《Is This Love? ||Byler|| (Finished!)》Nancy its not what it looks like!


Nancy woke up that morning around 4am. It was still dark due to the power outage and Nancy wasnt tired. She decided to go to the basement to fix the generator.

Mike hears the basement door open and quickly covers will with the blanket in a panic.

Nancy goes downstairs and sees Mike and a weird lump under the covers.

ooooo whos under there with you? Nancy says in a mocking/laughing tone.

U-uh eleven! Mike quickly says.

Nancy smiles and turns on the generator.

The lights go on and nancy gets a closer look.

That doesnt look like Eleven....

Who is that?


Mike thats not eleven..

I-its n-no-one!

Are you cheating on El!? Nancy yells while walking over to the blanket.

N-no! Mike yells while putting his hand on nancy's to keep her from looking.

Nancy quickly grabs the blanket and rips it off revealing a scared Will.

Will has his hand over his mouth and him and Nancy just make eye contact.

Nancy its not what it looks like! Mike says with fear in his eye.

Nancy just stares at mike in shock.

What the hell is going on? I mean I don't care but like- whats going on!?

Will sits up and stares at mike.

Mike looks at will and back at nancy and back at will and back at Nancy.


I-it was j-just a sl-sleep o-over. Says a trembling Will.

Mike cant take it anymore. Hes tired of lying. Hes not ashamed!

O-ok ill t-tell you. Mike explains.

Ok....says Nancy.

Well for one.....will is gay.

Wills eyes widen and he has a shocked expression. Nancy looks over at will.

Thats great will. Nancy says with a smile.

Will gives a fake laugh and looks back down.

And me and eleven broke up because I accidentally cuddled will in my sleep but anyways-. Troy basically outed will infront of the whole school and wellll....


I like mike. Will said still looking at the ground.

*There so cute holy hell-*

Nancy is just in shock. She doesnt care obviously! Shes happy.

So are you guys like....you know....together. Nancy says, smiling and teasing mike.

Well no- says will

I mean- says mike

Mike and Will both stare at eachother.

I mean only if you want to be. Asked mike.

I- says a speechless will.

Ill just leave you two alone....nancy walks away smiling.

Nancy shuts the door and the boys look at eachother again.

Soooooo? Asked mike.

S-sure b-but what will e-everyone th-think.

If they don't like it then screw them! This is our lives. Not theirs.


Will knows that people are gonna react badly. He doesn't want to get Mike hurt

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