《Journey to the Old Era (Drisana's Mahabharat #1)》Chapter 6


Drisana successfully avoided lying while not telling the truth either. The pandavs seemed satisfied with her answers. Even Arjun too seemed pacified.

Kunti had already grown a soft spot for her since the moment she was brought in critical condition. But after hearing she had no one, Kunti assured her she and her sons were there and she was her putri now. Nakul was rather displeased with her declaration.

Yudhisthir was very interested in knowing the political inner works of her country which Drisana tried to explain as best as she could. He was impressed with the way women participated in it and was thinking of bringing

something like that in their system too. For the life of Drisana, she couldn't believe that this man with his calm posture and sense of justice was going to be the reason of Draupadis' humiliation.

On the third day after Krishna visited, Drisana made a mistake. She told Bheem about the varieties of food of her country. Though she wasn't a kitchen expert, due to travelling many countries and places, she watched what she ate because she accidentally didn't wanted to eat something weird. She knew the recipes and making process of varieties of food and telling that to Bheem had been a gravely mistake as now he hunted her and tried to drag her to the kitchen.

Arjun was now at ease with her too as she was Madhavs' behna. It seemed like he was the most easy-going and humorous among the bunch when he's not tensed. Drisana was really impressed with his archery skills as she watched him practicing. It was one thing to know he was the best, but watching him in his element was another. He really deserved the praises handed to him.

Sahdev was less talkative, but very knowledgeable. He told her a lot about aryavart, also wanted to know about her countries civilization and cultures. Now Drisana tried to tell him as much as she could without shocking the poor guy. With his help, she learned the map and also read a few books. Though she had no problem in understanding or speaking sanskrit, reading and writing was a bit tough. Sahdev helped her a lot in that. She had formed a bond with him. The duo teamed up to escape Bheem and tried to save each other.

Nakul. Now he was another matter. Though he tried to hide it, but from the continuous staring when she was near, the blushes (yes, that guy could blush), his soft smiles, gentle gaze and his gifts had given a clear indication towards his liking of her. He was a sweet gentleman and also the most handsome one of them. He also had a vast knowledge of medicine. He liked the nature and animals, often talking about them fondly. And he had also started finding unique things to gift her, like rare flowers, wooden carvings, beautiful stones, even found an earth pot with beautiful design on it. Poor guy even spent a good half day in the kitchen in an attempt to save her from Bheem. And yes, he still thought he was being subtle.


As for Drisana, the truth and depth of the situation had slowly sink into her. But how she managed to get herself here or why Krishna didn't send her back was still a mystery to her. What were the chances that a energy field was sitting around just for her? She was trying to think of a way to get back to her time. She thought to convince Krishna when he came back. Well, she convinced herself he'll be back of course. Till then she made herself comfortable with Kunti and the pandavs. Seeing no point in freaking herself or others. She'd always been fast at adjusting to new environments and people and that came in handy here.

After 14 days of arriving at Varanavat, the work of the palace was finished and she along with the pandavs and Rajmata kunti shifted to the palace. She almost felt sorry that it was a death trap designed to kill pandavs. It's architecture was beautifully done to lure anyone. She wasn't concerned even knowing it was made of lacquer as she knew pandavs and Kunti would survive and she would be long gone with Krishnas' help by that time. It had only been one month of their staying at the palace and the fire incident wasn't supposed to happen for another 11 months.

Drisana was preparing for puja with Kunti, it had been her morning routine since she came here, when purochans' wife arrived. More then Kunti that woman stucked to her. She knew she was being watched. Not only by purochans' wife but every single person here loved to stare at the girl who was firstly mad, then got cured by lord Narayans' blessing, roamed around with men who were apparently princes and was Vasudev Krishns' sister thus making her a yadavkanya. She asked Sahdev what it meant. He explained that as vasudevs' sister she was one of the yadavs and if after reaching Dwarka vasudevs' family adopted her through rituals, then she would be a kshatriya yadu and a princess. Great. She didn't intend

to stick here for that.

After completing the puja with Kunti, they reached at the sitting area where Kunti gave blessings and offerings to her sons. They all sat for breakfast. It was another thing Drisana really admired.

"Drisana, are you going to the kitchen with bhrata Bheem after breakfast or later? Actually I wanted to show you a new bow." Arjun said with an innocent face. It was better that there wasn't any knife or fork in this yug.

"It's good you reminded me Arjun. Drisana, you said you'll come later yesterday and send me to the kitchen, but you never showed up. Today you'll come only with me. I want you to show me making the 'stu' thing you mentioned earlier." Bheem declared as Drisana gave a helpless look. He was talking about bean & halloumi stew that was one of her favourite which she mistakenly said to Kunti once and Bheem didn't only smelled food, he also heard the


talk of food from far.

Kunti gave a glare to Arjun. Nakul looked sympathetic and Sahdev was controlling his laughter. Even Yudhisthir was trying hard to contain his smile.

"Bhrata Bheem, actually I wanted to talk about it too. The herbs needed to prepare that needs to be fresh and also some are not available in the kitchen. So I was thinking of going to find them today. Then we can prepare it." Drisana said praying he'd agree.

"Yes, and I can help her in finding them. I was also going to find some herbs for a medicine."Nakul was quick to support her. Sahdev looked at him with arched eyebrow and Arjun smirked. Yudhisthir was also noticing his eagerness to help Drisana as well.

"Of course, if not you then who will help Drisana? After all, you're the one who knows about them only." Arjun said to him.

"Okay, but don't get late." Bheem agreed. The only oblivious one.

"Sahdev, I finished reading the book you gave me earlier. But I have some questions." Drisana said to Sahdev.

"I knew you'll have some. But I think jyesth will be able to answer them more appropriately as he knows about justice and righteousness the best." Sahdev said to



"Not now putri. The meal has arrived. First take it then get into your discussions." Kunti interrupted Drisana with affection. This girls curiosity and knowledge amazed her.

"Yes, and you also need to eat properly. You're too small. " Again Bheem thought to comment.

"What to do bhrata Bheem? Bidhatane khane ki samta to aap ko hi de rakkhi hain. Meri kya majal jo aap se mukabla karu. (God has bestowed the power to eat only to you. How can I compete with you?)" Drisana said with a smile. She had grown rather fond of the giant who was now like a big brother to her. She understood quickly that Bheem worded things rather harshly but he was a big softie in heart. He was the first one who told her to call him bhrata after saving her from a mad elephant. Yudhisthir and Arjun followed. She'd never seen Nakul so pale and running fast with Sahdev before or after and the next day Sahdev told her to call him and Nakul by their name only.

After finishing breakfast, she went out to 'find' herbs with Nakul. Nakul asked her what type of herbs they were to find with a mischievous smile. Drisana rolled her eyes.

They were walking through the jungle path talking about nothing in particular.

After a time Nakul told her to wait and went a little ahead. Later he returned with a cute rabbit in his hand.

"He'd like to be your friend. What say?" Nakul said.

"He's so beautiful. But I'll hate it if he gets separated from his family." Drisana said while taking the rabbit from him and after petting it some, she released it on the forest floor.

"You're so good with animals. It's like you can also understand their sounds. "Nakul said being pleased

with her caring nature.

"I've spent a lot of time among nature and animals. But I'm nowhere near as good as you." Drisana said giving him a smile.

They continued their walk then with Nakul explaining how he understood the particular sounds of birds and animals.

Duryodhan was in his chambers resting after a tiring session in the practice area when Shakuni busted looking disturbed and ordered all the das, dasis to leave. Ensuring their privacy Shakuni turned towards him while Duryodhan watched confusingly.

"What happened Mamashree? Why are you looking tensed? " Duryodhan asked.

"Because it's a matter to be tensed. There has been a message from Varanavat. That mad girl is not so mad anymore and she is none other than that Vasudev Krishns sister. " Shakuni replied with anger.

Duryodhan was surprised but after some time said,"We

don't need to worry about her. If she gets burned along with those pandavs, it'll be better. That Vasudev will learn a lesson. "

"And what if the opposite happens? What if the pandavs get saved with her?"Shakuni asked him. Duryodhan was thinking about it.

"We can't wait. We've to act right now. Otherwise if Vasudev reaches there to meet his sister and gets to know about the palace being made of lacquer, the pandavs will get saved and that buddha(old man) will pull our hair in bonus." Shakuni hissed out in anger.

Duryodhan nodded knowing his Mamashree's words were true. If his dearest Pitamah, Mahamahim Bhismeh got to know he tried to kill pandavs, there'll be price to pay.

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