《Craving Him | Completed》Chapter - 4



What on earth was that? Rick shook off the uneasy feeling. He wasn't into young men yet he couldn't shake off the feelings he got when his eyes landed on the boy Sam. Sam was the complete opposite of what he liked in his fuck buddies. He liked his fucks tall, and muscular men who would not break when he fucked the shit out of them. As for the boy? He would disintegrate into million pieces if Rick touched him. He wasn't supposed to make Rick feel the way he was feeling. That boy was a kid for fuck sake. Eighteen years old to his 29. That's was a fucking eleven years of age gap. he didn't do kids! Rick body wasn't supposed to feel like it was stuck by lightening. Not to mention his wolf was going crazy inside his body. That had never happened before, not even when he first fell in love with his best friend.

His wolf had shown interest in David as well when they were both teenagers. Ever since he had chosen to stay away from David, his wolf had given him a hard time. His wolf had gone dormant when it came to his bed partners. He couldn't remember the last time his wolf showed so much interest on another man. It was the first time in three years that it has been so excited, wanting to get out. Rick didn't know what to make of Sam. Rick didn't do twinks, especially not the ones that sucked on candies. Fuck. Those cherry colored lips made him think about all the things he could do with them. Dirty things. Things he had no business thinking about.

Rick walked in his room and chucked on a bottle of water as if he been parched all this time. He ran his finger through his blond hair to calm down his uneasy nerves. He was surprised to look at his reflection in the mirror, his eyes were wolfish red. He blinked a few times trying to get his eyes back to normal but it didn't help. This didn't seem normal. He needed to talk to someone about this. The sad thing was, only one person came to his mind. David. His best friend who was the only person he could open up to.


He wasn't going to call David. Nope. He had decided to stay away from his for a reason. he wasn't going to change it now. Rick squeezed his palm, trying his best not to dial David's number. He contemplated for a whole Twenty seconds before finally muttering a inaudible 'fuck it' under his breath and calling David. It wasn't like he never spoke to him. David did call him once in a while. Talking to David was like rubbing salt on his wounds. He didn't want to do it but he couldn't help it when he was feelings so confused.

"Hello?" David's deep voice came through the other side, bringing back all the painful memories Rick tried so hard to forget. Rick thought of hanging up on him for a second. The familiarity brought Rick's beating heart to a steady rhythm. David was his best friend, his pal, the one he grew up with. The one he fell in love with. David was the guy who made Rick realize that he was gay. But he couldn't think of it anymore. David had moved on. David had a loving wife and a sweet baby on the way.

"Hey man, How are you?" Rick managed to say panting ever so slightly.

"How am I? How are you?" David moved to a quieter place away from the rustle and bustle of his clinic. "Is everything alright?" David asked concerned.

"Yeah everything is fine." Rick sighed. "Something happened today."

"What do you mean?" David asked, sounding confused.

"My wolf..." Rick didn't know how to put it. "My wolf has been acting weird." And I got hard looking at an eighteen year old boy with cherry lips. He was sane enough not to say the last part. The last thing he wanted was David to judge him.


David was silent for a few seconds absorbing the question. "You want to come to the clinic. You could get a check up."

"I am sure it's not that serious." Rick chuckled nervously.

"Are you sure? You sound worried."

Rick looked at the ceiling, closing his eyes in frustration. How was he supposed to tell David what he felt when he himself didn't know?

"Did you find your mate?" David asked when Rick didn't reply. Rick heart jumped at the word mate but he remembered Sam wasn't a woman. There was no way a male could be his mate. That was absurd and unheard of.

"No. It's not that." Rick said. "I am not sure what it is." Rick said honestly. "How is Pam?" Rick asked trying to change the subject.

"She is doing good. She asks about you a lot." There was sadness in David's voice. May be he felt sorry for what happened. Maybe he didn't. He shouldn't feel sorry though, David didn't reject Rick or anything, Rick just chose to not share his love with Pam. He wanted a partner who belonged to him and only him. He was a possessive motherfucker like that.

"I miss her too. When is her delivery due?"

"September. We want you to be present for it."

Rick bit the insides of cheeks, feeling an ache settle in his chest. No, he wasn't falling in that rabbit hole again.

"I am sorry, I have a new batch I am busy with. I am not sure if I would be able to make it." the lie came easier to Rick than he feared. David probably knew Rick was lying but he didn't comment on it.

"Okay. Call me if your wolf gives you trouble again. Maybe we could go for a run just like old times."

"Yeah sure." Rick said under gritted teeth. "Talk to you then. Have a good day."

"You too."

Rick hung up before David could. The old wounds weren't as healed as he thought them to be. But at least he had a new problem to deal with. Training a one hell of a rebellion. The boy who broke all the rules that this werewolf society made for men. It would be one hell of a challenge training him and Rick had a feeling he would enjoy every part of it.

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