《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇𝑒𝑛


I make some pasta carbonara as Spencer hurries off into the living room, I've been trying to make sure our dinners are healthy for Spencer's pregnancy. Anytime she has a craving I make sure to remember to get it or she won't stop talking about it.

She gets really grumpy in the mornings, I find it adorable tho. I hate when she gets sick, I don't like hearing someone get sick or the smell off of it but I pull through and stay right by her side to hold her hair back or just to rub her back.

I put the pasta in bowls and get forks and bring them to the living room, Spencer was sat down staring at the wall even thought the tv was on.

"What drink do you want my love?" I ask her and she nearly jumps off the chair.

"Huh-Oh Um apple juice, thank you Julie." She says and I nod and I put the bowls down on the coffee table and run back to the kitchen and get her a glass of apple juice and a glass of orange juice for me.

I walk into the living room and put them down on the coffee table. I sit down where I usually sit, Spencer doesn't immediately cling to me like she usually does.

"Are you okay?" I ask her and she quickly nods.

"Yeah sorry, I've just been a bit dizzy the last hour." She says and I nod.

We eat our food in silence, I look to Spencer and she was biting her thumb which she only does when she's nervous or something is bothering her.

"Okay. What's wrong?" I put my bowl down on the coffee table.

"Nothing really. I'm just tired and dizzy, I'm gonna head to bed." She says and I nod. She gets up and doesn't give me a kiss or tells me she loves me. It's not being clingy, it's what we always do and I notice change.

I put my legs up on the couch and think of what could be bothering her.


About an hour later I head upstairs, I walk into our room and Spencer wasn't in bed and I hear the shower. I go and open the bathroom door and go in.


"Can I join?" I ask leaning back against the door and she stays quiet for a moment.

"I-I'm just having a quick shower. I'm getting out now anyway so there's no point." She says and steps out of the shower and wraps the towel around herself.

"Spencer what's wrong?" I ask her and she sighs.

"I'm tired and pregnant, I'm in a bad mood and don't want to talk because I don't want to get mad." She says and I nod.

"Alright, I love you." I say and open the bathroom door.

"I love you too." She says and I nod. I go over to our closet and get my pyjamas and change before getting into bed.


I wake up and sit up yawning, Spencer was still asleep beside me. Last night she got into bed and didn't even cuddle up to me like she usually does. She's always attached to me but since last night she's been distancing herself from me, maybe I'm just being dramatic.

I check the time and it's six thirty. I usually get up at this time to get ready for work and make Spencer breakfast, she tells me I don't need to make it for her and she appreciates it.

It was starting to get warmer outside so I decided to wear a black turtleneck bodysuit and a black skirt. I go to the bathroom and do my makeup and put on some of my other rings and put in earrings. I brush my hair and teeth then walk out past the bedroom and Spencer was still sleeping, I'll make her breakfast and then wake her up. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I made her avocado on toast and my phone buzzes. I hum and pick it up. I take a sip of my coffee and open the message I got. It was from a random number and it was a video.

I click into the video and sit down at the island, it was Maddie. She was setting up a camera in our bathroom, I watch confused as Spencer walks in and Maddie closes the door. Maddie picks up a plant and Spencer takes it off of her and they start talking and Maddie stands in front of Spencer getting closer. She leans in and kisses Spencer.


My heart drops when Spencer presses off the sink and leans into the kiss. Maddie's hand slides down Spencer's pants and Spencer blocks her mouth. I felt filling my eyes and I swiped out of the message and put down my phone and block my mouth.

She kisses another woman, Maddie kisses her first but Spencer didn't even pull back. She leaned into it and let another woman touch her in places only I and Spencer could touch.

I stand up and wipe my tears quickly.

"Morning." I hear Spencer say in her sleepy voice and I couldn't even look at her.

"Did you sleep okay?" I take a breath in and face her.

"Yeah I slept fine." She shrugs.

"Spencer you know we can tell each other everything right? I know something was bothering you yesterday and I just want to let you know whatever it is you can tell me and we can talk it out." I say and lean back against the counter and tap it hoping she'd tell me, she nods.

"Yeah I know, I was just tired Julie." She smiles and it felt like a stab honestly, she's not even going to mention that another woman pleasured her and kissed her.

"Yeah okay, I'm going to work early.." I say and tears fill my eyes again and I lean off the count et and walk out grabbing my keys before getting in my car and driving to Maria's.

It's nearly eight and Maria usually sleeps in but Maria gave us a spare key so I can go in and wake her and talk to her.

I walk up to her door and unlock it and walk inside before closing the door. I walk upstairs and walk into her bedroom and she's still asleep.

"Maria." I say and walk over and shake her to wake her up.

"Shush." She says and turns over.

"Maria get up." I say and she groans and throws the blanket over her head.

"Oh you are worse then an eight year old." I say and grab her pillow and hit her with it and she sits up throwing the blanket off her.

"What?! Why are you disturbing my rest?" She asks and huffs.

I turn on my phone and click into my messages and play the video and hand my phone to her. She stares at my phone and her eyes widen.

"Holy shit. Did you kill Spencer? Are you here to ask me to help clean up the body? The baby! You killed the baby Juliet!" She jumps up off the bed and I push her back down.

"Shut up please and listen. I did not kill Spencer, she's very much breathing and living at home. She didn't tell me about the kiss or the hands on hands action and I told her she can tell me anything and we will talk it out. She said absolutely nothing." I say and she sighs.

"Don't divorce please, if you do love is over for me. You two are the only reason I'm believing in love, but are you going to talk to her?" She asks and I sit down beside her on the bed.

"I love her Maria, but I can't even look at her without thinking about Maddie's hands on her." I groan and fall back.

"Why don't you talk, get in a fight and have the best angry sex of your lives." She says.

"Sex won't fix this one Maria." I sigh and sit back up.


"No because I'm so fucking angry, if I see Maddie I'm afraid I'll pounce for her and attack her."

"Damn girl you angry angry." She says and I nod, I check my phone and I'm nearly late for work already.

"I have to go to work, can I come back here afterwards?" I ask her and she nods.

"Sure sure." She says and I hug her and stand up walking out and down the stairs. Time to go to work and act like everything is fine, hooray.

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