《Knock, Knock》Twenty-four
I frown as I remove my dress and continue trashing my room. Casey would be here any moment and I was nowhere near ready. Usually, dressing for a date never leaves me so nervous. But then again none of my other dates ever made me feel like she did. I groan as I grab the next outfit consisting of a turtle neck and skinny jeans. I shrug my shoulders. It didn't hurt to try.
I hear a knock on my door, startling me. I glance at the digital watch on my nightstand. Casey was early. I pause as my nerves wrack in my brain. I wasn't near ready and I was beginning to freak out. I hear the knocking again. I panic and rush towards the door, opening it without much thought of my indecency.
The brown skinned girl smirks, her eyes roaming over my body. She opens and closes her mouth several times. It takes me a moment before the breeze on my bare skin reminds me that I was only in my lace bra and panties. I blush before turning on my heel and heading into my room without a word. Knowing Casey, she'd probably come in anyways.
I decide on the turtle neck and jeans, seeing as nothing else pleased me. But then again, the first dress I tried on, matches Casey's outfit. I groan as I stare at the pile of clothes on my room floor. Sometimes it sucks being a woman. I can be so indecisive at times.
I hear a knock at my room door and glance over spotting Casey. This time she's not staring at my body. "Wow, you had a party with out me" the girl jokes. She enters my room, walking around my half nude body and towards my pile of clothes. It takes her seconds to find a dress that somewhat matches what she's wearing. She smiles and walks toward me.
"As much as I am loving this sight, you should get dressed. I planned a nice date for us."
I blush at her compliment and nod my head. I retrieve the dress from her hands and head into my restroom to get dressed. About 15 minutes later, I'm dressed and ready to go. I exit my room to find Casey nowhere to be seen. Suddenly there's a knock at my door, slightly startling me. I head towards the door, glancing out the peephole. I see no one. The knocking continues.
I open the door to spot a bouquet of flowers. I can't help but to smile as I take them into my hands. I roll my eyes quickly at Casey. "You didn't have to" I smile bigger. "What's a date without flowers? I had to. Plus I knew you would've taken quite a while to get ready."
I chuckle awkwardly. I was actually ready 10 minutes ago. I had a very long hesitant process of making sure my make up wasn't smudged or making sure my hair was perfect. I couldn't go out with Casey looking any kind of way. "I'll go put these away, give me a minute" I blush from embarrassment. I sniff the flowers, loving the fresh smell.
A minute later, I head back towards the door, where Casey stood on her phone. "I'm done" I say almost a bit too jealous. Was her phone going to be ringing on this date. Casey glances up from her phone, "My god, you look beautiful." I can't help but to blush once again. She holds out her free hand, which I take. Once my door is locked we head towards the elevator.
Her phone buzzes, grabbing my attention once again. "Who's that?" I question. The girl checks her phone as we wait for the elevator. "It's just Jasmine" she replies before responding to the message. Jealousy fills my chest as I force my eyes elsewhere. Once we get onto the elevator Casey glances at me.
"I'm sorry I'm on my phone. Jasmine was kind of helping me with the date and she's just letting me know our reservation is booked for 10pm. I'm going to text her, but after this I'm shutting my phone off, I promise."
The jealousy that managed its way into my heart quickly vanished at her words. And she did just as she said she would. She texted her friend and shut her phone off before sliding it into her back pocket.
"So what are we going to do today, I'm suddenly curious."
Casey smiles, "Oh, I can't tell you. Just know you're going to love this date. You just might fall in love with me."
"I think I already am" I mutter. Once the words leave my lips, I realize my mistake. My heartbeat grows as I watch Casey who's looking straight ahead. "I really hope you like this date" she says as if she didn't hear my comment. Instead of making myself worry, I agree, hoping she didn't in fact hear what I had said.
I die in silence on the way down to the main floor. Did she or did she not hear it? Now it was going to bother me for the rest of the day.
Once we reach the first floor, Casey grabs my hand and leads me outside and towards her car. She unlocks her doors and opens the passenger side for me, which causes me to smile. "You know you don't really have t--" I begin but she cuts me off by holding up her hand.
"What kind of person do you take me for Ms. Howard? Of course I have to do this, we're on a date."
I roll my eyes, "You know you can act like yourself, is what I'm saying." The brown skinned girl moves around the door and leans into the car, her lips a bit too close to mine. Her eyes meet mine before landing on my lips then back up to my eyes. "I am acting like myself" is all she mutters before I hear my seatbelt click. The girl pulls away with a smirk. Her eyes fall elsewhere as her fingers play on her lips.
She shuts my door and heads around to her side, getting in and shutting her own door. "Where are we going first?" I question.
"Well since you've asked so nicely, I was thinking we could go get breakfast and go see this historical museum that just opened up."
The words that leave her lips causes me to smile. I didn't want to fangirl about a historical museum, but I SERIOUSLY LOVED HISTORY. "That's great" I answer, maintaining my happiness. I look out the window and bite my cheek. Casey starts the car, "You don't sound too excited, was the museum a bad idea? I thought because you're a history teacher you'd love that idea."
I quickly turn towards the beauty, "I do. I just didn't want to freak you out with my yelling. I'm very excited, my insides are bubbling" I smile.
The girl chuckles and nods her head. We drive out of the parking garage and head into the city. My heart races the closer we get to our destination. First we make a stop at Shipley Donuts, one of the greatest donut places in the world. We order coffee and kolaches with a few donut holes before continuing our journey.
"These donuts holes are heavenly" I moan as I swallow yet another one. Casey chuckles and eyes me before grabbing one for herself. She hands me the bag, "You can have the rest then."
She's so damn sweet. I don't hesitate to finish them off. Once I'm done eating I reposition myself, so that I was facing Casey. "So dates are usually a great way to get to know each other. So tell me something I don't know."
The curly haired woman smiles. She quickly glances at me before turning back to the road. "My birthday is June 17th" she randomly blurts. I nod my head, mentally keeping note. "I used to run track but I injured my knee last year so I haven't been running. Uh, I'm extremely obsessed with reading. I really love reading."
"I think history is boring," she says and glances at me, her tongue darting out and coating her plump lips. "But if you were my teachers, I think I'd grow to love it. When I stayed in class with you that time, I saw how much you loved teaching history. It kind of made my heart beat to watch you really go in and explain things. Other history teachers act as if they were threatened to teach it."
Her statement causes my heart to pound. "Well I do teach 12th grade history maybe you should change classes next semester" I joke.
Casey laughs, "What about you? What is something I don't know about you?"
"I guess I'll start how you did, my birthday is December 26th."
"Really? That's kind of cool." I shrug my shoulders, I really didn't celebrate my birthday too much because it was right after Christmas. "Wait, I'm 8 years older than you..." I mutter. I knew that I was but I never really put so much focus into it. By the time she's 20 I'm practically an old woman.
"At least I'm legally an adult. And really smart" Casey pitches. I smile, "Yeah and extremely good looking" I add causing her to smirk. "Miss Howard, I was saving the kiss for after the date, please don't make me do something we'll regret."
The statement only causes me to smile wider. I remove my seatbelt and lean into the girl. "Who said I'd regret it?" I tease and bite down on my lip. Casey eyes me for a few seconds before pushing me back into my seat with a laugh, "You'll regret it when you can barely walk tomorrow morning."
I feel the heat rise on my cheeks from her comment. My eyes fall onto my legs as the girl laughs at my reaction. She really shut me up in such a nice way. "Oh we're this is my street. Shit this asshole is in the way" she groans.
My eyes land on her angered face, finding it somewhat very attractive. The honking of her horn and the other driver's horn blurs out in the background as I become truly infatuated with her features. So much so, that I didn't notice we made it to our destination. What brings me to, is soft lips pressed against my knuckles. I blink from my stupor and smile shyly.
"Are you okay?" the brown skinned beauty questions. I nod my head and offer a gentle smile. We proceed towards the museum shortly thereafter. With our hands intertwined we enter the building, immediately grabbing attention away from historical artifacts. "Where would you like to begin?" Casey questions, her hand slipping from mine and wrapping around my waist, bringing me closer.
I glance around and pull Casey towards a deserted area. The display lights up at our arrival. "Do you want to teach me or should we just listen to the recorded audio?" Casey teases.
"Let's listen. I want to see how much they'd get right." The girl and I chuckle as she proceeds.
- - - - -
"We were in there for hours, you really love history" Casey comments as we walk towards the car. I smile and nod my head. I felt a bit sad, maybe she had other things planned for us and I ruined it by being too excited about the museum. "I- I'm sorry if I disrupted your plans for today. I got really excited about this and I might have overdid it--"
Casey presses her finger to my lips, stopping me from blurting out. She smiles, "I knew you would love this. Mrs. Evans informed me earlier on so, you didn't disrupt anything. Plus I found it very alluring to watch you fangirl over history. I don't know it kind of added a bit of spice to you."
"You're really good with your words" I mutter causing her to chuckle. "And you're really beautiful. Now get in the car woman" Casey spits as she unlocks and opens her car door. I do as told, getting into the passenger side of the car before she closes the door for me once again. I pull my phone from my purse to check the time. 1:13 PM
The notifications also catch my attention. I ignore them and put my phone away just as Casey gets in. "So, is there anywhere you desire to go?" the girl questions, her eyes landing on me. I bite down on my lip in deep thought. Was there anywhere I wanted to go? My eyes meet Casey's. Honestly, I would be happy anywhere if she was there.
"Let's go go-kart racing" I blurt.
Casey eyes me in confusion. "Go-kart racing? Are you sure you want to lose?"
I smirk at her questions. "Don't be too confident Case, I was always the best at go-kart racing." The girl chuckles, "Look who's too confident now. You may have been good in your younger days, but I don't think your bones can handle it now." Casey bites back her laughter as her hand lands on my knee and wiggles my leg lightly. I slap her arm playfully, "Let's make a bet then."
I have her attention with this one. Her brown eyes meet mine, the sunlight coming in through the window causing them to seem more auburn. She's so damn beautiful. "If I win, you have to buy me whatever I want" I smirk.
I watch the corners of her lips turn upward into a smile. "Then if I win, you have to go on another date with me tomorrow."
Suddenly, losing didn't sound like such a bad idea. "You ma'am have got yourself a deal" I grab her hand and shake. Now that we had a destination, Casey started her car and pulled out of the parking lot of this historical museum. A conversation breaks out as soon as we get onto the freeway. "Have you always lived by yourself?" I question.
"Uh, no. I lived with my dad up until I was 16. Then I got that apartment."
I nod my head, "Why did you move out?" Casey hums before answering. "After my mom abused me, I couldn't really stand being in the house because it reminded me of her. My dad was really understanding and decided to get me the apartment since it was closer to the school. Plus I'm a bit smarter with money than my sister is."
I chuckle at her comment. I was a bit curious about who her dad was. He sounded like a good man. "What does you dad do for a living?"
"He's a veteran. But recently he got a job as a chef since he really loves cooking." "Your dad sounds pretty cool."
Casey shrugs, "He wasn't really around when I was growing up because he was always dispatched somewhere. I was kind of happy when he became disabled for a bit. He was around more but somehow he was more accepting than my mom was with my sexuality. So we got really close by the time I was 15."
I wanted to meet this man. "So Cassandra is your only sibling?"
"No, well technically yes. When I was about 5 my mom got pregnant again she gave birth but he didn't live past 3 days. He was really small and sick."
"Aw, I know that probably sucks. It's always fun to have siblings younger then yourself."
Casey nods her head. "His name was Cooper. I think if he did survive we would be really close. He would've been a mini me."
"I think you would've been a great big sister. You're really smart and nice."
Casey glances towards me with a smile. "What about you Kathryn? Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes, plenty, " I answer, "But they all live in different states."
"Hm, are you close with them?"
I shake my head, "I was close with my older sister but the moment she turned 21 she distanced herself from the family. She was never the same again. And I'm not really too close with my brothers."
"Well they're missing out. You're an amazing person, you're interesting, and smart. Really really smart."
"Sometimes when you have a big family, it's very likely that you'll grow apart. I guess I learned that the hard way. That's why I moved here after I graduated from high school."
Before we could continue with the conversation, we arrived at our destination. Casey and I exit the car and head towards the entrance. My eyes follow several go-karts on the track. I feel a hand snake around my waist before pulling me lightly into a body. I knew it was Casey because only her touch can send my body into a frenzy. I glance at the girl in confusion before noticing a man beside me.
He eyes me before his eyes meet Casey's. The girl pulls me further away from him. "I hate creeps like that, he was so obvious" Casey hisses as we head towards the karts. I was a little confused about the situation, but I trust her judgement. Soon we would be going next and I was excited. I didn't know if I wanted to loose or win.
This date was going so well, I don't think I would mind a second date so soon. But I knew I loved being spoiled so I didn't want to lose. I frown as we step forward towards the karts. Casey climbs into the first blue one. I follow in suit, slipping into the red kart next to her. Other people begin joining int. Once everyone was ready, it was go time. I position myself comfortably before glaring at my date.
"Get ready to lose Kathryn" Casey teases. I laugh and shake my head. "As if, you know I'm going to beat you" I retort.
We face forward. The red light turns yellow before turning green. Casey and I step on the pedals, zooming through the lanes. I curse loudly as I almost bump into a pile of hay. The sound of my laughing date catches my attention. I frown as I try to get my kart to follow behind her. A few other karts pass me up. Damn, she's going to win.
I hit the gas pedal, zipping through the lanes and past a few people. However I'm still in 3rd place. I frown as I try to go around the man in 2nd place. As I pass him by, I realize he's the same man from earlier. He steers his kart into me, causing the wheels to bump together. The wheels swerve for a second before I manage to break free from his kart's grip.
I frown as I speed further away, not wanting to be near the man anymore. But, he had other plans. He speeds up, catching up to me and once again riding on side of me. "Fucking go away" I hiss at the man before speeding up.
Luckily I'm far ahead, where he can't really get to me. I spot Casey just up ahead, cruising. She was almost to the finish line. Which meant she was probably too confident and believed she had won at this point. I push as hard on the pedal as I can, hoping to pass her up just in time.
The wind blows my hair causing me to smile. I haven't done this is so long. This feels amazing. I finally pass Casey up just before she can meet the finish line. I laugh at the girl as she eyes me hard. Once my kart comes to a stop, I climb out and head towards Casey with a big grin. She hops out from her kart, shaking her head. "I swear you were further than that. I think you used a cheat code" she pouts.
I wrap my arms around her neck, "Now you just sound like a sore loser. I won fair and square" I tease. My eyes land on a figure just behind her. I frown as the man watches us.
"Let's go before I kill him" Casey mutters, scaring me slightly.
"What?" I question in confusion. The girl smiles at me warmly, "I've been watching him since we came here. He's been trying to get close to you and it's really starting to piss me off. Let's go before I snap."
I nod my head as we walk hand in hand away from the go-kart race. Once we make it to the car, we get in and immediately she cranks the car and exits the parking lot. She glances out her rearview mirror a few times before assuming we were safe.
Sometimes assholes couldn't take a hint. I didn't know if Casey and I hadn't made it clear but we were obviously on a date. And if not that, then we surely did act couple-y.
"Well he just upset our date. I'm sorry you had to see me like that" Casey apologizes. She glances at me a few times before we meet our next destination. "A park?" I question as I glance at the beauty to my left. She was really going to make this date perfect. Others may believe a park is boring, but I don't.
I'll get to walk and talk with Casey and that makes me happy. We exit the car and head into the park. And as if on cue to embarrass myself, my stomach growls. Immediately, I hide my face behind my hair. Why was my body against me. I hear Casey chuckle before grabbing my hand and pulling in a certain direction. I keep my eyes low in embarrassment.
The familiar smell of food brings my head up. "This is probably the best hotdog stand here, trust me on this."
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