《WayHaught Sexual Desires》Chapter 12


"(Moans) Damn woman." Nicole says with her eyes shut close.

"Open your eyes.. Look at me." I tell her.

"Ah!! Fuck.. You're so.. Tight.."

"(Moans) Oh baby.. You feel so good inside of me."

"Mmmm.. And I love the way you feel too.. I want you to cum for me.. Can you do that beautiful?" Nicole whispers against my lips.

"Yes baby.. Make me cum.." And she fucks me harder. "(Moans) Ahh!! Ah!! Ahhhh!! Oh my.. (Gasps) Baby yes.. Right there.. Don't.. Don't stop."

"(Moans) Shit I'm about cum." Nicole says.

"Cum with me baby.. (Moans) I'm coming.. I'm coming.. Ahh!! (Passionate screams) Nicole!!" I yell.

"I know baby.. I.."

"Nicole don't stop!" I yell.

"Baby the police is here." She says but I do not let her up.

"Make.. Me.. Cum.." I say against her lips when I pull her close.

"(Groans) Yes ma'am.." Her thrust were so deep and fast I came in no time.

"Ah!!! Ah!! (Moans) (Panting) Mmmm.. The police was not at our house." I tell Nicole.

"Yeah, but I.."

"POLICE OPEN UP!" I hear a man yell at our front door.

"What the fuck is going on?" Nicole asks and we then here a loud boom.

"What the hell!" I yell.

"Sheriff Haught?!" I hear a woman say and she kicks down our bedroom door.

"Hey!" I yell.

"Boss you okay?"

"I'm fine Sarah." Nicole says.

"Ma'am are you alright?" She turns to ask me.

"I would be better if you tell me why you guys burst into my house and kick down my bedroom door.

"Well your daughter dialed 9-1-1."

"BELLA!" I yell.

"She's outside." The officer informs me.

"Why is she outside?"

"We didn't know what was going on so we took her outside."

"Why did she call you?" I ask.

"She said you were screaming as of someone was hurting you and.."

"(Laughs) I'm sorry." Nicole says.


"Nicole stop laughing." I say.

"Sorry baby but.. Sorry."

"Can you go and get my daughter please." I ask.

"Yes ma'am.. But maybe you should you know.."

"No I don't know.. What is it now?"

"Cover up ma'am." She whisper.

"Shit!! Sorry." I say grabbing my covers.

"Nothing to be sorry for." She smiles.

"Watch it Sarah." Nicole says.

"(Laughs) Not like that boss.. Everyone knows not to mess with your woman.. And they would be a fool to try it and you cover up too.. The child already thinks someone was killing one of her mothers."

"Thank you." Nicole says.

"You're welcome boss.. Ma'am."

"Thank you." I say and she walks down stairs.



"I'm sorry baby." She says handing me a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt and she also puts on a pair.

"You can bring her in now." I yell down stairs.

"Mom!" Bella comes running.

"Hey baby." I say.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"I'm fine sweetheart."

"But you we're screaming and mom I called for you and you didn't answer." Bella tells Nicole.

"Sorry princess I was a little busy and I didn't hear you."

"To busy that you didn't hear mom.. She was loud, I woke up because of it.. I thought someone was trying to hurt her."

"Yes i heard your mother and she was getting hurt per say but.."

"NICOLE!" I yell.


"Stop talking."

"Mom what's that?" Bella points to my neck.

"Oh that a ugh.. It's.."

"It's a hickey princess." Nicole says.

"I see you two have this under control.. We're leaving." One of the officers say.

"Thank you for coming."

"Yes ma'am.. And sorry about your doors." He says.

"Wait.. Doors.. With an S.. You mean more than one?" I ask.

"All of them were kicked down.. We'll have them fixed bright and early in the morning.. And we'll have an officer say and watch you guys because of the doors.. Get some rest everyone."


"Well I'll be.."

"Goodnight officers." Nicole says.

"Goodnight boss." And they all disappear.

"Baby you can't call the cops over here when you mom is.." Nicole says.

"When she's what?? Because it sounded like she was about to pass out." Bella says.

"That's because she was." Nicole smiles at me.

"Nicole stop talking.. Bella I'm fine.. Your mom and I were playing a game."

"Wait.. I know what you were doing.."

"No baby.. You don't.. Because we.."

"You were having sex." Bella says and Nicole spits out her water.

"Ugh.. Princess?" Nicole says.

"Yes mom?"

"Who told you that we were ugh.. Doing that?" Nicole ask.

"I put two and two together just now and plus you told me that the mark on mom's neck was a hickey.. So yeah.. You two were having sex."

"I'm going to get me a drink." I say.

"No.. We need to talk about this?" Nicole says.

"Yes and I need a drink." I say walking out the room.

"Bella you stay right here.. We'll be back." Nicole says.

"Waverly what the hell?" Nicole says.

"What? I didn't tell her."

"What goes on here when I'm at work?"

"She doesn't watch porn Nicole.. She's just.."

"What Waverly? Because it seems like our daughter is.."

"It's not a big deal." Bella says.

"Princess who told you about that?" Nicole ask.

"What sex?" She asks.


"I just heard some stuff about it."


"At school.. At camp.. You know."

"No baby.. I don't know." I say.

"Relax mom.. I'm not doing it." Bella says and I'm look most of words.

"Good to know baby.. Good to know.."

"Well I haven't started yet, but.."

"Enough.. Nicole you're on your own I can't."

"What a second.. You can't leave me." Nicole says.

"This is too much for me." I say.

"Mom I'm not having sex because I'm not old enough yet, besides I need my own place for what I'm planning on doing."

"And what do you plan on doing?" Nicole ask.

"I've heard a lot of stories about sex but I like the one when the lady gets tied up for being bad.. And trust me, I have a lot of people who needs to be tied up and punished."

"BELLA!" I yell.

"I have no words." Nicole whispers.

"Bella that's not how that works.. You can't just tied people up for being bad."

"Well what did you do?" Bella asks me.

"Excuse me?"

"You have handcuffs on your headboard.. So what did you do that was so bad that mom had to handcuff you and punish you?"

"Oh my god." I say.

"You are really my child." Nicole says.

"What's wrong mom?" Bella says.

"Nicole she's going to therapy." I say.

"Why because I know about sex?"

"Bella you're not going back to that camp or that school." Nicole says.

"But mom.. That's where all of my friends are."

"Seems like you need new friends."

"They won't understand me like my friends do."

"And what's to understand?"

"We are all into the same thing.. We want the same thing?"

"And what's that?? What you want to tie people up and punish them for fun?"

"Cammie said you don't do it for fun.. You do if for pleasure." Bella informs us.

"And who the fuck is Cammie?" Nicole yells.

"Nicole watch your mouth and Cammie is the teacher."

"You two get some rest.. I'll be back." Nicole says.

"But you said you wasn't going to leave us." Bella tells Nicole.

"I'm not leaving baby.. Just going out for a minute.. I'll be back before you wake up."


"I promise." Nicole says and Bella goes to her room.

"Waverly what the fuck?"

"She does remind me of you.. Like mother like daughter I guess." I say.

"That's not funny."

"You're the one who was laughing at first."

"Well it's not funny anymore.. I'll be back.. I love you beautiful."

"I love you too."

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