《Queen of mean》Chapter 14: Salt, Salt and more Salt
Damian POV
The interview soon ended. Marinette took back the miraculous from the new recruits and gave them to Chloe.
"I'm coming by tonight to discuss our future"Marinette says "please keep them safe"
"Of course Mari-bug, see you later"she says before swinging away.
"What now" I ask.
"I have to go back home to talk to my parents, I have a lot to explain"she says.
"Yeah I have to take care of a few things to, I'm checking into the bougrioes hotel if you need me call"I say.
"Okay see you later Dami" she says giving me a peck on the lips and walking away.
I decided the first step was contacting a few people. If only I head photographic evidence.
I take out my phone and when I open it I see a message. It said 'go to your gallery, they are a few things you will need there'.
I do as the message said and they were photos showing Marinette being physical abused by her peers. A few videos of them beating her up and insulting.
They was also videos of them threatening her (mostly Lila). Although it was hard to watch (especially when they pushed her down the stairs) but I'm glad I have them.
I start contacting people, starting with Jagged Stone. Perks of being a Wayne I have almost all the celebrities numbers.
"Hello sir this is Damian Wayne, marinette's boyfriend" I say.
"Marinette's boyfriend rock' n roll. Nice to meet you"he replies."what do you need"
"Well sir it's about Marinette, she got akumatised because of her peers bullying her" I say.
"What how unrock' n roll. I'm coming to Paris immediately" he says.
"No Mr Stone I need you at the Wayne ball to take the billies down"I say.
"I'll be there" Jagged says before hanging up.
Yey one done about a few hundred more to go. Luckily more than half of them were already going. Next Clara Nightngale.
"Hello miss Clara" I say.
"I don't know you but hello to you too" she rhymes.
' ugh the rhymes' I think.
"I Damian Wayne marinette's boyfriend"I say.
"Marinette,oh how much I love that bluenette" she sings "what would you want me to do"
"I want help in taking down her bullies"
"Marinette is being bullied, oh my day has just been ruined"she rhymes "where and when I'll be there and then"
"I need you at the Wayne gala" I say.
"I'll be there for I really care" she says before hanging up.
I did the same for multiple other celebrities all upset in hearing their honorary niece or little sister is being bullied wow she is well loved.
Next step calling Chloe for a little discussion.
Marinette's POV
"Mom dad I'm home" I shout as I walk in.
"Honey we were so worried about you" mom says hugging me.
"Are you okay" papa says picking us both up.
"Yeah I'm good but guys can't breathe" I squeak.
"We're sorry but w have a lot to discuss" they say.
- one explanation later -
"The Agreste kid I'm gonna skin him alive"papa said (got the idea from a very creative reader😁)
"Papa calm down his mom has already get that covered" I say.
"Honey we're just glad okay"they say.
"Maman, Papa I thinking of graduating early and moving to Gotham"I say.
"It's okay sweetie as long as your happy" maman says.
"Thanks" I say giving them a hug "I'm having a emergency sleepover at Chloe's today"
"Okay honey"Papa says.
Damian's POV
"Okay demon spill, why did you want to meet up" Chloe says.
"Well your highness" I say sarcastically "I wanted to discuss how we gonna take down the imbeciles in your class"
"What do you have in mind" Kagami says.
"Well her inner demons left me evidence on those idiots bullying her and a confession voice recording"
"I knew it"Chloe shouts.
"Tt would you shut up"
"Please continue" Kagami says.
- one explanation later -
"So I need you guys to be in Gotham"he says.
"We'll be there"Kagami says.
"Anything else" Luka asks.
"Yeah I'm going to propose to Marinette"I say.
"What!" They all shout.
"Tt please don't shout"I say.
- next day -
Marinette POV
I woke up to Chloe shaking me. Turns out the akuma lasted all weekend and it's Monday again yay.
At least I'm leaving next week.
"Morning Chloe"I say heading to the shower.
"Morning bugganetti"she says.
"Ugh the nicknames" I shout making Chloe, Tikki and Pollen giggle.
I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and hair then head out. Chloe has already taken out a beautiful knee length purple fading into black MDC original.
"Thanks Chlo" I say.
"No prob now get dressed"she says.
I get dressed grab my purse and we head down to the lobby. We grab a crossait each and walk to school.
Yes today we decided to walk. We walk into class to be met by the usual glares.
"What did I do now" I ask rolling my eyes.
"When you were akumatised you used mind control on Lila to make her say things that were not true" Rose says.
Really that's what they going with.
"Ugh whatever you think" I say walking to my seat at the back.
"You b*tch, apologize now" Ayla shouts.
"For what" I ask.
"Not only did you manipulate Lila you also lied about being ladybug" she says.
"Your all idiots, it's ridiculous utterly ridiculous" Chloe shouts.
"I will not be apologizing for things I did while akumatised"I say.
The bell soon rings saving me from any more stupid comments.
"Morning students" Miss Bustier says walking in "I have some exciting news but before I get into it we've a new student"
Damian walks in.
"Oh no" I say making Chloe giggle.
"Would you like to introduce yourself" Miss Bustier asks.
"I'm Damian Drake and I'll be here for the week to see how the school works"I shot him a 'like really' look earning a shrug.
Chloe decides to move and sits next to Nathaniel so me and Damian can sit together.
"Miss" Lila says "Marinette is a bad influence, the new student shouldn't sit next to her"
"Tt I'm okay with it" Damian answers.
Miss Bustier brushes the matter aside.
"What are you doing here you graduated 2 months ago"I ask.
"Just wanted to keep you safe from them until we get back to Gotham" he replies and I just shrug it off.
"We'll be going to a trip to Gotham tommorow and we'll be attending the Wayne gala on Wednesday"Miss Bustier says.
The class cheers and Chloe gives me a smug look.
"You didn't" I say.
"I did" he says.
"Dami" I complain.
"You guys can thank me, my Damiboo set it up"Lila says. The class begins to thank her. I swear these people share one brain.
"Girl why didn't you tell me you were dating Damian Wayne" Alya says.
"Excuse me"Damian says.
"Don't do it" I say so only he can here.
"But I come from Gotham and Damian Wayne is know to be dating MDC"he continues.
"Marinette how could you turn the new kid against me"Lila says putting on the water works.
A few insults come my way but I just ignore them.
"Okay class you may go pack"I walk out with Damian and Chloe.
"Since we've already packed how about a sleepover" Chloe asks.
"Sure, we should invite Kagami" I say.
"And Luka"Damian says"I don't want to be the only guy there" he says making as laugh.
- time skip to the night -
"Okay people it's time to sleep" Chloe shouts.
Chloe's POV
Mari did not want to wake up today.
"What if we throw a bucket of water on her" Kagami suggest.
"Yeah great idea"I say.
"No, I'll wake he up"Damian says sighing.
"What are you planning demon" I ask. As a response he just rolls his eyes and head over to the sleeping Marinette.
He kisses her softly of on the lips. She begins to stir.
"Hey Dami" she says.
"Seriously"I shout while Luka and Kagami are on the floor laughing.
Everyone gets dressed and heads to the lobby. The guys insisted on carrying our stuff to the car.
We soon arrived to the airport. We flew first class and the lier and brainless trew tantrum.
We soon arrived in Gotham. Let the Salt begin.
Marinette's POV
Today is the Wayne gala. I've designed my friends, the Wayne's and a few celebrities dresses and suites.
"You ready Mari" Chloe asks.
"Yeah let's get it over and done with"I reply.
"Don't worry you gonna enjoy"she says.
We walk out. As we walk down the stairs all eyes are on us.
"Hey sis" Jason says.
"Hi jay-jay"I reply.
"Do you know where Tim is" Chloe asks.
"Yeah him and Damian are performing in a few minutes"he says.
"Oh ok" I reply.
"May I have your attention" Bruce addresses."my son's wanted to share a few words with you"
Damian comes out holding a mike. A few gasps are heard from our class.
"I would like to invite my girlfriend to join me on sage. Angel would you please come up"
I'm confused but do as he says. More gasps are heard from the class.
"Dami what are you doing"I ask.
"Angel I love you and I wanted to express how much"he says.
Tim comes out.
"Queenie come up please"he says. She looks a little confused but does as she's told.
They begin to sing.
He's staring into my eyes the whole time.
He kneels down
He says doing the same.
"Yes" we both shout.
They slide the rings on our fingers. We share a quick kiss and me and Chloe walk out of the stage.
"I can't believe it" I say.
"We're both engaged" Chloe squeals.
"Hey Tim didn't as me if I approve" I say making her giggle.
3rd person POV
"Ok now that were engaged it's time for us to share some with you" Tim says.
"My fiance has been getting bullied by a few of her classmates"Damian says.
"You heard your favorite niece, sister or designer MDC is being bullied" Tim says.
"Tt all because of a lier and a class that shares one brain cell"Damian says.
"Not forgetting an incompetent teacher" Tim says.
"Tt they would all be dead by now if Marinette wasn't such an angel" Damian says.
"But karma is a b*tch" Tim says.
Damian plays a recording of their confession.
"That's not all" Damian says. Tim brings out a TV showing pictures of Marinette being physically abused.
It also shows a few pictures of threats sent to her. Videos of both physically and mental abuse. Then videos of them threatening especially Lila.
"Well all this evidence has been sent to the police and we're pressing charges" Tim says.
"By we he means every celebrity in the room" Damian says.
"You've lied about them and would probably end up in jail" Tim says.
"Ugh I can't believe you Mari" Ayla says.
"Yeah how dare you accuse us of bullying you when you the bully" Rose says.
"And pressing charges you just want to ruin our lives don't you"Ivan says.
"All because you jealous of Lila" Ayla says lunging at her only to be pulled back by Cass.
"Not today"Barbra says "that's our sister in-law and although we haven't met her we can tell we love her"
"Now all of you step back before someone losses an arm" Steph says.
"And she didn't know about any of this" Tim says.
"Kim, Nathaniel, Max, Alix and Nino are not to be affected by this"Damian says.
"I suggest you guys leave" Marinette says.
"What" the bullies shout.
"I'll try to keep you all from going to jail but if you stay here any longer you gonna get killed" she says.
"What do you mean"Lila asks. She is now as pale as a ghost.
"Uncle Jack, uncle Edward, aunt Ivy and aunt Harley might be reformed but if they see all of this your dead" she says.
"You b*tch" Ayla says trying to hit her again. This time she is filpped by Marinette.
"Stand down Ayla" she says calmly.
"Now your physically abusing Ayla in front of us" the liar says with a few crocodile tears. She gets a few glares in return.
"That's it" Marinette shouts"you guys are the most idiotic people I've ever met. I mean you turned on me just because of a few lies. Your everyday ladybug became the class bully. You really thought jealousy could lead me to do such shallow things. You are imbeciles and I'm glad the lier showed up. Now I know your true colors. Idiots who share one freaking brain cell and turn on you as soon as something new shows up. Now out before I throw you out myself"
"Excuse me but a student will not speak to me in such a manner" Miss Bustier says.
"I graduated on Sunday. And I was never a student in your class, I was the teachers assistance. I organized everything and made sure we had the funds to go on each trip. I controlled the class. Good luck dealing with them without me. Now OUT" she shouts.
They all do as she says afraid of what she'll do next except for a certain brunette. Who tries to attach Marinette once again only to be thrown out by Marinette herself.
"I warned you"she says before walking back inside. Everyone is staring at her like an allian.
"What" she asks.
"Okay I love this girl" Stephanie shouts.
"Who doesn't" Chloe shouts making everyone laugh.
"Angel are you okay" Damian asks hugging her.
The gala is now back in motion people talking or dancing to the music.
"Yeah pixie Pop I've never seen that angry"Jason says.
"Really I have" Chloe says. "When she's ladybug"
"I'm fine" Marinette replies.
The class bullies were taken to court. They were forced into 3 years of community service. Jail time for you Ayla, Miss Bustier, Mr Democlece and Lila. Each getting 3 years. They paid back all they owed Marinette.
Jenny ❤️❤️❤️
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