《Dreams |○BYLER●|》20.
Don't leave me...
This is a very long chapter and it will might have over 2k words
I woke up to feel my husband's hands around my bare chest and him behind me. I turned my head around to see his beautiful face. His eyes were softly closed, his mouth that is a little open. His long raven hair was on his freckled nose and cheeks cheeks and a big white t-shirt.
God he was so beautiful.
I turned my whole body around to face him. After that he slowly opened his eyes but as soon as he opened them,he burried his head to my chest.
M:" Good morning love, happy birthday" he says in a raspy tired voice.
W:" god I love your voice in the mornings. Good morning " I smiled warmly and kissed his head while stroking his hair.
M:" What do you want to do today? Hmm?" He asks.
W:" whatever it is, as long as it's with you." I reply
M:" Awh." He simply says while he looked up at me
W:" I think I know what I want." I grabbed his chin pulling his face closer to mine.
M:" Really? What do you want?" He smirks at me and grabs my neck.
Me:I'm getting hor-
L:" meow!" Lucky meows at us giving me a sign that she's hungry.
W:" You know what I want tonight don't you?" I boop his nose and give him a kiss
M:" It's fine by me, but I want us to hangout with the whole group today. It will be fun I promise. And it's your birthday ,so we do have something for you." He says
W:" Fine, but it's 9:00 am so let's just make breakfast. I get up from the bed and put on a white t-shirt with red colour at the top and the sleves.when suddenly mike stands up and grabs my hand.
M:" Five minutes?" He asks.
L:" meow!" She tries to scratch my sock off
W:" no, I'm not tired. You go to sleep I will wake you up." I say
M:" please, willy just lay in the bed with me." Mike gives me the puppy eyes and stretches his hands for a hug.
W:" you're so childish, you're lucky i love you." I say
L(pov):" bitch you're serious?"
M:" You're right, I am. Now come on." He pulls me on the bed and i hug him when he suddenly starts kissing my neck.
W:" Really?" I giggle at him.
M:" Yes." He says and starts kissing my cheeks.
W:" Micheal Byers. I. Want. Food." I pull his face away.
M:" eat m-"
L(pov): "shut the fuck u-"
W:" Not the time. Let's go to the kitchen and make some eggs." I cut him off.
M:" fine." He says as we get up.
W:" When did you get so clingy all of the sudden?"
L(pov):" am I a joke to you?"
M:" I had a bad dream and couldn't sleep this much.It was about you not giving me kisses." He grabs a blanket and covers himself in it like a burrito.
W:" Now because of you, I want to eat a burrito." I smile.
M:" Then eat m-"
W:" No, come on let's make some eggs."
I say as I take his hand and walk to the kitchen.
M:" Can we make waffles?" My husband asks me.
L(pov):" bitch I want food."
L:" Meow!" She starts to growl.
W:" Fine, only for you." I roll my eyes
M:" Nah, it's okay if you want. You choose today." He says
W:" No it's okay, I chose yesterday." I say.
M:" Still refuse, it's your birthday." He refuses
L(pov):" I'm done"
W:" But i want YOU to chose on my birthday." I tell him.
M:" Fine, but you will choose on mine."
W:" Deal." I smile at him.
After a few minutes of making the waffles,I putted two plates on the table and give our kitten lucky something.
L(pov):" Finally, took you long enough."
M:" Did I ever tell you that you make better waffles and eggos than my mom used to?" He asks
W:" Yes dear, you tell me that everytime I make does." I laugh at his face full of crumbs.
M:" I do?" He asks, he looked so clueless with does big confused brown eyes.
W:" Yes you do." I say grabbing one myself. " Did you know?" I ask.
M:" What do I not know now?" He asks with a smile.
W:" Well,that your whole face is full of crumbs." I giggle.
L(pov):" dumbass"
M:" Wait, what?" he tries to find them.
W:" here." I stand up from my seat and walk up to him to take them off. " You may look like a 24 year old, but you're still a child inside." I giggle. As I want to go back to my seat
M:" Giggle again." He grabs my hand and smiles at me
W:" Why?" I ask facing him.
M:" Couse i love your giggle." He says, he then pulls me closer to him so I can sit on his lap.
W:" Woah! Not so fast! Goddamnit Micheal that was unexpected." I laugh.
L(pov):" Ew homosexuals"
M:" I never want this to end." He says.
W:" huh? What do you mean?" I ask.
M:" This.i always want you to sit on my lap while we eat ,and your laugh. I always want us to be happy." He says and I put mu head on his shoulder.
W:" It will never end, I promise." I say causing him to smile.
M:" Pinky Promise?" He asks.
W:" yes, pinky promise." I stick out my pinky.
M:" I believe you." He laughs.
W:" When did you say they're comming again?" I ask my mike.
M:" Around 13:00pm why?" He says.
W:" shit. Get ready it's already past 13."
M:" already?!" He looks at the clock.
M:" oh well,'m already done." He looks at me.
W:" No you forgot something." I walk up to him, he looks confused until I kiss him.
M:" Oh, That." He laughs as we break the kiss.
L(pov):"sounded suspicious"
MM:" hello?" Max asks as mike opens the door.
A:" Where's our birthday child?!" Ayana rushed inside.
W:" Child? I just turned 24!" I laugh.
J:" But you're still a child for us. And we legally adopted you." Jen pops her head out behind ayana.
E:" No you didn't Joyce is his mother." Eleven says from behind.
D:" Eleven you're so fucking Clueless sometimes."
E:" Do not talk Infront of the baby like that!"she says playfully
Dustyn rolls his eyes and they all go inside. I then see Lucas putting something on the kitchen table.
W:" What's that?" I pop my head out behind mike's back.
D:" Nothing!" Dustyn hides the thing behind him.
L:" Meow!" Lucky tries to get attention from someone.
D:" hi lucky! How are you my little one?"
Dustin ignores everyone and gives all the attention to our little cat
L(pov):" finally someone who takes good care of me"
Ring ring!
We all look at the phone
W:" Oh, I'll get it!" I say and go grab the phone.
j:" Hey honey, happy birthday! Would you mind if me and hop came over? I have a suprise for you."
She says.
W:" Would be a pleasure mom!" I smile
E:" Tell mom I said hi!" El says loud so mom can hear her.
J:" Hi to eleven aswell. I'll be there in ten minutes.Love you." She says before hanging up.
MM:" so my mother in law is coming over?" She asks.
W:" yeah- wait what?!" I turn around quickly to see her smirking at me. She gave me a sign that it was the time and I smiled.
A few days ago, she asked me if she can propose to el at my birthday. I of course said yes, and that would be the greatest gift I could have from her. Seeing my sister happy makes me happy aswell so I gave her the premision.
E:" what are you talking about?"
M:" Is this the time?" He whispers to me when he walked up.
W:" Shut up and enjoy the scene" I whispered back.
As max made the speech and proposed I literally started to tear up. When I suddenly saw mom on the other side of the window with hopper in tears and hugging eachother while watching the view. I laughed a bit at that.
E:" Yes! Yes!A hundred times yes!" She hugged max tight and then kissed her. As they pulled back she gently kissed max on the lips and Dustin smacks his hand on the table.
D:" Am I really that ugly? " He laughs
MM:" maybeee?" Max says sarcastically and Dustin looks at her in disbelief.
D:" Ouch." He says playfully as el wiped the tears away.
H:" Okay, now I missed something very special and I will never forgive you for it." Dad says by the door that was opened by Lucas.
j:" Im so happy for you sweetheart." She hugs max tight and started to tear up again.
H:" Thank you yound man." He says to Lucas.
D:" Wait I just realized, am I the only straight guy in this group?" He says. And we all started laughing as we realized that he actually is.
W:" Okay, but seriously what are you hiding behind your back?" I say as we all sit somewhere.
MM:" oh nothing special, just some gifts and a cake." Max says
W:" Are you kidding? This is too much."
J:" William, just appreciate something your friends give you." Jen tells me, I'm not that person that thinks money or gifts can solve everything.
j:" Oh and you must be Jen right?" Mom asks her.
J:" Wait you told her about me? And yes ma'am it's funny how it's been six years and we still didn't meet!" Jen shakes mom's hand. We all talked and had fun. At night we all watched a movie and ate snacks, it was so nice actually. Mike was right, it will be awasome.
We all fell asleep while watching the movie accept me and mike, as we cleaned up a little bit and turned the TV off, he started to murmer something.
W:" What's wrong dear?" I ask
M:" You promised only me and you at home and now we eight more people in our living room sleeping" he giggled a bit and I wrap my hands around his neck.
W:" i know, tomorrow?" I say while putting my forehead on his.
M:" Fine." He smiles.
W:" wanna know something?" He asks.
M:" sure." I reply to him
W:" i still want to eat a burrito" he laughs and I laugh aswell.
Time skip to April 7th aka mike's birthday!
(Mike's pov)
W:" Mikey,wake up." My husband whispers into my ear.
W:" It's your birthday" he smiles
M:" And I'm the childish one?" I turn around.
W:" Yes." He giggles and kisses my forehead.
M:" You pick the breakfast today remember?" I say.
W:" Yeah,yeah. I picked something already. And because you're a heavy sleeper, I already made it." He says.
M:" And you didn't wake me up?" I say playfully.
W:" mhhh nope! Now get up I want to spend some time with you before we drive somewhere." He smiles and gets up off the bed with me.
M:" Where do you want me to go with you William Byers?"
W:" Suprise!" He says and he pulls me out of the bedroom
As we get out the bedroom, it started to smell like..
M:" pancakes?" I ask
W:"maybe?" He laughs.
As we got to the table,I grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him close.
W:" Awh, does our little Mikey want more attention?" He giggles as he sits on my lap
M:" maybe?" I laugh as I kiss him on the lips
W:" now it your pancakes, I already ate mine, and you have only 30 minutes" he says as he tries to stand up
M:" Honey, I need 5 max." I pull him closer.
L(pov):" Ew not this shit again."
W:" Micheal I can feel your dic-"
L:" MEOW!" Lucky growls at us signing that she wants food.
W:" Well little fella, you're gonna be home alone today." He laughs.
:" Well mister,the 30 Minutes are over." He grabs the plate and pours it in the sink.
L:" meow." She meowed as she started to cuddle with his leg
I just sat on the table and spread my legs a bit.
M:" And where's my love?" I smirk at him.
W:" Somewhere." He smirks back as he turns around ,he comes closer, and closer till he was in-between my thighs and placed his hands on the table.
M:" Can I get a kiss?" I ask.
W:" How about no?" I giggles as he starts to give me little kisses on my face
After he stops we look deep into eachothers eyes,
M:" I still get lost in those beautiful eyes of yours." I smile and grab his cheek as I slowly stroke it with my thumb. I pull him closer by his waist with my other hand and he gently put his lips on mine.
M:" Ok but seriously, you cook way better than my mom" I laugh as I put on a T-shirt on."
W:" You tell me that everyday darling." He rolls his eyes and pulls me out of the house to the car.
M:" Where are we driving exactly? It's 18:27 pm what is still open here?" I ask.
W:" somewhere, now turn left and park here." He replys.
M:" yessir." I smile and park near a clothing store. We went to a room behind it where an old lady was working on a jacket or something.
?:" Oh hello dear, you're here for the sweater?" She asks as she recognized William.
M:" You know her?" I ask.
W:" oh yeah I ordered something by her store." He replys.
?:" Oh such sweet partners. I'll go get the sweater." She smiles and goes to a closet to hand me a big dark green sweater with dark blue dots on the top .
M:" Wow ma'am, you're really talented!" I say to her.
?:" I do it Sence I was 28 young man."
M:" Thank you dear, it's beautiful " I kiss my husband's forehead
W:" Anything for my husband." He giggles
?:" Oh husbands? Even sweeter." She smiles as she gets back to work.
W:" have a nice night miss! We're going now." Will says as he grabs my hand.
M:" where are we going now?" I ask him
W:" home." He replies. " Because I actually made the sweater and the lady just helped me get the materials and everything.i didn't sleep much this week and this is the time where I doze off tonight." He says.
M:" ok Byers. Home it is!" Laugh as I put the sweater on."
As we were driving home, I got this pain in my chest. And these quiet voices in my head. "Stop." It said, over, and over again.
W:" Honey, are you okay? You seem off." He asked me.
M:" yeah I'm fine just tired." I smile and shake the voices off.
When suddenly.....
A red car crashes into us with full speed. As I woke up I see wills face full of bruises.
M:" Don't do this to me wake up!" I say as I try to pull him out of the car. The other man was very injured but I didn't care, what was important is that the love of my life is dying in my arms.
M:" William don't do this to me, you have to wake up please... Don't leave me..."
W:" A-atleast i had the love of my life by my s-side as I die.." will gives me a weak smile and grabs my hand. I put his hand on my red and wet cheeks.
M:" You won't die, you promised!" I say to him in tears. I never cried like that in my life before, ever. This won't be the end.....
•°•To be continued...°•°
¶°•°[wordcount: 2768]°•∆
This is the longest shit I've ever written ;-; sorry it took so long
You can bully me here in the comments if I hurter u :D
Hope you have a lovely day or night
Love y'all<3
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