《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒


The last few weeks have been normal, me and Juliet haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet only Maria. We did see our GP and she told us everything about having a healthy pregnancy mostly talking about exercising and eat healthy foods.

I've been going to work as usual, I haven't had morning sickness or anything so everything's been fine. Me and Juliet did give in and start buying and looking at baby things.


I go into the lab after getting back from a scene for half of the day, Nicola was the only one there.

"Where's the rest of the team?" I ask her and she looks at me.

"Gone to a scene." She says and I nod.

"Anything for me to do?" I ask her and looks around.

"Yes actually, there is items over there that need fingers off of them. Be sure to label the correct ones." She says and I nod. I pick up one of the plastic bags with a knife inside.

I put the bag down on the table and grab a pair of gloves before carefully taking out the knife. I lean over the table to get a better look as I put some of the powder on the knife, I pick up the brush and clean the excess. I grab some tape and put it on the holder of the knife and get a clear print.

I stand up straight and nearly fall back.

"Woah, are you alright?" Nicola asks and I take a second and nod.

"Yeah....I just got really dizzy all of a sudden." I say and put my hands down on the table, I feel like I've just spun around really fast.

"Yeah you got really pale too, go sit down." She says and holds my arm and sits me down.

"Did you eat breakfast?" She asks.


"Hold on, I'll get you a glass of water." She says and walks out of the lab. I put my elbow on the table and rub my head.

Nicola comes back in with a glass of water.

"Levine, are you alright?" Lieutenant foley comes in and asks as Nicola hands me a glass of water.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I say and take go to take a sip of it and it smelt disgusting. I block my mouth and put down the glass before I got sick.

"What is in that?" I ask Nicola and she furrows her eyebrows and the Lieutenant comes over and picks it up smelling it.

"Nothing, it's water."

"What is up with you? There's nothing wrong with it." He says and I look at them both.


"It smells like bleach or something." I say and they both look at each other weird. Lieutenant foley takes a sip of it.

"It taste and smells like water." He says and I take the glass and smell it, it smelt strong. Water usually doesn't smell but it smells so strong.

I put the water down and get up quickly walking to the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and throw up. I throw up half of my guts and my legs go weak and I fall onto my ass.

"Spencer?" I hear Nicola say. She walks in and I flush the toilet.

"Foley said you should go home, do you need a lift home? I don't think you should drive, I think there's something seriously wrong with you." She says and I wipe a hand over my face and stand up my legs still feeling weak.

"It's fine, I'll get my wife to collect me. Thanks Nicola." I say and she nods and walks out. I take out my phone and ring Juliet.

"Hi my love, what's up?" She says.

"Can you collect me from work? I got sick and I feel really dizzy." I say.

"On my way." She says and I hear rustling, I smile. I'm so incredibly lucky to have Juliet, if I'm acting one bit off she'll ask me do I need to go to the doctor, it's adorable.

I go outside and sit down on the path. Juliet's car pulls up after a few minutes and I stand up and she opens the door from the inside for me. I get in and she puts the back of her hand to my head to see how how I am. She puts down the window slightly to let air in and she starts the car.

"Do they know?" She asks and I look at her.


"That you are pregnant."

"No, I didn't say anything. Foley just told me go home." I say and she nods and hands me a bottle of water. I open it and go to take a sip, bleach it smelt like bleach.

"What the fuck." I say and hold the bottle away from me.

"What's wrong?" She says.

"It smells like straight up bleach Julie, same with the water Nicola gave me." I say and she takes the bottle and smells it.

"It doesn't even smell Spence." She says and I sit back with a huff.

"Either you are trying to kill me or there is something seriously wrong with me." I say and she laughs.


"Linda said your smell and taste could change." She says and I cross my arms.

"And turn water to bleach?" I say and she shrugs.

"Well I'm not trying to poison you." She says and takes a sip of the water and shrugs again at me.

She pulls up the drive and I get out of the car, my head was still spinning a bit. Juliet walks over and holds my hand and we walk up to the door and she unlocks it. We walk in and she locks the door, I don't let go off her hand.

"Do you want a piggy back?" She asks sarcastically and I nod my eyes half closed. She laughs and picks me up by my waist instead and I smile and wrap my legs around her and my arms around her neck.

"You are really light for a pregnant woman." She says and I laugh. She walks up the stairs and brings me into our bedroom. She puts me down on the bed and I pull her down on top of me.

"Careful Spencer I could hurt you." She says and I smile at her.

"I'm really horny, I don't know why but please touch me Julie." I say and she laughs. She lifts my shirt over my head and un clasps my bra.

"Spencer! Juliet!" I hear Maria sing and hear foot steps walking up the stairs. I groan and fall back on the bed and Juliet laughs and gets off of me and I throw my shirt back on.

Maria opens the door and comes in with a bag.

"What are you having?" She asks and comes over and sits between me and Juliet. Her eyes were all red.

"Are you high?" I ask her and she laughs.

"Me? Never." She giggles and hands me a bag. I look inside and see loads of baby toys.

"Did you get high and go on a baby shopping spree?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"Just helping the best moms out." She smiles and wraps her hand around me and Juliet's shoulders and hugs us together tightly. I hear a buzz.

"Shit. Stupid Derek." She says and scrolls on her phone. She stands up and walks out, I look at Juliet and she shrugs. Juliet leans over and I sigh.

"She ruined the mood." I say and Juliet laughs and I roll my eyes and lay back and Juliet lays beside me.

"Is Spencer grumpy now?" Juliet asks and runs her finger up and down my arm.

"Yes she is." I say and look at her and Juliet leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Do you still want help getting in a better mood?" She whispers looking at me and her hand moves inside my pants. I nod looking at her. Her hand goes into my under wear and I move my legs apart and she leans down and kisses me, she pulls back and looks at me before kissing me again and I slide my tongue in her mouth, I lean up on my elbow to deepen the kiss. I turn my head and put my hand and Juliet's cheek and I feel her finger press into me. Tingles go through my body and I smile and keep kissing her.

I feel her body press against mine and her fingers start moving into me and I hum and pull back from the kiss to take a breath.

"Am I that breathtaking?" She asks.

"Give the pregnant lady a break." I laugh and she rolls her eyes and kisses me again. She leans onto me pressing her finger hard into me and I moan and tug at Juliet's lip. I let go of her lip and she starts kissing down my neck.

She moves her finger quicker into me and I drop my mouth open.

"Fuck." I say at the pleasure I feel, I arch my back and I bite down on my lip as Juliet bites my neck. I put my hand behind me on the bed as I felt my body heating up and the pleasure too.

I moan and Juliet presses her fingers harder and faster into me and rubs my clit with her thumb.

She presses harder into me one last time and holds her fingers inside me and I whine and cover her hand with mine holding it there.

I pull her hand out of me and breath heavily. She moves her finger into her own mouth. She sucks and then holds them out to me and raises an eyebrow. I lean up and suck her fingers clean.

"Mmm good girl." She whispers and pulls her fingers out of my mouth and kisses me. I put my hand down her pants and she pulls back shaking her head.

"It's fine, I want to treat you tonight." She says and I nod. I lean up and kiss her again.

"I love you." I say and she smiles.

"I love you too."

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