraps were only abating his hunger. He would always have a specific appetite when it came to Eden and he needed a full three-course meal of her to be able to breathe.
Instead of answering he took a breath as he summoned the courage to ask his next question. "Do you see a pathway to forgiveness? To us forging a new relationship outside of a casual coupling?"
He watched as she took a few deep, slow breaths. Tears were falling faster than she could brush away and he fought the urge to gather her into his arms. To rock her back and forth in comfort and whisper words of love and affirmations. With each deep breath she took, one was stolen from him. He could feel a rising panic form as a sense of foreboding came over him.
"I don't know," she whispered. "Please don't push this."
Barron nodded slowly as tears pressed into the back of his eyes. He had to get out of here before he broke down.
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