《WayHaught Sexual Desires》Chapter 8


"Nicole we're not fucking today.. She said no." I say getting out the shower.

"I hate this shit." She says.

"I know you do baby."

"I want you so bad."

"I want you too."

"Then have me Waverly.. I need to feel your touch.. I miss you." She says and I walk over to her, push her down, sits on her lap and kiss her passionately.

"I miss you too baby."

"Maybe we can change her mind."

"(Laughs) Nicole no.. I think this will help us."

"You're joking?"

"I'm not." I whisper against her lips and then I kiss her like it's our last. "(Gasps)." I jump when I feel her through her pants.

"You feel that?" She asks.

"You know I can feel it baby."

"(Groans) Please don't tease me."

"Mmmmm.. Don't you tease me." I whisper in her ear and I get up and walk off.

"Fuck." Nicole says and she puts her phone on speaker. "Hello." She says.

"Hey boss.. You coming in today?" A man asks and Nicole looks at me.

"Yes she is." I say and hang up her phone.

"Waverly what the hell?? I wasn't going in.. I took off for a little while."

"Yes you are.. Have a great day baby." I tell her.

"I'll go if you.."

"No.. Good bye Nicole."

"You didn't let me finish."

"Well you don't always let me finish either."

"Funny.. You got jokes."

"Have a good day." I say and I leave the house and head to the office.

"Hello gorgeous. How can I help you?" The officer tells me.

"I'm here for you boss.. Could you show me the way please." I ask the officer.


"Well Sheriff Haught is busy at the moment, but I can help you."

"No thank you.. Nicole would be just fine."

"Nicole.. So you're on first name bases with the boss?" He asks.

"Could you call her up here please."

"How about you tell me what you want with her and I'll see if I could help you."

"Okay if you insist."

"Yes ma'am.. So how can I be of your service?"

"I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed out.. I was wondering if I could get some help with that?"

"Oh.. Ugh.. Sounds like you need a doctor, but I'm.."

"My stress release is sex.." I say walking towards him. "And what I want right now is to feel deeply.. Well let's just say I want to feel something big.. I'm talking huge.. I want to feel it so deep inside of me that I.."

"Ah!! Shit." He say and he sits down and puts his jacket over his lap. "Sorry." He says.

"You okay there?" I ask.

"I'm fine.. Is there something legal I could help you with?"

"I can help you?" Another officer says.

"Is that so?" I ask.

"Yes ma'am.. You name it and I got it."

"I want Sheriff Haught."

"She's ugh.. She's busy."

"Yeah that's what he said before he.. Well let's just say he got a bit distracted."

"Officer Reed stand up." The other officer says.

"I can't." He reply.

"Really dude.. Could you show some respect."

"But she was.."

"She what? All she wanted was some help.. But for you too get.. Ugh.. Take a lunch break."

"Fine." He says and he gets up and walk out the building.


"I never caught you name?"

"That's because I didn't give it to you."

"Well beautiful, what is your name?"

"Officer Monroe, I don't think the boss lady will like the flirting that is going on here."

"Who said the boss lady has to find out."

"What's done in the dark always comes to light."

"Ummm.. Well speaking of dark, can I take you to dinner tonight?"

"I have plans."

"Mmmm.. What about tomorrow?"

"Like I said, I have plans."

"Playing hard to get.. I like it."

"I do too." Nicole says.

"(Clears Throat) Sorry boss I was just.."

"Flirting with the beautiful woman?"


"So you were flirting with her?"

"Yes, but I was also doing my job."

"By trying to get into her pants.. How is that work related Monroe?"

"You're right.. Sorry boss it won't happen again."

"I know.. Because you're fired."

"WHAT!?" He yells. "Why?"

"Think about it."

"I told you she wasn't going to like it." I tell him.

"Boss please."

"You know the last time someone flirted with her I broke one of her bones, I also went to jail once." Nicole says as she looks at me. "And then someone was calling her sexy and all that other crap.."

"Shit.. Is that Waverly?"

"Yes.. My name is Waverly." I say.

"Why didn't you say so.. I would have let you back if I would have known you was the boss lady's woman."

"She does that sometimes, because she knows I don't like it.. Don't you baby?" She asks.

"Be at my car in five minutes." I demand her.

"Excuse me? Waverly I have paper work."

"And that's what he is for." I point at Monroe. "Office can you handle paper work?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay then.. So Nicole five minutes.. Not a minute later." I say walking off.

"I got it boss.. You can leave."

"I'm the boss, I tell you when to leave.. Not the other way around." Nicole says.

"Yes ma'am."

"Well would you look at that, you're a whole minute early."

"Waverly what's going on?"

"I made dinner plans."

"You did what?"

"Yeah.. I mean we should have a little more fun before the kids come home."

"Fun.. You call the last past couple of days fun?"




"Why did you do that?" Nicole asks me as she looks down at my dress.

"Do what?" I ask.

"You're not wearing any underwear."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because I can feel it.. I know what's mine.. And you're naked under there."

"Am I?" I say as I pull out the parking lot.

"Waverly why?"

"I'm so fucking wet right now."

"Stop it."

"Mmmm.. I had an intense orgasm about an hour ago." I say moving my hair out of the way.. Exposing my neck.

"What the fuck is that?" Nicole asks.

"What is it baby?"

"You neck.. What's that?"

"Oh.. It's nothing.. Just walking out at night."

"That's a hickey.. Not a bite." She says.

"Oh the hickey.. Yeah I thought you did that?"

"You thought?"

"Well I know it didn't come from the party."

"What party?"

"Nicole calm down."

"Who did it? Was it Haley?"

"(Laughs) We're here." I say getting out the car but she stops me.

"Waverly don't play with me." She says and I can see the anger in her eyes.

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