《Queen of mean》Chapter 2:A warning from an old friend


Marinette's POV

I woke up to Chloe screaming in my ear.

"I'm up I'm up" I yelled.

"Good because I thought I would have to get a cup of water" she said picking out something I should wear.

"Is Kagami gone already"I ask.

"Yeah she said something about morning training"she says"now go shower"she yells.

"Fine"I say heading to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and head out to find Chloe sitting on her bed on her phone.

"So what's the schedule for today"I ask.

"Today it's just heading to school, art then afternoon training" Chloe says.

"What is it today"

"Martial arts"

"Wow ok"

"Now get dressed so we can go face our idiotic classmates"

I get dressed and let Chloe do my hair. We head down to get breakfast and a couple of cookies for Tikki and Pollen (chocolate chip for Tikki and honey for Pollen)

I'm wearing black leather pants a red blouse and black jacket with red sneakers.

Chloe is wearing a catnoir themed dress with green heels.

After breakfast Chloe contacts her driver. We go into the limo and drive to school.

"Hope they don't try anything today"I say looking at the school.

"Don't worry mare-bear everything is going to ok" she tells me then we head out.

- earlier -

Alix's POV

I was on my way to school when a portal opens right in front of me.

Today I'm wearing black jeans with a purple t-shirt.

Future me steps out.

"Bunix what you doing here" I ask.

"Hey mini me, I'm here to warn you"

"Warn me?, About what" I ask confused.

"Lila mini me, she is a snake and if you want to get your miraculous you should apologize to Marinette"

"Apologize? About what exactly"

"The way you've treated her, she is going to need you pretty soon and you have to be there for her"


"What do you mean"

"Lila is a lier and I need you to tell Marinette that she is working for Hawkmoth the moment you see her"

"What do you mean by Lila is a lier"I ask.

"Little me were running out of time just listen to her lies they are holes in every story she's not telling the truth and that could lead to our world getting destroyed"

"Could you at least show me what you mean"

"Fine come with me"she says pulling me into the portal.

"Wow"I say.

"Let's go back to the time she played that voice recording for you guys"she says leading me to one of the screens "listen to it closely"

"That does not sound like Marinette"I say in disbelief.

"Now let's go back a few minutes"

- on the screen -

Lila's at the bathroom applying makeup to make it look like she's bruised.

"Marinette dares challenge me" she says.

"I'll show you what I can do" she continues"most of them already have their doubt about you, those idiots you shouldn't have trusted in them"

"Now they will all hate you and follow me like the sheep they are and Adrien won't do anything to stop me"

- back to borrow -

"Wow" I say.

"That what I was talking about"I say.

"And she working for Hawkmoth, I have to go apologize to Marinette and warn her thanks future me"I say heading out of the Barrow.

"Wait!" She shouts making me stop"you gonna need to convince Max, Kim and Nathaniel of Lila's lies.

"On it" I say heading out and rushing to school.

Nino's POV

I'm tired of this. I'm tired of the way they've been treating Marinette. I mean the dudet did nothing wrong.

These people are idiots I can't believe they fell for Lila's lies. Of course I know she's a lier.


I've been trying to make everyone see this, it's been 2 years now and I've had enough.

"Ayla you've got to start treating Marinette better"I say.

"Not this again"she says"look she's brought this to herself"Alya says.

"Okay that's it the dudet did nothing wrong and you not the Ayla I feel in love with"

"What do you mean"she asks with tears in her eyes. I remain unfazed.

"I'm breaking up with you" I say and head to class.

Alix's POV

"Guys" I shout seeing Kim, Nathaniel and Max. Hmm what are the odds that I would find them together.

"Hey Alix what's up"Kim asks.

"We've made a huge mistake"I say.

"What are you talking about" Nathaniel asks.

"Marinette and Lila"I say.

"Please explain" Max says.

"I will but first bring out Markov"I say and he does as I say.

"How may I be of service"Markov asks.

"You remember the recording of Marinette threatening Lila 2 years back do you have a recording or something of it"

"Let me check my memory drive, there it is"he says starting to play it.

"Guys listen to it closely does that sound like Marinette"I say.

"Markov do a vocal scan to see if this is Marinette's voice"Max says.

"It is not"Markov replies.

"But why would Lila do this" Kim asks.

"Because she is a lier and has made it her goal to ruin Marinette's life because she was able to see through her lies"I say.

"We have to apologize to Marinette"the red head finally speaks.

"But first how did you know she was lying"Max asks.

"Let's just say I got a warning from an old friend"


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