《Mike Wheeler X Reader》3rd period chemistry.


It was time for chemistry,Dustin took me there even if it costed him being late to his own class.I entered and the teacher looked mean,Kinda but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover yet.So I'll see how she is.

"Sit behind..hm what's his name again?" She thinks and snaps at the boy. "Hey uhm..What's your name again?" The boy sighs like he's told her his name millions of times. "For the last time,It's Mike.." he says completely annoyed by her. "Okay,Y/N sit besides Mike on the Right,The other table next to Jessica"

I look at her confused,She acted as if I knew which one was Jessica.."Oh!Jess please raise your hand." The girl raised her hand and I sat next to her,She didn't say a word but give me a weird look..I already hated her.

As she sat down,I looked at her..She looked so annoying,I just wanted to kill myself..I mean no offense but Will could've chosen someone else besides her..uhm actually that's not the case..I just don't want anyone else in our party..Gosh Mike as if the party even exists still.The party has fallen apart and we don't do the same things we used to do.

Will seemed to like her..Max,El and Dustin do too..I just don't know what to think about her yet..I guess we'll see soon enough?..Hm I don't know but I'm just going to focus on my assignment and not get distracted by her..

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