《New feelings? | miles x will|》Chapter 4|kiss?|
Will took the offer and went with miles they walked to the bathroom and miles was holding some bandages and some alcohol to disinfect the bacteria from the cut. They entered the bathroom and Will sat on the toilet and miles just put the stuff in the sink he grabbed some alcohol and poured it on a cotton and started rubbing it agains wills cut. Will flinched at the burning sensation on his cheek. Miles admired wills face even if Will was in pain he was still hot in fact miles thought it made him look even hotter. Miles was to caught up looking at wills beautiful eyes that he pressed too hard on the cut which made will whine and grab miles hand tightly miles didn't expect that sound to come out of will and it made his face burn up. Will told miles to be more careful and when he said that miles heart almost stopped (mf is kinky). Will helped miles too they joked around and stuff until they finished
Will: and there! Your all good!
Miles: oh thank you
Will: no problem! Well uhm get out ima take a shower
Miles: another one!?
Will: uhh yea?
Miles: dude your hair is still wet you barely took a shower
Will: but I'm still dirty so get out
Miles: no
Will: come on leave!
Will tried begging miles to leave. miles just kept laughing and saying no
Will: PLS
Miles: que no idiota I mean no
Will: fine you leave me no choice
Will looked at miles. Miles kept the eye contact he felt his stomach do some twists he understood that those twist had something to do with the way Will looked at him. Will soon got on his knees and miles noticed it
Miles: WOAH!?
Will: plsss I'm literally on my knees for you just so you can leave!?
Miles: ok!? I'll leave you alone shower freak
Will: hey!? That's rude!?
Miles: it's not! Anyways bye shower freak see you
Miles left the bathroom. Will locked the door and noticed what he just did he wanted the ground to open and just eat him alive in the other side miles was freaking out he left the bathroom and he Just straight up fell his face was so red and hot that he felt like he was gonna explode He didn't understand why Will made him feel this way he got up and went to get water he saw Kate and just tried to ignore her
Kate: oh uh hi miles!
Miles: hi..?
Kate: uhm where is will?
Miles: he's taking another shower why..?
Kate: another!?
Miles: yeah ha he's a shower freak
Kate chuckled and started to make a usual conversation with miles Kate seemed to enjoy talking to him and miles just continue to talk he didn't enjoy it but he didn't hate it. Will walked down stairs and looked at them Kate was really close to miles and miles just didn't seem to notice Will thought it was weird and he just passed them and went to get water soon Kate looked into miles eyes and miles did too. Kate grabbed miles face and she closed the gap between them. Will just stood there shocked he felt an awful feeling in his chest Will felt tears on his cheeks he left the cup on the sink which made noise and that made miles jump and get away from Kate he saw Will walking upstairs. Miles felt guilt he didn't even like Kate maybe he was desperate for a kiss? But he shouldn't have felt guilty he and Will were nothing Will went upstairs and went to his room.
Will was heartbroken he knew he had no right to feel like that but he still felt like shit he didn't expect to see them kissing he went to his bed and curled up in a ball and started crying he sobbed until he couldn't breath he tried calming down which he succeeded. He got up and cleaned his tears. He went downstairs to get some cereal he got a bowl,cereal, and milk he then ate it and tried calling el she picked up
El: hello? This is the byers house how can I help you?
Will: hey el! It's me will!
El: will!? Omg hi! How's it going there!?
Will: eh ok it's boring I miss you all I miss Dustin,Lucas,max,you, and... mike
El: they all miss you too! Guess what!
Will: what!?
El: nvm I can't tell you
Will: why!?
El: because it's a surprise!
Will: I swear to god el if you don't tell m-
Miles: will?
Will looked at him with a cold expresión and ignored him
Miles: uhm will?
Will: anyways el pls tell me!
El: you'll know soon I promise!
Will kept talking and kept ignoring miles. Miles seemed to noticed and he kept getting impatient
Miles: will!?
Will: mhm yeah how's Mike?
Miles got annoyed and when Will kept talking he got so impatient and abused the fact that he was taller than Will. He took the phone from Will and he hold it high. Will was taken back he looked up at miles and miles had an angry expresión will looked away
Will: give me the phone back..
Miles: finally you talk to me! What is wrong with you!?
Will: ..give me the phone..miles
Miles: no!
Miles pushed Will and will was about to fall but he reached for the table and successfully he didn't fall Will looked at miles angrily
Will: wtf dude!?
Miles: your ignoring me!? What's wrong with you!?
And again miles pushed Will this time Will didn't fall he just went backwards they argued and miles kept on pushing him
Will: dude stop Wtf!?
Miles: what are you gonna do if I don't stop huh William!?
He pushed Will again but this time he went backwards and hit the wall than he went running to miles and made miles fall backwards and hit the floor. He got on top of miles
Will: don't do that again got it!?
Miles: I will do whatever I want t-
Before miles could say anything will punched him miles was taken back. He flipped Will over and now miles was on top of Will. Miles admired how good he looked under him he wondered how good He would look if they were in his bed. He got out of his thought once he felt someone punch him in the stomach he whined in pain and fell on Will
Will: get up!
Miles: shut up you fucking punched me!
Will flipped miles over and he pinned him down on the floor miles looked at him and will just looked angry
Will: stop fucking yelling your gonna wake up flora I hope this teaches you to never fucking mess with me
Miles looked at him and the more miles looked at will the more he felt his cheeks heat up he didn't know why. Will got up and went walking to the phone
Will: el?
El: omg will! What happened!?
Will: nothing don't worry about it anyways how's it goi-
And again before he could say anything miles jumped on top of he pinned his hands to the floor
Miles: stop ignoring me byers and talk to me!
Will: I'm not ignoring you!
Miles: yea you ar-
Kate: miles? Omg are you ok!?
Miles: uhm wtf?
Kate: are you ok!?
Kate grabbed miles and made him stand up once he was standing she hugged him and miles didn't even hug her back he looked at will and will was already getting up he grabbed the phone
Will: hey el I love you goodnight I'll call you tomorrow
El: oh ok! I love you too will! Goodnight!
Miles looked at will and will gave him a death stare he went back up miles just stared at his ass (ofc he would 🤨) Will went back to his room and he put on his favorite song "boys don't cry" he listened to it he opened the window and just looked outside he wondered what Mike was doing he missed him but he missed Lucas more Lucas and him had a really strong friendship Lucas was more of a best friend then Mike. They may have kissed before but it was for "practice" he missed Lucas so much that he started crying he wiped the tears off and went to bed he didn't wanna feel hurt anymore so he just laid down
(With Kate and miles)
Miles: why tf are you hugging me Kate
Kate: uhm I know we just met and it's really soon but..
Miles: Kate I don't have time right now i need to sleep good bye
Kate: oh ok! Uhm I'll see you!
Miles: whatever
Miles went to his room he threw a lot of stuff around he made a much more mess on his room he started crying he didn't mean to kiss Kate it just happened really fast he and Will were nothing but he really liked will and now he thought Will thought they were together and now he would get more distant he soon fell asleep on the floor
The next morning someone was knocking on his door he opened it and it was will he wanted to hug him so tight he really did but he couldn't
Will: the food is ready come downstairs when you want
Will walked away miles noticed that his voice was raspy and he didn't have that much emotion like he used to his hair was also messy and he had puffy eyes Miles hated seeing Will like that but he knew it was hit fault. He went downstairs and tried sitting next to will but Kate told him to sit next to her he didn't listen and when he was coming to sit there will covered the seat and said —your girlfriend is asking you to sit next to her go sit with her— he said and flora looked at miles and looked back at will she had a sad expresión and hugged will and will hugged her Back. miles looked at him and sat next to kate.
Kate: hi love!
Miles: don't call me that
Kate: oh sorry.. uhm well miles I wanted to talk about us if that's ok
Miles: what about us?
Kate: well you know about the kiss?
Miles: Kate that was nothing but A kiss I didn't mean to kiss you it was just a one time thing
Kate: but.. miles what I wanted to tell you was that I actually have feelings for you and I hope that we can become more than what we ar-
Will: come on flora I need to get you ready for your lessons
Flora: can we do something else! Plss
Will: we can do something once I'm done teaching you!
Flora: fineeee
Miles stared at will he admired him he knew he had to apologize he didn't wanna loose him he really did love him he missed talking to him. He got up and followed Will to his room
Will: stop fucking following me miles
Miles: how did you kn- nvm that but uhm will I'm really sorry for the way I acted!
Will: it's whatever miles I don't care
Miles: it's not whatever! I really am sorry I apologize I promise you it won't happen agai-
Will: stop miles shut up if you want you can go back to your stupid Kate
Miles: don't call her stupid!
Will: stfu I'll call her whatever I want
Miles: shut up faggot!
(I can say it I'm part of the lgbtq+ don't come for me😭)
Will: wtf miles
Miles: I- it's the truth! Your a fucking faggot
Will: get the fuck out of my room..
Miles: no! I won't get out your fucking room quee-
Will tackled him and punched him so hard in his face that his nose started bleeding miles was shocked he was gonna react badly but will closed the door and locked him out of his room miles went downstairs and looked for flora
Kate: omg love are you ok!?
Miles: I'm fine..
Kate grabbed some cotton and started wiping miles face
Miles: where's uhm flora?
Kate: I think she's with will.. why?
Miles: aren't you supposed to be teaching her?
Kate: yeah but your more important and will can teach her
Miles and Kate talked they ate some food and then they talked about anything miles enjoyed her company but he didn't have no feelings for her. Will came stomping downstairs
Will: WTF KATE!?
Kate jumped at the fact that Will screamed at her
Kate: huh?.. oh hi love?
Kate: oh I'm sorry I was hanging out with miles..
Will: that's not an excuse your getting paid to fucking teach flora not fucking hang out with her brother!?
Miles felt his heart breaking the fact that Will didn't even use his name made it even worse and the fact they had another fight made him wanna cry Kate got up and tried hugging Will
Will: don't fucking touch me Kate
Kate hugged him and he snapped immediately he pushed her and she fell on miles chest
Miles: don't fucking push Kate!
Will: fuck off miles your nothing to me so stay out of this
Miles: your over reacting Will WTf!?
Will: I don't want my name in your disgusting mouth mind your own fucking business
Miles: I can say whatever I want fucking William byers
Will: stfu miles Fairchild
Miles knew they were fighting but he couldn't help but feel his heart beating as fast as it could when Will said his full name. Something about him saying his full name made him feel tingles In his stomach he snapped out of his thoughts when Will was stomping back up to his room miles knew he had to say sorry so he let Kate fall and Kate was surprised by that. So she fell straight on her face. Miles went running after will
Will entered his room but as soon as he was gonna close the door miles stopped him.
Will: wtf miles!? I told you to stay away! From m-
Before Will could finish his sentence miles closed the gap between them and shut him up with a sweet short kiss. Will was too shocked to even kiss him back. Miles pulled away and started apologizing
Miles: will! Look I'm really sorry I'm honestly really sorry I didn't mean to kiss her and I didn't mean to call you that slur I promise you that it will never happen again I just wish that you forgive me I really miss you I really miss talking to I miss you being next to me I just miss you in general!
Will: it's- it's ok miles...
Miles: no it's not ok! I'm just so sorry for the way I acted can we start over again?
Will: ok! I forgive you miles just don't.. just don't do it again yes we can start our friendship again
Miles: thank you so much!
Will: also uhm never kiss me after kissing Kate it's gross in general
Miles: oh shit yeah my bad
Miles and will Laid there talking about random stuff meanwhile Kate was sitting down trying to process what just happened. she was with miles a minute ago and now she's on the floor sitting down because her face hurts from falling to the ground. She got up and ate some cereal she went to check up on flora
Kate: flora?
Flora: leave my room!
Kate: uhm why do you hate me..?
Flora: I don't hate you
Kate: oh!? I'm glad to hear that you like me!
Flora: but I don't like you
Kate: oh..?
Flora: miles said "hate" is a strong word so I won't use it I just simply dislike you
Kate: miles is correct he's so sweet isn't he?
Flora looked up to see Kate. Kate was smiling sweetly but flora decided to wipe that smile off (damn flora what did she do to you🤨😨)
Flora: I saw what happened..miles and will are kissing right now he doesn't like you and he will never ever like you. You look like my Barbie doll before I buried it alive..
Kate: flora that's so mean stop.. and also there not kissing there both boys miles would think it's weird because he kissed me which means he likes me
Flora: go to wills room
Kate went up the stairs and was hesitating if she should open the door she opened it. Lucky to miles and will they separate because they heard footsteps so Kate saw no signs of kissing
Will: what's up Kate?
Miles: yeah uhm what's up
Kate: nothings it's just flora Yk she said you guys were making out but I knew she was lying just wanted to make sure it would be weird if you guys were actually kissing because yk? Miles you like me an-
Miles: wait what!? Who said I liked you!?
Kate: well you kissed me so-...
Miles: no Kate look it was a simple mistake I have no feelings for you! Like at all!
Will: uhm ima go check on flora-
Kate: but you kissed me!?
Miles: it meant nothing!
Will went to floras room and knocked
Will: flora?
Flora: hi will!
Will: hi! What are you doing?
Flora: nothing just coloring
Will and flora were coloring and Will was teaching her some techniques on how to sketch and how to do a lot of more stuff until someone knocked on the door.
Will: who's that?
Flora: uhm no one comes to this property
Will: I'll go check just stay here and color use the techniques I gave you don't forget to erase the lines you don't need In your sketch
Flora: ok! Be careful it's weird that someone knocked when no one comes. Uhm will just pls be careful I don't wanna lose you
Will: it's ok flora! I'll be safe I promise!
Will went downstairs he was shacking with fear to open the door he stood in front of the door and without wanting to he opened it
Will: Mike!?
Mike: will!!! I missed you so much dude!
Will: me too!
Will went for a hug and so did Mike they hugged for a good while until Will noticed another person that was behind Mike
Will: uhm who's that?
Mike: oh I hope you don't mind! But this is ??????
Will: welcome ??????
????: hello pretty boy
IM SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT FOR THIS CHAPTER! I didn't keep my promise I'm sorry 😿 I didn't make it up to 4,000 words I just made it up to 3,126 I'm sorry!!!!! I don't like leaving you guys on a cliffhanger 😭 but I had no idea on how to finish it! Uhm if you guys saw my tiktok! I Hope i finish the stories soon so I can publish them! Anyways that's all I hope you enjoyed it!😭
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