《Dark Saviour ✔》Chapter 12: Centauri Pack


Severin felt the warmth of the sun through the duvet. He felt a little stiff and his arm was sore, but he knew it was because he hadn't moved it for hours, and that was only because he had it wrapped under Zero. And to his surprise, she was still asleep next to him even though she never slept past seven in the morning.

Severin opened his eyes; the light stung a little but he quickly adjusted and faced his mate. Zero slept soundly, her breath calm and the lines on her face were at ease too. However, Severin really wondered if she was asleep right now. She had the instincts of a beast- literally. He was almost convinced that she'd wake up as soon as he tried something. But he tried his luck still.

Severin leaned over her and slowly laid her on her back against the bed. She hadn't moved nor made a sound, which was strange but Severin took full advantage of that chance. Severin kissed down her neck as his hands explored the lines of her lethal body. She rendered him speechless from the way her body bloomed under his touch. His hands became rough as he squeezed her thighs and inched closer to her hot core.

Severin felt a deep hunger stir inside of him, his body yearned for her touch and he craved to drink her in. He never got enough of her and he knew this passion wouldn't end. He had fallen under her spell, that he had fully surrendered to her and never even thought for a second that it'd be a bad thing. How could it? he thought. Being with Zero was something he never predicted for himself. Life was full of surprises it seemed.

Severin grew excited from what he was doing to her while she slept. He brazenly cupped her core and a moan escaped her lips. He pushed two fingers into her hot channel and spread her apart for him, his fingers coated with the proof of her arousal. The silk gown she had contrasted against her fair skin, it rose above her thighs as he pushed her legs further apart. He moved his hands and kneaded her strong thighs.

Severin's lips felt the lace trimmed above the neckline and then he touched her warm skin. He kissed her collarbone over to her pulsing vein on her throat.

"Wake up, baby, otherwise I will do what I want with you," he whispered.

Zero hadn't given a response.

Severin's teeth sharpened and he grazed over her supple skin. He settled between her thighs, that were such an enticing invite to his raging erection. Zero made a soft sound when his shaft touched her core, but he didn't enter her. He wouldn't until she was awake for her to fully feel him and she was aware that he was inside her, claiming her as his today too.

Severin hovered over her, the nightgown rose above her abdomen and that was when all the warm light washed over Zero's bare body.

Severin stiffened from what he saw next. Scars ravished every part of her body. Last night, in her bedroom he did see a few scars here and there. But now, under more light, he couldn't believe the condition of her body and that lead him to wonder what she must have gone through to get these.

Guilt washed over him and he couldn't help but want to comfort her. Severin leaned down and laid his lips on the large scar running right across her lower stomach and belly button, it was pale against the flesh that was still alive. His hands caressed the scars slashed down her thighs and legs, there were a lot more on her bare arms and her breasts too.


Severin found a scar on her knee that looked like a puncture wound, which may have been a bullet or maybe a knife, he couldn't tell. He traced the round wound with his tongue, when suddenly, the muscle on her leg flexed in his grasp. He knew right away that she had woken up now, but he didn't back away. He continued to lick up her knee, towards her thigh and closer to her inviting core.

"Isn't it a bit early for this," she said as her bright blue eyes revealed under the sun.

Severin's grin widened into a bright smile showing his teeth. "It's never too early," he told her. He hooked his hands under her knees and spread her for him. He fanned her core before he dove in for a taste... finally. She was awake and that meant now he could give them what they both needed.

Zero's eyes darkened with arousal and so did Severin's. He plunged his tongue into her core and licked up her arousal, the sweet taste of her poured into his mouth and he swore he could do this all day. Severin spread the soft folds of her core and as his fingers thrusted into her, his tongue relentlessly licked over the throbbing nub, which drove Zero wild with pleasure.

She threw her head back against the pillows and bit her bottom lip holding her moans back. Severin grew angst to hear her, so he pushed up her night gown and found her hardened peaks of her plump breasts. He knew she liked it a little rough, so he squeezed hard and she gasped in surprise.

He could feel the tension coil inside her getting ready to release, so he pushed her further. He quickened his pace and caressed her breasts and his mouth skillfully brought her to experience an exhilarating release.

"Severin..." she moaned his name and it shot right through him to his hard shaft. Her hands combed through his hair, fisting and bringing him closer to her core. He loved that.

Severin knew she was close, so he put his arm over her writhing hips holding her down and under his control.

Zero's hand tightened on his hair and that pain felt so hot to him. "Come in my mouth, Zero," he teased. "Let me taste you." He licked up her core again and again when she cried out and came just like he said.

Zero fell back on the bed, her breath ragged and her legs fell weak. Severin kissed up her stomach and watched her regain her senses.

"We're not done yet, baby," he said.

Zero's eyes looked from his eyes to his lips, that were still glossed with her arousal. A feral hunger flashed through her eyes, he saw it right away.

"Come here," her voice was husky and sexy as hell.

Severin came to her without hesitation. She wrapped her arms around his neck before she stole the very breath from his lungs. She pulled him onto her body, like she didn't like that there was even an inch of space between them. He laid over her and their bodies fit to each other.

Zero collared his throat holding him to her so she could deepen her tongue into his mouth. He moaned into her and she bit his lower lip with greed written on her mouth and eyes. Severin's shaft hardened to the point that it hurt, and he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Put it in me," Zero growled against his lips. "I want to feel you."


That had done it. Severin didn't take it slow. He thrusted into her wet and hot core, that fisted his shaft. He couldn't breathe when he felt himself being swallowed by her, but he ignored that because who needed to breath when bring in your mate's arms felt this incredible.

Severin pulled out and then just as fast he plunged into her, he found an erotic rhythm for both of them to feel irresistible pleasure. Zero wrapped her legs around his hips and forced him to go faster and deeper, he was happy to oblige since his own release was seconds away.

"Come inside me," Zero said with a low whisper.

Severin's entire body buckled from the command in her voice. He emptied inside her and she orgasmed all over his shaft before he pulled out.

He found her lips before anything else. He kissed her hard, biting and licking so he would never forget how beautiful his mate was when she was thoroughly ravished by him.

Severin pulled back, he felt completely rejuvenated. "Good morning," he said with a beaming smile.

Zero smirked as she saw him smiling so happily. "Waking up next to you makes it feel like that," she told him.

Severin's heart skipped a beat. He laid beside her, pulling her into his arms. "How are we going to leave this bed?" he asked. "I don't want to share you with anyone." Zero laughed, the sound fluttered through him and he could listen to that sound every day.

"I don't know if that's possible," she said. "But I am willing to share the shower with you."

Severin gaped at her, but then as his mind geared towards an entire plan on how to make that hot, wet shower the best they ever had. He jumped out of bed and took her with him. He never moved faster than that before.

After their hot shower together, Zero got out first and left to get dressed. Severin took that time then to clean himself off and shave too. The hot water felt divine this morning on his sore muscles and limbs. He leaned his head under the cascading water, his hands planted on the wall and he let all the soap suds slide down his body to the drain near his feet.

After a while, he turned the shower off and stepped out on the rug letting his wet feet soak on it. He grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist before he stepped in front of the foggy mirror. He wiped his hand over it, seeing his reflection that was practically glowing now. Was it so wrong of him to be hopelessly in love? he wondered. No, it was not.

Severin dried his wet hair and got ready for the day by wearing his favourite white shirt and trousers. He then made his way down to the kitchen where he knew Zero was because she never skipped breakfast. He saw her hard at work cooking in the kitchen. She had cooked up quite the spread for breakfast.

"Hungry, are we?" he mocked.

Zero looked up not amused. "It's not for me," she said.

Severin chuckled. "You sure?" Zero rolled her eyes and went back to cooking scrambled eggs on the stove. He neared her, hugging her from behind and he kissed his mark on her neck. She leaned into him too, feeling his warmth just like he was.

"You want to tell me what you said yesterday," he whispered.

"I said a lot of things yesterday," she replied.

"The one that turned me on the most," he teased.

Zero stiffened and then hummed. "When I said I should put a muzzle on you," she said.

Severin felt his lips lift into a grin. "I love it when you talk dirty. But honey, we both know what I want to hear."

"Well, it's not gonna be that easy, Mr. Salvatore," she said sternly.

He tightened his hold on her when he heard her say that. "That's too bad, Mrs. Salvatore," he retorted.

She cocked a brow at that. "I don't remember agreeing to that," she said.

"What do you mean?" he astounded. "I already picked our wedding theme."

Zero frowned. "I am not wearing a white dress," she chided.

"Off-white then. I'm thinking princess gown with lots of sparkle," he reasoned with her.

"Keep going and see what happens," she threatened. Severin laughed as he kissed the frown off her lips. She pulled back and said; "Besides, I think white looks a lot better on you."

Severin was surprised by the sudden compliment. He saw her looking at his body right away. "You think so," his voice made it clear that he was charmed.

"Yeah," she answered truthfully. "Now, go set the table."

She managed sausages on the side too with a hearty stew. She pulled out two trays out of the warm oven, hot garlic bread steamed freshly off the tray onto the plate. Severin went to fridge and pulled out the freshly squeezed orange juice this woman always had.

"Where is everyone?" he asked.

"They're helping the kids freshen up," said Zero.

"Speaking of the kids, where will you send them?" asked Severin sternly.

"To a pack," responded Zero.

Before Severin could question more, Elijah and Tom came downstairs with kids. Zero's stern expression calmed and she smiled as she went up to them. Severin's heart thumped. She was such a sweetheart around kids. Darren and Tyler appeared too, they looked a little calmer but Tyler was fairly pale still. Robin had already gone home, so he wasn't here to join them.

"Come on," she ushered them to the full and ready dining table.

"Thank you for the food," they all said to Zero.

She sat at the head of the table. "Yes, thank you for the food," she mumbled and ate with all of them together.

After breakfast, everyone cleaned up the kitchen. Severin was putting away the leftovers in the fridge when he heard Zero's voice. The calm, sweet tone she had earlier had been replaced with an austere tone as she spoke over the phone with someone.

"Thank you for understanding," she said. "I will bring them today." She cut the phone and turned to meet him.

"Where are you going?" he asked her.

As she put her phone in her pocket, she answered; "The Centauri pack."

Severin's interest piqued. "Are we all going?" he inquired.

"Only if you want to," she said as she went around and told the rest of the group the plan for the day.

Severin went upstairs to grab his coat and phone to join Zero today to meet the infamous Centauri pack. The pack that was the talk on everyone's lips around the world, since it was the most powerful and oldest pack to ever exist with harmony and unbelievable loyalty to the alpha. Gabriel Centauri was the alpha who never needed a reason to do what he wanted. No one doubted him and no one ever stood in his way.

Darren and Tyler stood with the kids and they were all waiting for Zero to join them. She had gone upstairs to change her clothes.

"This should be fun," he said to Elijah and Tom who were waiting by the door as he joined them.

"I'm excited too," added Tom.

Everyone was waiting by the door when Zero arrived with a crisp black shirt, the collar up and the buttons open at the front revealing the deep plunge of her cleavage. The shirt was tucked into black tailored trousers that fit seamlessly to her long legs and she wore thick boots on her feet. She had draped a long blue coat over her shoulders, that matched the one Severin had on right now. A smile tugged on his lips when he noticed that they matched right now.

"Let's go," she commanded as she passed them and opened the front door. Where there were parked two large black vans.

"Elijah, you take half in that van," said Zero and Elijah followed the order.

"Darren, you'll be in the other van with the rest of the kids and with Tyler. I will follow in my own car," she continued. Everyone went to their designated seats and the cars got ready to leave.

Zero, Severin and Tom got in the SUV and Zero drove in front of the black vans taking everyone to the Centauri pack territory, which took them quite a while with the morning traffic blocking their every path. However, Zero knew the routes and the shortcuts to every road and corner.

They arrived at the destination and at the end of a long forest road was a large metal fence with a securely guarded gate.

"Are we here?" asked Tom from the back seat peering out the window at the tall gates.

Severin looked around the empty forest that surrounded the property here. The tall pines trees were dense and tall, like they reached the sky with their height. The black vans were behind them and a few more had joined that picked up the rest of the survivors from the hotel. Zero drove closer to the gate and she rolled the window down when the gates automatically opened. Severin spotted the few cameras that were plainly visible, but he was sure that there were hidden ones too, there had to be for this place.

Zero pressed on the gas and they went down another long path before arriving at the large compound, that housed one of the biggest packs known to exist in the shifter world.

Zero stopped the car in front of a Victorian manor, which was a cozier choice rather than a modern mansion that Severin expected to see for the Centauri family. There were beautiful white roses surrounding the house and there was a man was catering to them with a gentle smile on his face.

Severin got out of the car and so did everyone else. The entire territory was surrounded by forestry and he could see the glimmer of a lake just beyond the single cabins ahead of them. He expected to see a strict pack with security guards everywhere and barbed wire fences, but instead this place appeared to resemble a cozy neighbourhood where everyone knew each other and spent their evenings together. There was another building in front of the house, that looked to be a school of some sorts. Kids of all ages were walking in and out of the building with bags on their back and them chatting away with friends.

"Zero," a voice deep and firm called out.

"Gabriel," Zero responded.

But Severin already knew the man walking towards them was Gabriel Centauri, it was hard to forget his face and his reputation. Gabriel Centauri was a ferocious alpha who was lethal in a fight and in the corporate world. The man was all muscle and sharp lines, his face was handsome and he had the most golden eyes Severin had ever seen. His eyes made Severin uneasy, like they could see through everything and everyone. He got the full effect of their alertness when Gabriel looked directly towards Severin and raised a brow.

"Gabriel, this is Severin-"

"Salvatore-" Gabriel said for her. "You look exactly like your father."

Severin offered his hand and Gabriel took it. "It's nice to meet you personally this time," he said.

"It is but I never thought I would meet you with Zero," said Gabriel as he looked at her now with a knowing grin. "Although, I don't think I need to ask why you two are together."

Zero cleared her throat. "This is his brother, Tom," said Zero, bluntly ignoring Gabriel's chuckle. "And Elijah is the one I told you about and that's Darren and Tyler. They will also stay with you here at the pack along with the kids and the other survivors."

Gabriel faced the entire group. "Welcome to the Centauri pack," he greeted them. "My brother has arranged cabins for you all to stay."

"Zero, you're here," another voice came from the back, it was Klaus. He walked up to all of them, his kind eyes landed on all the kids first. "We should get them all settled in," he suggested to Gabriel softly.

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