《Barron's Second Chance》Now - The Jock and His Girl
"How are things in New Hope?" Her agent, Linda Harold pushed her dark framed glasses up her nose as she peered into the screen at Eden.
"New Haven," she corrected. Eden had mentioned the name of her hometown no less than fifty times in all the years that she had known Linda, yet the other woman still butchered it.
"That's what I said." She waved her hand dismissively.
Eden rolled her eyes good naturedly as she threw a few almonds in her mouth.
"It's fine," she mumbled uncomfortably. She didn't really have a firm answer to that question. It has certainly not been what she'd expected.
"Good to be home. See my Mom, friends and all that." She clarified.
"Good. Alright, you have a fitting with Versace on August 26 at 9am, a fitting with Michael Kors at 11am-"
Used to Linda's no nonsense attitude, Eden reached over and grabbed her notebook to take shorthand notes on the tidbits of information she could catch.
Her agent was a mile a minute type of woman, always on the go, always rushing off to meetings or thumbing at her phone. When she spoke to you, it was with the rushed voice of a woman who had a million tasks to complete, and you were number five on her list. If you didn't pay attention when she spoke, you were dealt with a steely glare; no doubt useful in disposing of her three former husbands.
But once you got used to her personality, she was actually a very lovely lady.
The lead up to Fashion Week was always a flurry of final fittings and rehearsals. Eden had already started to clean up her diet as well as adding an extra workout in the evening. It might sound strange to some, but the preparation for Fashion Week, a pivotal date for anyone involved in the fashion industry's calendar, was akin to an athlete training for a race.
The hours were long and arduous with little to no sleep, and barely any time to eat.
Your face was being prodded with a hundred different creams, lotions, powders, brushes; and your hair was being yanked, scraped back, curled, straightened - you name it, it had been done to her.
You were constantly running from show to show, and more often than not you were down to the wire in getting your clothes fitted.
Your body had to be in peak physical condition to avoid running the risk of burning out or worse, passing out. Something she had witnessed many times over the years.
After going over a few more items with Linda, they ended the call. Well, Linda disconnected the feed with barely a goodbye, was more like it.
This is what she needed to be focused on. Her career. Not digging up some long buried emotion of memories with a former boyfriend.
After her confrontation with Barron at The Good Home, and once Eden had calmed down a bit; the only emotion left that she felt was embarrassment.
Thinking back to how she had lashed out at Barron and lost control of her tightly vaulted emotions regarding their break up caused her to cringe.
True, she did feel better getting it off her chest, but given the choice now on how she should have handled things; she wished she had just told Barron to kick rocks and ignored Lissa's lunacy.
Did she believe Barron when he frantically insisted that nothing had happened between the two of them in his office?
Yes, she begrudgingly thought.
Granted, after she had dramatically rushed off for privacy, Simon had told Sofia and Ryan that he had witnessed Lissa launching herself drunkenly into Barron's arms - an act that Simon was at pains to assure her friends was not reciprocated.
However, if she had stopped and observed the other woman instead of letting her feed into a past insecurity, she would have noticed the drunken wildness in her glare and the calculating glint in her eye. She was trying to wind her up and like a naive fool, she had let her sensitive temperament get the better of her and had fallen for it.
Did that negate the fact that Barron had still betrayed their relationship with her in the past? No, that was still an elephant in the room. Although that elephant, which had previously been sitting heavily on her chest; crushing her windpipe with each encounter Barron forced them to make, had now elevated a little after their talk.
Barron, unfortunately, couldn't let sleeping dogs lie and had attempted to phone her several times since the incident. She had declined each call.
Not that he had allowed that to deter him.
The text messages had started up; first apologizing for what went down in his office between them, before again assuring her that nothing had happened between himself and Lissa that night.
That night.
That was the key phrase that stabbed her in the chest, reminding her that there had been previous nights where something most definitely did happen.
He had also approached the subject again of resuming their conversation at some point; when she was ready.
She hadn't replied back.
Truthfully, she just didn't know what more she could say to him, or even if she had the emotional capacity to make herself vulnerable again in his presence.
The talk that she had had with her Mom helped her to work out a few kinks in her head about the whole sordid affair; but her question regarding whether Eden was open to the idea of resuming their chat had left her conflicted.
She admitted that she still felt a connection to him; an attraction that had intensified in the small room. Their meeting had been intimate, further fueled by the heavy topic of their past history.
But at this stage, she didn't even know if she was ready to be friends with him again, let alone explore the attraction that she still felt for him.
She had been hurt and enraged at him for so many years, to let go of that anger felt alien to her.
His betrayal had cut her deep and the ramifications of his actions, the aftermath to her mental and physical health as well as her self esteem and self worth was something she had worked hard at to overcome.
Those long months where she had to drag herself up amongst the depths of her depression had been taxing.
Eden sighed. That was enough heavy thinking for today.
What she needed to do was to get out of the house. She had been holed up here for almost two weeks and she was starting to get cabin fever. She would take a stroll into town and grab some lunch at Salty Diner, she decided.
First, though, she called her Dad and chatted to him a bit while he got ready for work. He had chastised her for buying her half siblings Nintendo Switches and while she had feigned remorse, she didn't regret spoiling them.
She missed them something fierce, always finding that their FaceTime calls were not enough to tide her over until she could see them again.
They solidified their Christmas plans, tactfully evading his questioning on what she had planned to top their summer gifts with. With a promise to call again later, she rang off so he could finish his morning routine.
After doing a Pilates workout and checking her emails, she quickly dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a light green t-shirt. She slid her phone into her back pocket and grabbed the keys from the hook by the front door before deftly locking up, ready to take the short walk into town.
She had been in New Haven for well over a month now and she was enjoying the slower pace of life.
She had her second class next week with her final talk being closer to the end of Summer break. After that she was leaving New Haven and most likely wouldn't be back again until Thanksgiving break.
Her schedule was packed with both New York and Milan fashion week in September, not to mention the number of fittings she had before and during that time.
Her stomach lurched at the thought of leaving home. She had never felt this way on the many prior occasions she had visited New Haven. But she had a life to get back to and couldn't dwell on why she felt a deep despondency at the thought of going back to New York.
Eden crossed the street towards the yellow and gray diner she had frequented a lot growing up and was still a firm favorite of hers.
As she pushed the heavy door open, the delectable smell of coffee and bacon was already hitting her nose. The bell above the door jingled, causing a few patrons to turn towards the newcomer.
Gifting them with a shy smile, she found an empty stool at the counter and took a seat before quickly grabbing a menu to peruse. She knew exactly what she was going to order but had just wanted to use the menu as a shield from the eyes she could feel on her back
"Coffee?" A waitress behind the counter approached her.
She smiled, her gaze lowering to her name tag. "No thanks, Sophie. Just water, please."
The young woman gave her a tired, appreciative smile. "Sure thing, hon."
Just as Sophie was placing an ice cold glass of water in front of her, she heard a familiar girlish voice ring out.
"Eden!" She turned towards the noise in surprise before her mouth lifted at the sight of Bailey approaching her, an excited smile lighting up the young girl's pretty features.
"Hi, sweetheart," she greeted as she bent to wrap the smaller girl in a hug. She had been meaning to call into Bailey's parent's place to see her since Barron had hindered their catch up chat at the school.
"Who are you here wi-" the words died in her throat as she spotted the tall, fair haired man behind her.
He flashed her a sheepish smile as he stepped up behind his cousin, resting his hands on her slight shoulders.
"Barron," she greeted weakly. "Hey."
Barron rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardness crowding his features as he appeared unsure on whether their intrusion was welcome.
She gladly welcomed Bailey's presence. But given the strained atmosphere between them, Barron knew that his attention wasn't quite as well received as his cousin's.
"Hey, Eden," he said softly. She saw his golden green eyes eating up her appearance, his gaze unashamedly roaming her face. He glanced down at her cleavage before meeting her eyes, smirking at her heated glare.
She cleared her throat and turned away from his piercing focus. "What are you two up to?" She asked, mainly speaking to Bailey.
"Barron's taking me out! Will you sit with us?"
Eden's body tensed at Bailey's innocent question. She shot blue eyes up at Barron and witnessed the look of eagerness on his face at her question.
She knew what answer she wanted to give but looking down at Bailey's open and smiling face, she pushed past her discomfort.
"Of course, sweetheart."
She didn't miss the way Barron's eyes lit up, a smile alighting his handsome face as his eyes searched the diner for a spare booth.
"There's a seat at the back, c'mon guys." He readily called out as he made his way down the aisle toward the red booths situated at the back of the diner.
He waited in the aisle, his smile wide as he motioned for them to take their seats first. Bailey bounded in causing Eden to hesitate a moment.
Did she want to sit next to Bailey and face Barron or sit across from Bailey whilst feeling the heat of Barron's body near hers? Deciding it was better to sit next to Bailey, she shifted across the red pleather seats.
But as Barron sat down heavily across from her, she felt a warm blush on her face as his eyes continued to eat her up.
Yeah, maybe she chose wrong.
"How are you?" Barron softly asked her.
She snuck a covert glance at Bailey who was currently engrossed in reading the menu.
"I'm fine," was all she would give him.
She saw his eyes glance at his cousin before he mouthed at her. "I miss you."
A searing heat of annoyance mixed with a healthy dose of lust washed through her. To distract herself, for she was sure she was going to bite at him with a sardonic remark, she snatched up another menu and bent her head to it with laser focus.
"Hi, you guys ready to order?" Thankful for the reprieve from the waitress, Eden addressed Bailey.
"You know what you want, sweetheart?"
"Yes. the double cheeseburger with fries and a chocolate milkshake, please."
"I'll have the same but coke to drink." Barron chimed in.
"And I'll have the poached eggs on wholemeal toast. No butter, please. And the side salad with a squeeze of lemon juice."
The waitress nodded while scribbling furiously in her notebook. "And to drink?"
"Just water, thanks." Needing something to do to avoid glancing up at Barron, she gathered up their menus and handed them to the waitress.
"I really enjoyed the class you taught, Eden." Bailey turned to her. "When's your next one?"
"Next week. And then I have my last one the week before you all go back to school."
Bailey wrinkled her nose. "Ugh, school!" she exclaimed in disgust. "Don't remind me."
They both laughed at her dramatics and on instinct lifted eyes full of mirth towards each other.
She felt a bolt of electricity as their gazes met. She could sense that he felt it too as his laughter faded and an awareness crossed his face.
Unable to keep the contact up under his scrutiny, she immediately shifted her eyes away and focused on the white, chipped table.
"We loved school, didn't we E?"
She turned to him in alarm, eyes blazing at his question. He lifted his brow at her, eyes unwavering and dancing in happiness. Daring her to deny their previous connection.
What are you doing? Her hard gaze communicated.
"Did you?" Bailey wrinkled her nose again in displeasure.
She thought back to her days as a student at their local school. A gentle smile touched her lips as a myriad of memories floated through her.
Images of the two of them walking hand in hand through the hallways, making out behind the bike shed, feeding each other bits of fruit in the cafeteria. How he used to hook his foot around the leg of her chair in class to drag her closer to him.
Barron and Lissa holding hands in the hallway. Lissa sitting on Barron's lap in the cafeteria. Lissa kissing Barron's face and neck.
And just like that, her mood soured. Yes, she loved school. She loved her friends, teachers and learning. But what she had loved the most was seeing and spending all her time with Barron.
His betrayal had ruined the happy memories that she thought would carry them through over the years. Memories she thought she would relay to their children and grandchildren.
Barron cleared his throat in the silence before carrying on the conversation. "You get to hang out with your friends all day, learn new things, play soccer." he threw out.
"What was your favorite thing about school, Eden?"
She smiled at the girl. "What Barron said. I loved English and Geography the most. I wasn't much into sports-
"But you loved to watch a certain striker play soccer." Barron interrupted, amusement ringing in his tone.
Eden paused, glaring at Barron at the reminder.
Yes, she had certainly loved seeing her boyfriend play. She remembered camping out in the bleachers after school every Monday and Wednesday, her young gaze eagerly drinking up her man with a feeling of pride and thirst. When he came off the field all smelly and sweaty, she still readily accepted his embrace, soaking up his essence.
They usually parked up somewhere for a hot and heavy session afterwards.
"You guys were friends, right? In school." Bailey's question brought her out of her lust inducing thoughts.
Luckily she was saved from answering when the waitress arrived with their order. She eagerly snatched up her ice cold water and guzzled it down.
Unfortunately, Barron, ignoring her uneasiness at the question; picked up the conversation.
"Yeah, Bailey. Eden and I were friends. Good friends." he made sure to emphasize.
"But Mom said you haven't seen each other since school."
Out of the mouths of babes. Eden shifted uncomfortably. She wasn't touching this conversation. She'd leave that up to Barron to explain.
"Yeah, we lost touch." Hazel eyes met hers. "But we're hoping to reconnect."
She met his gaze unflinchingly this time, letting him know her distress at his statement through a heated stare; where they still seemed to be able to communicate wordlessly.
"What was Barron like at school?" Bailey mumbled through the burger she had just bitten.
She considered the loaded question for a moment before a small bark of laughter escaped her lips.
"He was a total jock," she teased, raising eyes full of laughter at Barron who reciprocated with his own snort of amusement.
Bailey giggled as Barron rolled his eyes playfully and took a big bite of his burger.
She considered him, her head tipped in thought. "He was also a class clown." She remembered. "Always cracking jokes and playing pranks."
"Barron?" Bailey's eyes danced in delight. "What was the best prank he did?"
Barron leaned forward, placing his chin on his hand. "Yes, I'm interested to know which one of my master pranks you liked the best." He teased with a wink.
She pointed her fork at him. "Easy. You had a tape recorder hidden in the classroom."
She turned to Bailey. "About twenty minutes into our science class, it started saying random phrases like coconut, football is lame, or..what were the other words?" she asked Barron as he tipped his head back to laugh.
"We deserve an A and New Haven Rovers rule."
"That's what gave you away. You were the only soccer player in our class." She reminded him.
Bailey giggled and they all joined in.
"Two weeks detention I got for that."
"And I stayed back to wait for you every day." she added without thinking.
And just like that the air was sucked out at the reminder of why she waited. Because she was his girlfriend. A badge of honor that she wore with pride.
Needing a distraction from her grim thoughts, she concentrated on moving her poached egg onto her toast with her fork, pressing down and watching in satisfaction as the yolk oozed onto her toast before spreading onto her plate.
"When do you go back to New York?" Bailey, luckily, didn't seem to pick up on the intermittent tension surrounding the two adults.
Grateful for the change of subject, she smiled around a mouthful of toast.
"August 20. It's fashion week in September. New York first and then I fly out to Milan for their fashion week practically straight after. I have a lot of fittings and rehearsals leading up to it." She explained.
"That's so cool! You have the best job." She added wistfully. "Do you get a lot of free stuff?"
"Sometimes," she replied. "But remember what I said at our talk? It's hard work and you have to make a lot of sacrifices sometimes."
Bailey nodded in remembrance but she could tell that the girl's thoughts were consumed with all the beautiful clothes she got to wear, the places she got to travel to and the free merchandise that she was sometimes gifted.
Barron was silent across from them and she risked a glance at him. His face was stony with a tightly clenched jaw. She was unsure what part of their conversation had caused that reaction,
Thankfully, their conversation moved onto lighter topics such as Bailey's school work and the tricky dynamics of her friendship group. She enjoyed listening to her animated chatter as she recounted how she had bested a frenemy of hers.
As they unhurriedly demolished their food, she relaxed into her chat with Bailey, even extracting the name of her crush and swearing herself to secrecy through a very serious pinky swear.
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BL | Bai Yueguang From Slag Gong And I Have HE [Quick Wear]
⚠MACHINE TRANSLATIONTitleBai Yueguang From Slag Gong And I Have HE [Quick Wear]/渣攻的白月光和我HE了AuthorGuzheng/故箏Status79 Chapters (Completed)http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4613705https://m.shubaow.net/145/145905/https://www.pilibook.com/book/2143.html.INTRODUCTIONWang Weichu, a name that is very perfunctory for cannon fodder passers-by at first glance, his life is indeed cannon fodder,He was picked up by his father from the mountain village, and the first thing he did was to marry into a wealthy family as a man and wife.His husband, Mr. Cheng, is handsome and young, and he looks up to and adores Mr. Cheng.However, the whole city knows that Mr. Cheng has Bai Yueguang in his heart, and he can't get it after several years, and he can't even get one percent of Bai Yueguang.Until the family banquet, Wang Weichu saw Bai Yueguang Cen Yao,This noble and elegant, indifferent and unapproachable Bai Yueguang hooked his leg under the table...[Quick Transmigration, the copywriting is only a summary of the first world, self-cutting, the whole text is a routine, and is redeemed and healed by Bai Yueguang. Dog blood dog blood Su Shuangtian, bold. Bai Yueguang is beautiful and fierce 1! Don't stand wrong! 】
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