《Kagaminette love》UvU


Kagamis mom: alright girls, here's our hotel.

Kagami: thanks mom

Marinette: thank you

Kagami: now I'll be in my room

Kagami: alright.

*in their rooms*

Kagami: soo

Marinette: I'm tired

Kagami: well ok

Marinette: *takes of her ties and goes to the drawer to put it in*

Marinette: wait..

Kagami: what is it?

Marinette: there are boxes in here!

Kagami: what, really

Marinette: here *gives the other box*

Marinette: might aswell Open it

*opens boxes*

Marinette: gah! A flying rat!!

Kagami: what are you?

Marinette: get something to trap them in!!

Kagami: let's ask them, alright?

Kagami: hey, what are you?

Longg: were kwamis

Kagami: what exactly are those?

Tikki: were magical creatures from thousands of years ago

Longg: I'm longg

Tikki: I'm Tikki

Tikki: I'm the ladybug kwami

Longg: and I'm the dragon kwami

Marinette: oh, Umm, alright?

Kagami: so what is it exactly do you do?

Longg: we give you powers

Tikki: put these jewels on

*puts on miraculous*

Marinette: and what else?

Tikki: just say these words "Tikki spits on"

Marinette: alright..tikki..

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