《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》The Tragedy


Will woke up in Mikes bed that morning. His arms rapped around his beautiful sleeping boyfriend.

Mike couldn't go to school that day because hes still healing. Will had to go tho. He was running late and left slowly to not wake Mike. He quietly went downstairs and ran into nancy who just smiled. Will went out the front door and stopped by his house to change and get his school bag.

He was then off to hell.

He was shaking and was really nervous. He knew he would be judged, ridiculed, laughed at, be called names, possibly even get beaten up. He already missed a day of school and now hes back 2 days later.

Maybe they forgot? Oh who am I kidding. Of course they'll remember.

Will holds back his tears and gets inside.

Right when he opens the door all eyes were on him. He slowly makes his way down the hallway as every single person stops what there doing and stares. Some laughed and some just stared real serious like.

Will looked down on the ground but he could still feel eyes burning into his head.

He got to his locker and never looked up. The hallway was silent. All you could hear was will going through his locker.

A loud bang came from the locker next to will. Will jumped and slowly looked up.

Wheres your boyfriend?

It was troy

Will got too scared and didn't want to fight with troy so he just turned around and walked away.

But Troys two friends stood infront of will. All 3 of them closed Will into a corner.

Will held his books real tight to his chest and looked down on the ground. He had no where to run.

Everyone in the hallway was watching. Will was so embarrassed and so scared.


W-what do you w-wa-want... Will said trembling.

Troy got real close to wills face. I want to make you suffer.

Will was shaking alot now.

Hes gonna put me in a hospital. Just like he did to Mike.

Troy slaps the books out of wills hands. Will still hasnt looked up.

LOOK AT ME! yelled troy.

Will was frozen. He couldn't.

Troy punched will so hard in the gut it made will cough up some blood.

Will is terrified.

What the hell did you do to me that night huh!? Used your little science shit do to that!?


How did you do it!

Troy punched will in the face.

ANSWER ME! Troy grabbed wills arm and next thing either of them knew....

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