《Scream 1996 [Male reader insert]》October 15, 1996: Part II


Sidney entered the bathroom, head hung low. Her left hand wiped her forehead as she approached one of the sinks. She grabbed her backpack strap and laid down the backpack on the corner of the sink, reaching into it.

"She was never attacked. I think she made it all up," A girl in one of the stalls spoke. Sid turned to look at the stalls, no longer focused on collecting herself.

"Why would she lie about it?" The girl in the next stall over asked.

"For attention! The girl has some serious issues." The toilet flushed. "I mean, how could Sidney have been the only one attacked when her brother was also in the house? It doesn't make any sense."

Unwilling to face the girl who said those things, Sid took her bag and entered one of the stalls.

A blonde cheerleader left the stall and stood in front of the bathroom mirrors. "What if she did it? What if Sidney killed Casey and Steve?"

The other toilet flushed. "Why would she do that?"

"Maybe she had the hots for Steve and killed them both in a jealous rage."

"What would Sidney want with Steve?" The cheerleader's brunette-haired friend leaves the stall, "She has her own bubble-butt boyfriend, Billy." She placed her bag on the sink as the blonde re-applied lipstick and stuck her finger in her mouth to get off excess product.

The cheerleader raised her eyebrows, "Maybe she's a slut just like her mother."

"You're evil."

Sidney scrunched her face, resisting the urge to cry.

"Please, it's a common fact. Her mother was a tramp."

"Cut some slack. She watched her mother get butchered," Her friend tried to give Sid the benefit of the doubt.

"And it fucked her up, royally. Think about it. Her mother's death leaves her disturbed and hostile. In a cruel and inhumane world, she's delusional. Where's God, etcetera?" Even the cheerleader's friend made a disgusted face at her remarks. "Completely suicidal, one day she snaps. She wants to kill herself, but she realizes that teen suicide is out this year, and homicide is a much healthier, therapeutic expression."

"Where do you get this shit?" The brunette asked.

"Ricki Lake."

Her friend scoffed, "You are pathetic."

The two teenage girls walked out of the bathroom together.


Sidney timidly left the stall, placing her backpack on the same sink as before. She sniffled, wiping her nose and looking at her reflection. "Pathetic."

She riffled through her bag until she heard a voice whisper her name. She froze and turned around, crouching on the floor and scanning the bottom of each stall. After not seeing anybody's legs or feet, she stood up to look at the noisy air vent.

She went back to searching through her backpack but heard her name being whispered again. Her hands stopped, and she turned to face the stalls again, slightly alarmed.

"Is someone there?" A noise echoed from one of the stalls, so Sidney got down to the ground to check again. The stalls were seemingly empty. Sidney got up again with squinting eyes.

In the stall nearest to the exit, two legs emerged. They lowered their 'Father Death' costume, letting it cover their dark wash jeans and most of their black boots. The stall unlocked, and Sidney ditched her backpack, running for the exit. She glided on the ground as the copycat went to tackle her. They crashed into the sink as Sid stood back up to get away from them.

Once Sidney reported her attack, everybody in the building was sent outside. The school didn't want to risk an actual Ghostface attack and did so for the safety of its students and staff. Most students sat in the grass or whatnot as their teacher called attendance to assure there were no missing students.

A reporter standing in front of a bus full of kids began to narrate to the camera. "In what appears to be a prank, several students were seen wearing scary masks. School officials have yet to comment, but this is known to be the same outfit worn by the killer." The reporter held up a Ghostface mask. "Seventeen-year-old Casey Becker and her boyfriend, Steven Orth, have already lost their lives. Who's next? You can literally feel the fear on this campus."

Principal Himbry spoke into the intercom. "I need your attention now, kids. Due to the recent events that have occurred, effective immediately, all classes are suspended until further notice." Students cheer at the information. "The Woodsboro police department has issued a citywide curfew beginning at 9:00 tonight."

After Himbry's announcement, students were allowed back into the school to grab any of their remaining belongings.


You, Tatum, and Sidney exit the school along with other students. Tatum walking on Sidney's right, and you on her left.

"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh, Sidney," Tatum says after Sid told you and her what happened in the bathroom. You weren't sure if she was trying to convince herself or Sidney.

"No, it was him, Tatum. I know it."

"Well, you're not to pee alone anymore, right? If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?" You can't help but laugh at Tatum's declaration.

Stu runs up from behind you, letting out gibberish, giving the three of you flowers he picked from the flower patch that you just walked past.

He hands Tatum and Sidney the flowers but tucks the flower stem behind your ear. You smile and thank him.

"Don't mention it, bud," He says with a cheeky wink.

"Darling, I don't know what you did, Sidney, but on behalf of the entire student body, we all say "Thank you!" He announces to Sidney and any nearby students.

Sidney doesn't say anything, still shaken up by what happened in the bathroom.

You found his words endearing, although ill-timed.

"Drop it, Stu," Tatum says, not wanting any more attention drawn to Sid.

He retaliates by picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. You yelp, clutching onto Stu for dear life. You don't bother to protest, knowing he'll let you down before you know it.

"Yo, I say, an impromptu party tonight, my house. Celebrate this little siesta. What do you say?" He looks at Sidney as he asks her.

"Are you serious?" She asks.

All things considered, a party did not seem like the best idea.

"Alright, Santana, if this little vixen doesn't invite the entire world," Stu bumps hips with Tatum, "We'll be fine." He carefully lets you off his shoulder. "Intimate gathering, intimate friends," He looks back at Tatum for support.

Tatum warms up to the idea, keeping that in mind. "What do you say, Sid? I mean, pathos could have its perks."

"Totally protected. Yo, I'm so buff. I got you covered, girl-erm, and of course you too, Y/N." He takes your hand and dips you, holding you up by your waist as you all continue to walk. You don't struggle to keep pace with everyone else as Stu's essentially guiding you. You laugh at his antics and tell him to let you back up.

"Come on, Sid. For me? It could be fun," Tatum says as Stu leans down to kiss her neck, incredibly thankful she was aiding in convincing Sidney.

Not wanting to disappoint Tatum, Sid relents. "Okay, whatever. Just as long as it really is intimate." She turns to you, "And don't think you can get out of this one."

You put your hands up, "Not like I have anything else going on."

Stu's face lights up, "Yeah? Nice, cool. You guys bring the food, all right?" He stays behind as the three of you walk off.

On the Riley house porch, Sidney and Tatum sat, talking to each other. When the three of you arrived home–Tatum's home, Tatum said she wanted to have a private conversation with Sid, so you excused yourself inside the house.

"What if Cotton Weary is telling the truth? Maybe he was having an affair with your mom. I mean, your dad was always out of town on business. Maybe...Maybe your mom was just a very unhappy woman," Tatum humored the rumors surrounding Maureen Prescott.

Off the bat, Sidney replied defensively, "If they were having an affair, how come Cotton couldn't prove it in court?"

Tatum looked to the side, "That's why it's a rumor."

"Right, created by that tabloid twit Gale Weathers."

Tatum awkwardly fiddled with her hands, "It goes back further, Sid. There's been talk about other men."

Sidney pursed her lips, "And you believe it."

"Well, you can only hear that Richard Gere gerbil story so many times," Sidney stood up and walked further down the porch, "Before you have to start believing it."

They don't say anything until Tatum apologized.

"Y-You know if I was wrong about Cotton Weary then...the killer's still out there."

Tatum got up and approached her, "Don't go there, Sid. You're starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick or something. Don't freak yourself out, okay? It wouldn't do you or your brother any good to start getting paranoid. We've got a long night ahead of us, okay?"

Sidney nodded in agreement when Tatum held her arm to escort her inside the house. "Let's boogie," Tatum said excitedly.

A figure in the Ghostface costume appeared in the bushes as the girls walked back into the Riley home.

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