《Barron's Second Chance》Now - Icebreaker
Eden stood at the front of the room, her hands clasped in front of her; smiling widely as the group of loud, chatty and excitable teen girls filtered into the classroom.
Kelly had been given permission to use the music room at their old highschool. The room was big enough to give them space to move around but not too big to make the girls, and herself, feel daunted. She wanted everyone to feel comfortable and not have it seem like a lecture hall for something that she was hoping would be an impactful morning for them all.
"Welcome, girls," she called out as they strode past her, shooting her a mixture of enthusiastic smiles and shy murmurs.
"Take a seat anywhere," she invited. She had considered for a long time how to set up the classroom before deciding to have the seats in an extended semi circle of three rows of ten.
Eden watched as they all took their seats, internally smirking as they subtly fought to have the chairs in the front row. She knew from Kelly that the girls ranged in age from thirteen to fifteen. They didn't want the age difference to be too wide and Kelly had classes already for the older girls which were more concentrated on adult topics.
She didn't have a speech planned per se, just a casual timeline of how the talk today would go. She needed to make allowances for questions that could take their conversation on a left turn, so she didn't want to be too rigid with the day's layout.
As everyone settled with an excited energy, their chatter died down until they all focused on her expectantly. She took a deep calming breath.
Show time.
"Hi ladies," she welcomed as she took her seat in the front of the room. She had purposely asked for a tall stool so that everyone would be able to see her clearly.
"It's so great to see you all, thank you so much for coming today. As you may know, I'm Eden. I really want to get to know you all since we're going to be together for the next two hours or so. So!" She clapped her hands and stood. "We're going to do a little ice breaker."
She held her hands up and laughed as she saw some of their faces twist in discomfiture. Those were her people. She disliked ice breakers as much as the next person but sometimes they were critical in ejecting any awkwardness and setting the mood for the day.
"I know, I know, I hate icebreakers, too. I'm going to let you all into my life a little bit so I genuinely want to get to know you all in the process. I want you to partner up with the person next to you and ask them their name and age, what their hobbies are, which app they use the most, what their favorite TV or movie is and what they would love to do when they leave school."
She gestured behind her. "I have the list of questions behind me on the whiteboard if you forget. I'll give you ten minutes and at the end I want you to introduce us to your partner by telling us their answers. So you would need to listen carefully and remember what they tell you."
Her nervousness was starting to fade the more she talked, especially as she saw the girls smile at each other knowingly. She knew that most of the girls would be sitting next to their friends and more than likely knew some of the answers themselves, but she hated forced interactions and the fact that she was making them speak up in front of the class was enough for her.
"Okay, turn to your partners and your time starts now."
She sat down to set her timer while the chatter in the room increased as the girls frenziedly conversed with their neighbor.
Her brow furrowed as she saw that a new text message had come through while she was greeting the girls.
Eden's heart reeled as she recognized the number.
Good luck today :)
The fucking nerve of him.
She stuffed her phone into her pocket to avoid throwing it at the wall. Her face was serene as she observed the girls but inside she was seething. She hadn't heard boo from Barron since the morning after the party so it was a little jarring to hear from him again.
Eden's thoughts drifted back a week ago to when he had ambushed her in his parent's room. After she had finished off Ryan's drink, her frame of mind was still sour. She had stopped shaking in fury but she just couldn't muster up the energy to socialize anymore. So she had approached Kelly and made up an excuse about being tired from all the travel the previous day and having drunk more than she should have. She might've blabbered on about the sun also affecting her or something, she wasn't sure; she just knew that she needed to get out of there before she brought the mood down.
Barron had come down the stairs, his gaze moving through the crowd before he caught her eye. His expression read regret and sadness but she intentionally ignored him and went about saying her goodbyes. She heard her Mom come home around two am and knock on her door but she pretended to be asleep.
The next day she was in a decidedly better mood until she checked her phone and saw a text from Barron.
Eden, I'm sorry I made things awkward last night. I didn't mean to upset you. I just really wanted to talk to you, to apologize for everything that happened between us. However, I realize that last night wasn't the best night to corner you. I'll give you some space but hope one day we can sit down and chat. Take care.
Yeah, she really fucking regretted calling him as it meant that he now had her number. She had left him on read and called Sofia up. She was feeling a little groggy and gross after eating and drinking so much.
She very rarely overindulged in alcohol but the rare times that she did, the only cure for her was to sweat it out.
Sofia had a "bring a friend" pass attached to her gym membership so after borrowing it from a very grumpy Sofia who had shoved the pass at her through a small gap in her apartment door, she proceeded to head to the gym to kick box and lift weights. Usually she wouldn't partake in such a grueling workout after a heavy night, but her energy was pumping after seeing Barron last night and reading his text.
She had needed to do something a tad more violent.
Sofia had been in a rage over Barron's audacity and threatened to "kick his ass." As much as she appreciated her friend's gumption, Eden assured her that she could handle her ex. Ryan had shrugged, telling her that he had a feeling that Barron would try something that night.
"He was eyeing you like a prime piece of meat. You didn't notice but he kept trying to move closer to wherever you were in the house, hoping to join your conversation. And when you went into the house to use the bathroom I saw him follow after you."
When she had flicked him with an incredulous stare he put his hands up.
"I didn't know for sure that he was going after you. He could've been wanting the bathroom. You're big enough to take care of yourself and I saw his face after you came downstairs. He looked gutted. He must've left not long after you did."
The beep of her alarm brought her out of her musings and she immediately silenced it before standing to address the girls. She pushed aside her somber thoughts and concentrated again on why she was here.
"Okay! Everyone ready?" she asked, trying to sound jovial despite her annoyance.
At their eager nods she pointed at the first group of pairs. "Okay, let's start with you two."
As they went around the room, she listened intently to each girl and put the negative start to the day aside.
These were their country's future generations, the next group of innovators and influencers; she was keen to hear their thoughts and opinions and was earnest in her desire to share her own experiences with the group.
"This is Bailey Carter, she's fourteen years old." Eden's body jerked at the soft voice of Hannah, as she had been introduced to the class, who was currently gesturing towards the blonde girl on her right. "She loves reading, playing soccer and listening to music. She uses TikTok the most and loves Stranger Things. Um, she wants to do something in publishing when she's older."
Bailey, who had a soft blush on her face due to the attention, turned shy, yet familiar blue eyes up at Eden. A wave of emotion flowed through her as she conjured up a memory of a cute as pie, pig tailed little girl.
"You're Gavin and Kelly's niece." She finally said, her eyes moving over the pretty teen's features.
Her Dad, Kevin, was Gavin's brother. She had remembered speaking to them briefly at the barbeque but Bailey had been at a sleepover.
Bailey had adored her older cousin, Barron, and the feeling was mutual. Eden recalled many nights where they both willingly babysat the little girl. She had flashbacks of baking cupcakes and watching Peppa Pig; reading bedtime stories and picturing doing the same with her own daughter one day. A daughter who would have her Daddy's hazel eyes and love of soccer.
Bailey's eyes lit up in pleasure at her words. "Yes. Do you remember me?" she eagerly asked.
Eden had to stop herself from striding over to the girl and enveloping her in a hug. She had missed Bailey a lot and it just about killed her when she could no longer see her. She always knew that she would grow up to be a stunning young woman.
"Of course I do," she warmly said. She waved her hands at the waiting class who were enraptured at their exchange. "Sorry, I used to babysit Bailey many moons ago," she explained. "Let's move on, but Bailey catch up with me after class?"
The girl readily agreed, smiling at Hannah who elbowed her in excitement.
Eden tried to concentrate on the rest of the introductions but her mind was swirling with long forgotten memories. Although the images of little Bailey popped into her head a lot over the years, seeing the seemingly sweet and pretty girl again; who happily acknowledged her, was a relief and filled her with joy and contentment.
After introductions were made, Eden had chatted a bit about herself and her family. The class were surprised to learn that she had been a quiet and shy girl growing up, blending in with the crowd a bit at school. She was neither popular nor unpopular but she was well known. Everyone knew Barron's girlfriend and usually where Barron was, she was not too far behind. Or right there with him. She didn't mention to the girls that she had a boyfriend in highschool, though. She didn't want to disillusion the poor girls too much about young, highschool love.
As the time wore on, they got into a spirited discussion about her career in modeling. A few were eager to know how to break into the industry. Eden was very honest in explaining that what had happened to her was a rare occurrence. The majority of models these days were either scouted through social media where brands reached out for collaborations based on their number of followers and from there their careers took off. Or, they had started young and had built up a portfolio and a name for themselves by attending many go sees.
"It's honestly not up to who's the tallest, prettiest, who can walk the catwalk the best." She explained.
"Certain designers have certain looks that they are seeking each season. You either have the look that they are after or you don't. Some models will have an amazing season, walk all the shows, be the belle of the ball and then nothing will come of it. Models really, especially in this day and age of social media, earn their bread and butter through beauty contracts. Unfortunately, there are only so many beauty brands out there and an excess of models vying for them. I won't sugar coat it for you all, it's a tough industry not only to break into but to stay on top of. If you are one hundred percent serious about it, you will have to take responsibility for your health, your money and you will have to be prepared to leave home."
She saw a few girls gape wide eyed at each other, a few others nodded and smiled as if they knew this and were willing to put the work in.
"How old were you when you left home?" A girl named Rylee asked.
"Eighteen." She told them. "Literally graduated and moved straight to New York. It was my first time being away from home by myself and I was terrified. I moved into a small studio apartment but in a safe neighborhood. My Mom and Dad helped me out with rent for a bit but I also got some nice paying jobs."
"Was Levin jeans your first job?" Rylee asked. This girl was good. She had clearly been following her career from the start.
Eden smiled at the class as old memories resurfaced. "Yes. I know the ad was quite risque." Soft giggles ran out among the group. "But I was eighteen years old when I did that. There were long discussions between myself, my Mom, my agent, photographer and set director. There were a few looks that they proposed but ultimately the final decision came from myself and the other model, Grant. They all made me feel at ease and comfortable enough to use my voice and that's what made me say yes in the end to the final spread."
She surveyed the group of girls, soaking in their faces that were tuned into her and hanging off her every word.
"Not all situations in life will come that easy. There will be people in your life, in your career that will pressure you into things for money, fame or your next promotion. There may even be a boyfriend, girlfriend or friend that may want you to do something that you're uncomfortable with. Never allow yourself to be in a situation where your morals and well being, your mental health are compromised just to keep the peace or please someone."
Changing tactics, she stood up. "I noticed in your introductions that a lot of you use Instagram and TikTok. Let's talk about that. Who else has felt social pressure, whether through your peers or celebrities you see on social media, to look or feel a certain way?"
From there the conversation took a turn towards social media and the pressures young girls felt to gain followers, earn views and likes. There were a lot of honest and hard discussions that made Eden tear up and she readily expressed her opinions and experiences with certain agents, photographers, peers and the various social media platforms that she was part of. All were kept anonymous, of course, but she was in a privileged position in her life and career to expel some life advice to very impressionable teen girls.
Their talk lasted just over two hours, mainly due to Rylee shyly asking her for a selfie, causing the rest of the girls to follow suit. She even got them to take a group photo that she planned to post on her Instagram page later and would pass onto Kelly to promote her summer classes for next year.
At the end of the class, Eden stood by the door as they filed out, giving each girl a hug and a gift bag to take home. As the last person left, she saw that Bailey was nervously waiting by her stool for her. Eden's face lit up in genuine pleasure as she quickly strode towards the girl, her arms outstretched.
Bailey walked into her hug, her head coming up to her bosom and on instinct she gave Bailey a kiss on the head and squeezed her tight.
"Let me look at you," she held her small frame out and gave her a watery smile. "I always knew that you would grow up to be a stunning young lady."
Bailey blushed as she giggled at the compliment. "I have so many photos of us together. Barron copied them for me and I have them all over my bedroom."
She tensed a little at his name but pushed her adverse feelings for Bailey's cousin aside. "I would love a copy of them." she told her.
"I'll be sure to get you some."
Eden jumped at the deep voice coming from the open door.
"Barron!" Bailey exclaimed in joy. She pulled a speechless and pliable Eden by the hand towards the door. "It's Eden!"
She had a feeling that the other girl hadn't known the reason why she and Barron had split up. And why would she? Even though she and Barron were essentially kids, what had happened between them was a very adult situation. Eden could sense genuine joy from the younger girl and figured that she was probably unaware that they had been a serious couple. After all, she was only seven when Eden had last interacted with her.
Barron smiled indulgently at his younger cousin. "I know, hon, we saw each other at the barbeque."
"Oh." The girl visibly deflated, probably excited at the prospect that she was reuniting past friends.
"But we didn't talk much at the barbeque." She finally found her voice and glanced quickly up at Barron before turning back to Bailey. "So this is a nice surprise." She lied. She didn't want her picking up on any negative energy between the two. This wasn't the time or place. However, it was taking a lot of effort for her not to cuss out Barron for once again ambushing her.
"Her Mom and Dad are working today so I offered to pick her up." He told Eden softly, sensing that she was upset and deducing that she rightly thought he was trapping her.
Eden nodded her head in acknowledgement of his words but made no further comment. Her body was wound up in barely controlled rage. The feeling was so overwhelming that she felt like she could burst into tears of frustration if she made an attempt to speak.
"Hey kiddo." He held his car keys out to his cousin. "Can you wait for me in the car? We'll practice your driving before I drop you back to your parent's."
Bailey squealed before snatching the keys off him. "Bye, Eden." she zeroed in on her again for a hug which she gladly reciprocated. She picked up one of the pink carrier bags and handed it to Bailey with a smile. "Don't forget your gift bag." she gave her a wink. "The lip balm's one of my favorites."
Bailey excitedly thanked her before leaning up again for another hug. She really was the sweetest girl. Asshole cousin or not, she was keeping Bailey in her life.
After she scurried out, the silence in the room was deafening and the strain was palpable.
Barron was wearing a pair of gray athletic shorts and a black sleeveless t-shirt. His hair was a little disheveled, as if he had been running his hands through them. She tried to ignore his defined biceps, broad shoulders and summer tan. He had definitely filled out nicely over the years, she had to admit. He had been handsome as a teenager. But as a grown man? He was beyond gorgeous. As much as she hated him, even she could admit that he was a fine piece of specimen.
But so what? She was constantly surrounded by gorgeous men. Her ex, Joshua, repeatedly made the top five hottest men alive lists worldwide. She posed and draped her body across many fine male models over the years.
But had any of them made her stomach clench like this on sight?
"How are you?" he softly asked, his gaze never leaving her face.
"Fine." she folded her arms and met his stare head on, unflinching. Light blue eyes meeting hazel. A sizzle of energy pulsed through the air despite the uncomfortable atmosphere.
What she really wanted to do was tell him to get the fuck out and stop approaching her to chat. But, she could still hear the dull buzz of chatter outside and knew that a few girls still lingered about the hallway. Now was not the time.
"How did the talk go?"
She puffed her breath out in annoyance. Small talk? Really?
"It was good. I'm sure Bailey will fill you in."
"She missed you."
"Well, I missed her, too. It wasn't my choice to have her cut from my life." she gritted out, bristling at his words.
Barron held his hands up. "I know, Eden. I didn't mean anything by it."
"Then what did you mean?"
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