《Torturing The Billionaire Book 2》chapter 20


The streaked coverings of his eyes latched together , concealing the penetrating, jewelled gems, flawlessly threaded brows-- not a single strand of erroneous hair in sight, creased and a full very magnetizing and distracting mouth pressed together and curled in avid absorption; under my blue gaze, lips curved in humor, I voicelessly studied the incontestably good looking, sexy man before me as once more he endeavored to create an 'artwork' with the use of paper towels and his mere hands but just as the ten or so earlier trials, this now one also appeared set out to be defaulted, a failure.

By the time a nanosecond had elapsed, the man's eyelids flashed open and he held high and proud the piece whilst in accomplishment, he smirked, admiring the crude creation. "There you go Miss Luca -- my brainchild. Is it not a sight to behold? A striking beauty?" He rumbled, the sound deranging, rough as deep sea waves yet contemporaneously so damn viscous, I felt as though if I desired to reach out and carress it, I would feel it's moist coat streaming onto my fingers.

I abruptly shook my head and for the briefest of moments allowed the lids of my eyes to lower aspiring to quell the asinine, feather headed thoughts. Just the same as I watched with famished gazes, the man from across the table, I visualized his mouth and hands roaming and bringing satisfaction to my body-- much like he had done only nights agone.

Whereas I battled to banish the bothersome mental disturbances, I permitted a low laugh to fall from my lips in result of the man's sportful hyperbolizing and in paramount marvel, I shook my head and then fingered the crudely made number which was as of now loosely suspended from the tips of his long, brawny, skillful fingers.

I angled my head, blue eyes washing over him and exposited to mock the man who in prospect, beheld me. "It is a rather -em- peculiar piece of nothingness. Is that what it is Michelangelo? A creation of zilch?"

For a second, Sebastian scowled but then grinned, his lips curved and pink, expertly carved and then from incredulity he released a playful, choked gasp. "God--no!" He eyed his creation. "You wound my soul woman. This award winning piece is called -em- A Starry Night." He placed the piece with extreme caution and care onto the table top as though it were as he described -award winning- and pointed at various components of the paper.

"See right here? "His forefinger rested on a particular emplacement,piece, arching an eyebrow I nodded. "Yes"

"Ah Miss Luca -- that is the Big Dipper. This is without a doubt a master piece which must be worth a half a million dollars."

I swallowed a long drag of the tipid nearly tasteless French vanilla and smirked, observing the thirty four year old business magnate before me. "Stick to business please Mr. Monteiro and in whatever case-- you owe this cafe a pack of napkins."


"You have not eaten anything" Mr. Monteiro noted opening the menu card which were before neatly set before him, his healthy lawn coloured stare provoking, hot as he added, "why?"

I grimaced and ground my teeth trying to take hold of my brewing aggravation -- why were this man so damn irritating? "I do not owe you an elucidation for my decisions Mr. Monteiro"

"Hmmm. Miss Luca " he rumbled, latching the card and resetting it onto the table. Despite the fact that the simplistic sound should not have had the authority to-- not even remotely, it caused the hairs on the back of my neck and also my arms to rise and all of a sudden, I struggled to breathe.

As to the unanticipated furor of this ridiculousness, I did not know however at that especial moment I wanted Sebastian's hand on my body so badly as a result moisture soaked my core, my legs crossed, I pressed my thighs together.

My jaws clasped whilst I repressed the urge to release a roused moan as once more he rumbled my name, glancing up when I did not offer an immediate response.

Meanwhil he elicited from his thick dark wallet a one hundred dollar note and placed it under the now empty coffee container.

His stare hot and taunting, he watched me as if undressing me with his eyes. I closed my eyes and grasped my iPhone with as much strength as to demolish it.

The air conditioned room was suddenly so hot. My voice was not above a whisper. "Do not look at me like that Mr. Monteiro"

"Like what Miss Luca?"

I interrogated my self.

Damn this conniving, disingenuous bastard. Why were I so horny and enraptured that I felt as though my sanity was at stake if he did not soon touch me, right now-- right here? By the likes of this satantic demon?

Because he gave you head and it was so good you want some more?

Damn him!

As though it were a tequila shot I quickly downed the cold, bitter contents of the cup and congregated the particulars, to wit, my bag, iPhone and the mini tablet which I had entered with into the shop.

I rose from the stool and Mr. Monteiro unfolded his elegant, poised length from the seat "Miss Luca?"

A look of pure annoyance crossed my face. "Yes Mr. Monteiro?"


The sudden, swift, sharp click of the door sounded, a sign Mr. Monteiro had entered and locked it-- a thing he did not often do yet I did not question it.

"Will you please be more thoughtful sir? You are inconveniencing my work."

"Miss Luca"with leisured footing, I walked to the desk and watched as the woman disregarded my presence, her attention thoroughly onto the computer. "How do you do that?"

She ran her forefinger across her lips and ravenously my eyes followed the action. So damn sexy and seductive.


Anger crossed her face and she shook her head and snapped, the sound so sharp it could incontrovertibly fracture the stalest of dried branches, mayhap even my neck. "Mr. Monteiro please emit logical utterances as I do not have the time nor the patience to decrypt your coded speeches and please make it quick."

I chuckled, approaching the desk and shoved my hands into the pockets of the suit pants, the act a tad difficult as to how closely the pants were fitted. I reconstructed my words. "Miss Luca, how do you get so roiled at me for the most trivial of matters? If even I respire or move, you become irate"

She shook her head. "It is simple. You are an aggravating man Mr. Monteiro."and she went back to her work.

I noiselessly chuckled at the stubbornness of the woman and strode to the back of her chair.

I wrapped the long ponytail around my fist, gently pulling it and kissed the nape of her neck, lightly biting it, she grabbed on to the edge of the desk, scratching it.

I brought my mouth to her ear and growled quietly. "Am I truthfully irritating Britondii?" Before the time she could utter an answer, my tongue encountered her ear canal and darted quickly across it, teasing her.

Her single worded declaration albeit, breathless and choked, shaky was impertinent. "Very"

I sank my teeth onto the earlobe and Miss Luca gasped and she moaned. "Aah"

"Why are you so God damn pig headed woman?"my lips deliberately brushed her ear again and her body vibrated. "I saw the lustful looks you gave me inside of the cafe Miss Luca. You desires were written all across your dilated pupils. I cannot cease to think of the other night either. Everything I taste I wish it were you"

"Please"she stammered. "Sebastian please"

My mouth went on to taunt her neck with swift kisses and pecks and one hand travelled to the delicious swell of her breasts, commencing the tedious task to unbutton her shirt. God knows, it took all the self control I could assemble to not gash the thing open. My cock hardened as she inhaled brittled breaths and beseeched to be stroked.

"Britondii"I growled-- the sound animalistic when my fingers brushed against the erected nipple, nipping it.

"Stand up baby, please"

A sharp, pleasured hiss flew from Miss Luca's throat when I thrusted her body body against the compact wall, capturing both hands above her head into my secure hand hold, forcing my knees between her legs, decoupling them.

I gazed into the expanded, saturated and almost tearfilled with desire and as my lips neared her parted ones, her moans musical -- a symphony, I whispered huskily, my voice hoarse and grating with want. "Tell me what you want baby. Tell me and I will give it to you so fucking good"

Her eyelids incompletely sealed, she thrashed her luscious body, the appealing sound bringing further excitement to my solid shaft, I rubbed myself against her leg. She bit her lip. "Oh Brandon"

"My love," I pulled her bottom lip with my teeth, she released an asphyxiated sigh. "Tell me what you want"

"Just touch me please"

My lips raised into a wicked nefarious smirk, relishing her lucelent, sexual torment. "Where should I touch you? Should I use my mouth or my hand? Do you want me to touch you so good it will make you scream so damn loud every person in this building will hear you and know--"I raised my knee higher until it rubbed against her wet sensitive core, teasing her and she shivered and moaned, writhing and then I set down my knee once more.

She hummed throatily, the coverings of her tearful eyes rising. "Brandon, stop teasing me please. Please, I want to feel your fingers inside me. I want to feel your tongue onto my clit --i want you to give me head. Brandon please"

"Baby"my lust choked me, allowing only a strained whisper to come forth-- I wondered if she caught on to anything I said. "You are so polite--so hot." Then my mouth covered hers,oppressively, rapasciously, with desperation.

Miss Luca bit her lips and her glazed eyes bore into mine when I hooked my fingers into the delicate lace material of her thong and tugged it, tearing it off then brought it to my nose, aromatizing her fragrance. "I am going to keep this"

"Oh God, yes" Miss Luca whimpered and harshly clutched at my shoulders when my fingers encountered her soaking wet , slippery nub, playing with it.

"You are so wet Miss Luca-- so hot"I pressed my mouth against her neck, sucking it, producing swollen mark whilst I fingered her.

"Oh God Brandon, I am so near, Jesus Christ. Brandon -- oh God Brandon. I am so close" Miss Luca repeatedly panted, her lids tightly closed, and her face contorted from the exhilarating sensation, her mouth agape and her hands fisting my shirt. She rotated her waist, riding my fingers, her wetness becoming more.

Without warning, I suddenly kissed her forehead and withdrew my hand from under her."Miss Luca I apologise for inconveniencing your work. I know how very busy you are."

And as she glowered at me, her fetching, flushed face distorted with non belief at the interrupted, declined orgasm, I whispered an explication-- of some sorts, my lips grazing hers. "This is your punishment for every time you interjected me when I aspired to explain myself to you" then I left her, my cock hard, throbbing and pleading for release.

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