《Oh shoot, I love you! MarinetteXKagami》1


Outfit inspo⬆️

Kagami's pov:


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I turned off my alarm and got up to get ready. I am pretty excited actually! I have finally convinced my mother to let me attend public school. After about a year I was finally able to wear her down. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, got dressed, and got my stuff together. It was then 7:00 almost time to go. I grabbed an apple just to be able to eat something before school. I also grabbed lthe little pieces of steak that I cooked up last night for Longg. As soon as I was satisfied I went off to school. "Goodbye mother have a good day."

"Goodbye Kagami, good luck on your first day." My mother said without turning her head.

I reached the school and got out of the car. The car then drove off back home. Françoise Dupont high school. Ok, I can do this. I then turned my head to scan the exterior and saw Marinette on the stairwell next to a girl a kind of recognized but not really. I know she runs a blog, the lady log I think maybe I don't really know mother doesn't let me often explore the internet too much. But marinette waved at me I waved back. I had to admit she was quite adorable. Her features were pleasant. She had her hair in two buns instead of one. It was different than usual, it was quite adorable. She also had on a frilly pink skirt with a flowy light pink short sleeve blouse. She looked very cute in her outfit. I however put on my usual outfit minus the jacket since it was much warmer out this season. I walked up to her to hopefully not stick out and so I could have a conversation with my friend.


*back to this morning*

Marinette pov:

"Come on Marinette wake up wake up!" Tikki said forcing Marinette outof her slumber.

" OhcomeonTikki 5 more minutes." Said Marinette sluring her words a bit due to being not fully awake yet.

" No, you told me to wake you up on time today so you would have more time to get ready. You did want to wear the new outfit you made riight?" Tikki said hoping that would get her owner out of bed.

" Oh yea! I finally finished the last piece and can wear it!" Marinette said almost jumping out of bed.

Marinette got ready by showering, brushing her teeth then making some minor adjustments to her outfit before putting doing her hair and putting on the outfit. And now for the hairpin... the ribbon tied to the hairpiece, where is it. She searched all around her room before finding it sticking out of one of her drawers. The hairpiece was a hairpin with a few small crystals attached and a thin pink ribbon wrapped in a bow and glued to the bobby-pin. She stuck it in her hair to the left. Once she was satisfied she headed down to the bakery to grab a croissant. She got her croissant and kissed her parents goodbye before heading to school.

"Wow, I can't believe it you here before school starts!" Alya teased

"Ha ha ha, for your information I am not always late just a good 50% of the time" Marinette stated as a matter of factly.

She then saw a red car pull up and Kagami stepped out of it. Her face was fixed into a neutral looking expression. That wasn't a bad thing, she may seem scary but she is actually a good person once you get to know her. Marinette waved hoping that Kagami would come over, much to her liking Kagami started making her way over.



/Author's note/

Sorry its a tad on the short side but hope you like it, even though it is pretty boring. I will hopefully do another chapter soon. And yes I do realize that for Marinette's pov I did it in 3rd person sorry bout that I just ended up being to lazy to change it. If you read this thank you so so much have a good day/night stay safe, you are loved, you are important, And valid love you uhm bai.


july 10, 2020

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