《WayHaught Sexual Desires》Chapter 13


"Nicole everything okay?" Helena asks.

"Do you remember when I was 13 years old and I had a problem?"

"There was a lot going on with you when you were 13 years old."

"Let's cut it short.. She's wondering if Bella is having some kind of ugh... Hell I don't know what to call this shit." I say.

"What's wrong with her?" Helena asks.

"She's talking about punishing people with handcuffs and who knows what else." I say.

"Has she discovered sex?"

"Yes and no.. She's not having sex but she knows tooooooo much about it." Nicole says.

"Too much like what?"

"Let's just say she's being learning more that just math, English, science and history.. Her science is high level."

"Right.. Well Nicole you discovered sex at a pretty young age as well.. You even.."

"HEY HEY HEY!! That's enough information.. Thank you." Nicole interrupts her.

"No.. Tell me more?" I say and we all start to laugh.

"Hey." I hear a voice say and everyone looked.

"Ugh.. Hi.. Nick how are you?" I ask

"Wow.. He looks like you." Helena tells Nicole.

"Yeah.. He looks like dad more and more everyday."

"Hi mom." Nick hugs Nicole.

"Hello my prince." Nicole says.

"Your only prince?"

"Yes indeed."

"Hi Aunt Helena." Nick says.

"Hey baby."

"Can I have some cake and ice cream?" Nick asks me.


"Hey where is your mom?" Nicole ask.

"She had to go back and get my backpack.

"Okay.. Beautiful can you fix him some ice cream and cake please?" Nicole asks me.

"Sure thing baby.."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Nicole Nick has been feeling a little sick lately.. His medicine is in his bag."

"What's wrong with him?" Nicole ask.

"He caught the stomach virus from one of the kids at school and he throws up sometime.. But the stomach virus is gone he just needs to finish his medicine."


"Okay.. Thank you for telling me."

"Of course.. I don't want Bella or the twins getting sick."

"Right.. Hey can he stay the whole week? I miss him."

"Sure.. I'll get Alec to bring him some more clothes for the week."

"Oh he has plenty here in his room."

"Right.. Well I guess I'll head back to work.. NICK!" Brittany yells.

"Yes mom?" He comes running.

"You're going to stay with your mom for the rest of the week and please my dear.. Behave.. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am." He says.

"I'm serious Nick, no back talk."

"I said yes ma'am."

"Hey.. Lose the attitude young man." Nicole says.

"Can I go now?"

"Not until I get my kiss and a hug."

"Mom.. You said I didn't have to give you a kiss in public."

"I'm waiting." Brittany says and Nick kisses her cheek and gives her a hug. "I love you."

"Love you mom.. Now please stop embarrassing me." He whispers and we laugh.

"Alright.. Alright.. You can go." She says and he runs to his room.

"Waverly." Brittany says.

"Brittany." I say.

"Okay.. I guess I'll be leaving.. Goodbye everyone."

"Thank you for bringing him Brittany." Nicole says.

"You're welcome." Brittany says and she leaves.

"The two of you need to get along for the sake of your children."

"Yeah.. Well she wants Nicole and I don't like it."

"Waves come on.. She's married now."

"That doesn't mean she don't want you."

"(Laughs) What makes you think you wants me?"

"I see the way she looks at you.. I know the sex between you two was good but she needs to back off."

"The sex was.. Waverly."

"Nicole it's not a secret that sex with you is mind blowing.. Hell I missed sex with you when we were apart.. I know she does to."


"I'm leaving." Helena says.

"No stay.. We need to talk about Bella." Nicole says.

"Nicole think about your childhood and what we did for you.. Do the same for her."

"Okay Aunt Helena.. Thanks for coming." Nicole says.

"You're welcome.. Bye Waverly." Helena says.

"Bye.." I say before she shuts the door.

"Nicole you were obsessed with sex at a very young age I see."

"Indeed I was.. It was something I wanted to do.. But only in my imagination.. I didn't want to have sex for real.. I just looked thinking about it a lot.. I never know what it really was and what it felt like.. I just wondered what I could do with the power of someone underneath me.."


"Not like that baby.. Just.. What I'm trying to say is that I know what Bella means when she says she wants to punish people.. She's thinking of it as a way to gain power over someone.. That's why she thinks handcuffs is the best option because they won't be able to move."

"What should we do?"

"She's going to talk to Dr. Alice Reed."

"Who is that?"

"She's a mental doctor."

"Bella isn't crazy.. She's just way to smart for her own good." I say.

"No baby.. She's not a doctor for crazy people.. She gets into one's mind and opens up their imagination to new things."

"And you think this will help?"

"It helped me."


"We can go tomorrow." Nicole says.


"Hey handsome." Nicole says to Nick.

"Hey mom." Nick says.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing.. Just tired."

"Okay.. Well I was just coming to tell you goodnight and I love you."

"Goodnight.. And love you too."

"I'll be in the bed baby." I tell Nicole.

"Okay beautiful." Nicole says before I shut the door.

"Do you love you?" Nick asks Nicole.

"Of course I do.. Why would you ask me that? Did your mom say something to you?"

"No.. She tells me all the time that you love me."

"Okay.. So why did you ask me that?"

"Because I only see you on the weekends.. I'm not here like my brother and sisters are."

"Baby.. That doesn't mean I don't love you."

"Then why can't I stay here with you all the time?"

"Baby your living arrangements was that you would say with your mom.. Same thing with Waverly.. Her kids would stay with her."

"But you're here with her all the time."

"That's because Waverly is the love of my life."

"You don't love my mom?"

"Baby of course I do.. I love your mom because she's the reason I got a chance to be your parent.. But if you want to be here more often that's fine with me.. I'll talk to your mom so you can come over more."

"Thanks mom.. I just want to he around you and the twins more.. I already see Bella all the time, I just want the twins to know me.."

"I understand."

"Bella send me pictures all the time of the twins.. We even talk at school about them."

"Speaking of school.. Do you know any of her friends?"

"Yeah, but.."

"But what Nick?"

"They are into a lot of weird stuff mom.."

"Weird like what?"

"Bella is going to kill me."

"I won't tell."

"I'm her big brother and.."

"Who would you rather upset? Me or your sister?"

"Yeah she ugh.. She hangs around the new kids that just came in from camp.. Joanna, Alice, Alex, Cam, Nicolas and I don't know the other names mom I swear."

"I believe baby.. Thank you my Prince."

"You're welcome mom."

"Here.. Your mom said for you take your medicine."

"Yes ma'am." He takes his medicine and Kay's down.

"Goodnight.. I love you."

"Love you too mom.. Goodnight."

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