《Water Fight - ✜Jakehoon✜》Chapter 24


plz jsknjhn mcND has no right dropping bops left and right- hold tf up that rhymed

yo whos joining my band I'm boutta debut

ps stan mcnd (my biases r minjae n win)


Jake POV

The moment I stepped foot in the house all my worries came crawling back to me. In reality, though, my parents and I have never actually had a proper conversation, or even been in the same HOUSE together for more than 2 hours ever since I was 7. Don't get me wrong they're nice when you get to know them but I rarely see them anymore so we basically cut ties and I

"I don't know why you're nervous but don't be Jakey" Sunghoon whispered, intertwining his fingers with mine. Sigh, once again Sunghoon to the rescue.

Walking into the kitchen I saw my dad sitting at one of the stools near the bench, dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep because of work. "Hey hun, hey Jakey" he welcomed us as walked in, Asahi having vanished off to finish bringing my parent's belongings back in from the trip. "Oh? You're a new friend of Jake's, usually, it's those 3 chaotic boys." he noticed Sunghoon next to me, thankfully not noticing our intertwined hands.

Sunghoon then did a full bow, "Hi Mr sim I'm Sunghoon" I snorted, and my parents giggled, "what a gentleman! No need to be so formal sunghoon"

It was as if the devil sensed my worries because my mum then asked, "so Sunghoon how did you meet Jake?" that terrifying first impression ran through my head-

"Stop being so paranoid Sunoo, see I'll even hit him with a water balloon from behind and you'll see it's him" I then walked behind 'jay' and aimed the water balloon straight at his head. I threw the balloon and it soaked his hair and a strange new shirt I swore he didn't wear to school today.

What I didn't expect though, was the entire cafeteria to suddenly fall silent and have all eyes on me but 'jay.' After a few long dreading seconds 'jay' finally looked back and I knew then and there that I wanted the floor to swallow me in.

I shivered just remembering it... and all the events following behind it. "Uhm..." Sunghoon made nervous eye contact with me, I slightly shook my head signaling him to improvise a story that DOESN'T involve me hitting him in the head with a water balloon.


"W-well uhh..." he stuttered, thinking of all the possible scenarios that could keep us both safe. "Actually we first met when Jake got assigned the same dorm as me and we just had a lot of small talk and then eventually became closer" that's such a boring scenario but at least it'll save us. "Ahh okay" she replied

As the room fell into an awkward silence I thought it would be a good time to tell my parents about me and Sunghoon. "Mum? Dad? I need to tell you something... uhh... It's kinda important" all the attention was diverted to me as everyone had curious looks on their faces.

"I'm kinda gay- actually not kinda, I'm so gay and uhh I'm dating Sunghoon" the room was now a mix of an awkward, terrifying silence, "are you kidding me?" my dad asked, soon getting cut off by my mum, "Oh shut up you dematerializing rock," she hushed my dad, "Jakey I know I haven't been the mother you needed these past years but I'm happy for you and also a little irritated" I gulped.

"I'm irritated as to why didn't you tell us beforehand? We would've cooked up a nice dinner and gotten ourselves settled back in quick, look at this mess!" she referred to all the suitcases lying around from their trip. "And I find out only NOW that my son is gay and has a boyfriend?!! You ALSO should've told us that BEFOREHAND because I wouldn't have tried setting you up with all those girls at business meetings!!" she ranted before taking a deep breath, composing herself before turning to a frozen Sunghoon, I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding in.

"and you!" she pointed threateningly at him, "take care of my baby or else you'll never walk again" I don't even know how Sunghoon suddenly gained confidence as he stood straight and smirked, "sorry miss but Jakeys MY baby now so trust that I won't let anything happen to him" my mum looked... happy?

"Hmm... Tall, handsome, good body proportions, overprotective" she thought out loud to herself before squealing, shaking the life out of me, "AAA HE'S PERFECT JAKEYYY!! YOU SCORED A GREEK GOD!! anDD HE'S A WORTHY TOP" I then scoffed, pushing her off me gently, "excUSE ME??" I said, offended to the max, "I'M the TOP in this relationship" I sassed, hands on my hips.


I don't know why but they suddenly laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world, even my dad joining in, "YOU? A TOP?!" my mum wheezed through her snorty laughs.

I huffed before taking a seat next to my dad, as Sunghoon and my mum were still wheezing my dad started talking, "you know Jakey, I'm not a big fan of my son being gay and having a boyfriend" I furrowed my brows, "but I won't stop it because I know these past few years I haven't been the best father or parental figure in your life so I would like it if we could start all over again, beginning with your happiness." He smiled slightly, my mouth agape staring wide-eyed at him before jumping on him, embracing him.

"THANK YOUUU!!!" I screamed, grabbing the attention of my mum and Sunghoon. It felt nice knowing I could start again with my parents, this time hopefully with the both of them actually being able to earn that title.

An hour later, after Jake's mum ordered a whole 5-star meal to celebrate since cooking would take too long

As Sunghoon and I sat on my bed, watching meme videos, I couldn't help but wonder about Sunghoons parents- actually Sunghoon's life in total. I realized I actually didn't know that much about him.

"Sunghoon I realize I don't honestly know you that well" I started, he hummed signaling for me to continue, "can I ask what did you do before all this? Or like, I don't know? I guess I just want to know you better" Sunghoon sighed, I guessed it was a touchy topic for him, "you don't have to you know-" he cut me off, "no it's okay, we're boyfriends now, you deserve to know"

I know this is a serious conversation but I still couldn't help but feel giddy being labelled as his boyfriend.

"I used to be a figure skater, I actually skated for 10 years"

"Why did you quit?"

"My parents... ever since I started getting gold medals they would keep putting more pressure on me with every competition coming up, forcing me to train so that I'd win and if I ever lost... let's not get into that."

Wow Sunghoon had it way more rough than I did... "Sorry that happened" I said, feeling guilty to even think I was the only one who had it tough. "It's in the past now and it's not your fault don't worry, everything's better now that I have you, my angel" running his fingers through my hair, now facing me and placing small pecks all over my face.

"So cheesy" I chuckled, not minding him calling me angel because I know I'd have to get used to him calling me pet names now. "But you love me for it" he commented, concluding the pecks with a small boop on my nose. "You're not wrong" I sighed in content as I snuggled into his embrace.

"By the way wanna stay for the night?" I asked since it was getting late, "sure but how're we gonna tell our friend group about us?" oh yeah I forgot, "we can just make a group chat and text them since I don't have the patience to tell them tomorrow in person."

"mkay" Sunghoon complied, making a group chat and telling the rest as I drifted off to sleep from his comfortable warmth.

No one POV

Not long after, Sunghoon saw the sleeping Jake and turned off his phone and the laptop they were watching memes on before wrapping his arms protectively around Jake, kissing his lips lightly, admiring his face before falling asleep.


"He'll be a good son-in-law" Jakes parents whispered, taking pictures of the cute couple sleeping, wiping their fake tears. "Why weren't we like this when we were teens?"

"You hated my guts" "oh right I still do, you had no conscience leaving my tamagotchi to die in that rotten bag of yours" "I said I was sorry ages ago! Anyway let's leave them to sleep" as they were closing the door they heard a quiet hoarse voice,

"send me those pictures later" Sunghoon basically growled with his husky, tired voice.


yall the end is nearing 😭😭

ok but jake's mom is literally me

anygays have a nice day/night

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