《Water Fight - ✜Jakehoon✜》Chapter 6


keep streaming engenes xoxo


Jake POV

"Wait, what?!"

"You heard me right. Me and your father are going back to Australia for 3 months to fix some problems in the company and the meantime, you're going to live in a school dorm."

Of course, I wanted to protest but my mother always gets everything her way, so I just nodded my head in agreement.

"When are you leaving," I asked,

"Tonight, which means you're moving into a dorm tomorrow morning. Better start packing, also all the money you'll need has already been transferred to you," she answered.

"Ok thanks. See you." I deadpanned while walking to my room.

Sunghoon POV

As usual, I was in my dorm sitting on my bed scrolling through social media. Wait let me explain why I have a dorm.

I'm a former celebrity ice skater, keyword: former, you're probably wondering why I quit in the first place am I right? Well, I have gold medal addict parents, meaning if I didn't get first place in one of my competitions they would never let me live that down. So I'd train for days on end, rarely sleep nor eat.

This went on for almost 2 years until I told my parents I quit and ran away and here I am. Honestly, the dorms aren't that bad, the only thing I feel I'm missing here is company. What I meant in that last sentence is that I want a roommate but I also don't, meaning: everyone annoys me and I hate being around most people but I also crave someone's presence around since it gets lonely.

Anyways, as I was busy being occupied by my phone there was a knock on the door.


jfc sry for posting so late and making this so short oml. i got school and where I am its nearing the end of school so I got wAY too many tests and sfm homework. ill try upload a lot more frequently now kdshfvbh

also eNHYPEN PERFORMING AT MAMA. ik they're not getting any awards but I'm manifesting the performance and jakes underrated vocals

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