《WayHaught Sexual Desires》Chapter 18


"Babe can you bring me my pants please?" Nicole yells. I'm in the living room but she left her pants down stairs after we fucked this morning. I walk over to pick up her pants and something falls out of her pocket.

"Sure babe.. Do you want a.. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I yell when I realize what fell out of her pocket.

"Baby you okay?" Nicole yells.

"Ugh!! Fine.. I'm fine." I yell back. "She bought a fucking ring. A huge as ring!" I whisper to myself.

"Baby it's cold in this bathroom unless you would like to help me warm up a little bit." She says and I put the ring back in her pocket.

"Sorry baby I hit my toe on the edge of the couch." I say.

"Ouch! That must have hurt?"

"Yeah.. It sure did."

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm fine.. Dinner will be ready as soon as the kids come back."

"I love you."

"I love you too Nicole." I lean down and kiss her.

"So sexy of you to kiss me while I'm sitting on the toilet."

"You look sexy sitting there." I say before I leave and she smiles at me.

"Good morning." Nicole kisses me.

"Morning baby."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah baby.. I'm okay.. Why do you keep asking me that?"

"You've been different."

"Different how?"

"You kiss me like it's going to be you're last and you keep avoiding me."

"I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry baby.. I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you."

"The kids are gone for the weekend.. I want to take you somewhere."

"Where are we going?"


"It's a surprise."

"Oh yeah?" I smile at her.


"What kind of clothes should I pack?"

"You're sexy in everything you wear."

"Oh stop."

"I'm serious."

"Yeah right?" I roll my eyes and go pack. "Aren't you going to pack"? I ask.

"I already have."

"Damn.. Where was I?"

"Sleeping." She smiles at me. Fuck she's going to ask me to marry her.

"Oh and ugh what are we going to be doing?"

"It's a surprise."

"What kind of.. Ugh surprise?" I ask and her smile turns into a frown.

"Shit!" She whispers.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You saw it didn't you?"

"Saw ugh.. Saw what?" I ask as I turn around and walk away.

"Waverly baby.. Look at me." She says and I turn around and face her.


"I won't be mad.. Just tell me."

"I saw it." I whisper.

"That's why you've been acting so funny lately.

"I swear I wasn't being nosey and going through your stuff.. I fell out of your pants pocket and that's why I cursed and lied about hitting my toe. I'm so sorry baby."

"(Laughs) Why are you sorry?"

"Because I'm always fucking shit up."

"I tell you what? If you say yes then I'll.."

"Yes Nicole.. Yes I'll marry you."

"What?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"I said yes.. I will marry you." I say and she runs to me and picks me up.

"Really?" She has the biggest smile on her face.

"I've been wondering when you were going to ask me."

"(Laughs) You never said anything."

"Didn't have too.. I know you were going to ask me.. I just didn't know when.. Sorry if I missed up your plans for me this weekend."


"No baby.. We can still go."

"I'm really sorry."

"If you apologize again I won't give you the ring."

"Okay.. My lips are sealed." She puts me down and gets on one knee and pulls the ring from her pocket.

"Waverly Earp.." She drops her head. "(Sniffs) I'm sorry.. I got this (Clears Throat) Waverly Earp I've loved you since the first time I saw you.. Yeah you didn't notice me but I sure did notice you.. I know I can be very difficult to deal with sometimes but I can't help it because your smile does something to me.. And I'm not talking about in a sexual way.." She says and I laugh. "I mean it though.. It was your smile that changed my life.. I knew then that you would drive me crazy even if I was mad at you.. When I kissed you for the first time I felt my heart skip a beat.. When I held you in my arms for the time I knew I wanted to be the one to keep you safe.. Whenever you're not around me I can feel the life draining out of me.. When Joseph attacked you I.. (Crying) Damn it." She whispers.

"We don't have to talk about him."

"No I.. I do.. He said something to me and it's been on my mind for years."

"Nicole he.."

"Let me finish baby." Shes and I nod. "He said that if it wasn't for him then I wouldn't have gotten the pleasure to have know what it felt like to be with.. To love you and hold you at night.. That's what he meant and it's true.. He's the reason I hated men my whole life and the reason I was always interested in girls.. Part of me believes that is true but what I can say is that I'm the reason you fell in love with me not him and I love you for that.. When I was in prison I thought about killing myself."

"Nicole." I whisper. "You (Crying)."

"Shhhh.. Don't cry baby.." She wipes me tears away. "There were several times I thought about killing myself but every time I was close I saw your beautiful smile and that's why I'm alive today.. The love you have showed me and the love you have for me is the reason I'm alive today. You stayed with me through everything but anyone else would have ran for the hills.. That is why I stayed strong in there.. Thinking about your beautiful face helped me get through that hell hole.. Your love saved me baby.. Yours did.. And I knew that when I got out I had to get you back.."

"You.. (Sniffs) You never lost me."

"You gave me a beautiful daughter and two beautiful twins.. That's something I thought I would never have.. The love I have for you can not be (Crying) It can't be explained."

"Baby.. I love you.. I love you so much and the love I have for you is unexplainable too."

"Most people talk about what they feel at that moment but I want you to know what I feel deep down and why I fell in love you.. It has nothing to do with how good sex is with you.. I loved you long before that.."

"I loved you too Nicole Haught."

"I'm going to ask you again.. Will you marry me beautiful?" She whispers.

"Yes." I say and she puts the ring on my finger and my God was it beautiful.

"I love you." She stands up and pulls me close.

"I love you too." I kiss her softly.

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