《Dreams |○BYLER●|》12.


happy New year!

Hawkins Indiana 1989 31st December


(Mike's pov)

The losers left 3 days ago.in a half an hour,there will be fire works, little kids screaming, everything.

A.n: just a reminder. No one left Derry, bill is with Stanley, Eddie is with rich and the rest is single BC idk what to do with them. NO STANLEY AND EDDIE DIDNT DIE AND WONT DIE. They all are around the same age as mike and will.

Back to the story.

We had everything prepared. Will and I are making the decorations in his garten, we made popcorn, got candys, everything is ready. Even the champagne. We know we warent supposed to drink underage but one drink isn't gonna hurt us. Right? Eleven apologized for me and will, even tho I still didn't forgive her,will did.

But what can I say? They live together,they're siblings.they need to forgive eachother.


D:" Four minutes everyone!"

MM:" When can I open the champagne again? I want to spill it on Lucas like the last time." Max said and will giggled.

L:" in four minutes max. And not this time, I will be prepared ." He said in a confident voice.

W:" One minute everyone!" Will says. I've never seen him so happy about the new year before, is it because of me? Damn, I feel special.

Everyone:" HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

everyone screamed and I kissed my boyfriend. When we broke the kiss will saw something. I saw it too...

It was el kissing max in the back. When they pulled away, el ran inside. We stared at Max's face, he eyes were wide open, it was red as her hair. It was dark but her eyes were shining, I think she liked it.




After everyone left, I rushed home to see el crying into her pillow. Mom and Jonathan were celebrating at this pizza place where argyle works. I found her in her room and the floor, messed up.

W:" eleven?" I say.

E:"oh - uhm i-i ..will-" she stutters. She was crying,hard. I don't like seeing her that way. I really don't...

W:" Hey,hey it's ok let it all out." I wrapped a blanket around her and hugged her. She started to cry even more in my shoulder but it's ok, atleast she will be better.

E:" Will I'm so sorry, I d-didnt know what was going on with me. It's just that everyone says that it's w-wrong to like another person with the same gender and I b-believed them even tho I don't like boys,I love max, I kissed her. I did what my heart said I should do. But I don't think she loves me back.. Im so sorry will, f-for everything I did to you and mike i-"

W:" Okay Stop right there, everything is fine. You don't have to worry about everything. Now let's make some hot chocolate okay?" I said calming her down. I went to the kitchen and got a cup of hot chocolate. I almost dropped it when I heard the phone ringing.

I got up to the phone to see who it was.

W:" hello?" I said

M:" hi love, it's mike. I wanted to know if everything is okay with el."

W:" Not really, I just made some hot chocolate for her."

M:" my mom just called. She said that they are staying at a hotel with Joyce and that I need to inform you about it."


W:" Ok, is Jonathan going with them?"

M:" no,he's at argyle's house."

W:" Okay. Well I gotta give el this Cup before it gets cold. Love you."

M:" Love you too."

I got upstairs to find el looking at a photo. How did she get it?

I go up to her and see that she was looking at a photo of her and max when they were kids. Some stupid poses in colourful clothes. Looks like they have a lot of fun

W:" everything will be okay I promise." I told her handing her the cup. After she drank it, She just hugged me and said...

E:" Thank you." She shared her blanked with me and we fell asleep on the floor

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