《Dark Saviour ✔》Chapter 4: The Gates of Zero


It was late in the evening; the sky had darkened to a black shadow and the street lights illuminated the dark pavement. The night was quiet and so was the taxi. No music played, just the hum of the engine filled the interior of the cab. Zero sat in the back with Severin by her side. They had returned to New York and had arrived at her house.

The cab driver pulled up at on the driveway to the front door of her home.

Zero opened the door and stepped out first. The cab driver popped the trunk open and Zero grabbed the luggage. Severin helped as he grabbed the suitcase from her. Zero went to the cab driver and pulled out her wallet. She handed him more than he was owed to send him off, but the cab driver stared blankly at the hundred-dollar bill and then at her completely confused.

"Just keep the change," she said because she didn't have loose change on her to pay the exact amount.

The man beamed at her. "Thanks," he said. "You have a great night." Like that, he rolled out of the driveway through the open gates.

Zero joined Severin on the top of the stairs and she unlocked the doors to the house. She let Severin go inside first, only so she could close the door and lock it behind her. Zero found it odd that Severin was standing in the middle of her foyer. He wore casual clothes, loose trousers and a knit sweater. But still handsome after a seven-hour flight.

"Wow, you have a beautiful home," said Severin.

"You sound surprised," she remarked, as she swung his bag over her shoulder and held her own in the other hand. Frankly, she was the surprised one here, because Severin brought such a little amount of luggage. She expected him to bring a truck-load of clothes.

"I am surprised," he told her. "I expected you to be living at a sky-rise flat."

"I used to live in an apartment," she told him, "but it got hard once my job demanded more of my time."

Severin frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I think an apartment would be less maintenance."

Zero agreed to that, but Severin didn't know the whole truth. "You'll find out soon enough," she told him. "Come on, let me show you to your room."

Zero walked on ahead and he followed as his head shifted left and right; up and down looking everywhere around him.

"I have three rules which you will make sure to follow closely," she said as they reached the second floor. "First, never bother me when I am in the last room down that way-"

"Why?" he asked, as he followed her finger to the large golden doors at the end of the hallway. "What's there?"

"Second-" she continued without telling him. "Never go into that room." She pointed to the next double doors in the same area, just on the left side this time.

"I'm guessing you're not going to tell me what that is either," he remarked.

"Good, you're catching on," she retorted making him chuckle.

"And lastly, don't go into my room-" she faced him now with a stern posture- "My room isn't open... unless you want to die."

He laughed, but then, he frowned when he saw her unsympathetic expression. "Was that a joke?" he asked.

"No," she replied curtly.

Zero opened the door in front of them and she revealed the newly refurbished room. Severin stepped into the spacious room, she followed after him. The room was beautiful itself because she made sure of it. There were many guest bedrooms built in this manor so she could help anyone that needed a bed, although they weren't used up until now. For this room in particular, she remembered picking out the dark leather chairs, the navy-blue drapes and the massive bed framed made from antique oak. There was a chandelier on the high-rise ceiling and rich molding on the walls, that had pearl-white painting done. She picked this room for Severin since it had a fireplace too, she thought he'd like that. Severin put his luggage on the side and she put the bag on the seat for him.


Zero measured the width of his broad shoulders and the back of his head where his golden hair, which looked so soft glistened under the warm light. He really was here, in her house, alone with her. His scent that was enticing like roses and soothing as the autumn breeze itself, they both filled her senses convincing her that she was really here with him.

Zero cleared her throat. "Is it alright for you?" she asked. "I have other rooms, you can pick-"

"It's perfect-" he told her as he looked at the fireplace. Severin turned. "Where's your room?" he enquired.

Zero pointed with her thumb right behind her to the door across his. "There's no need to get scared. I'm right beside you," she said. "If you need anything just knock, I will help you."

"Thanks," he smiled.

Suddenly, a buzz went off and Zero stiffened. She ignored the ringing and tried not to be impolite, but it wasn't working.

"Answer it. I'm fine," he told her softly.

Zero huffed and pulled out her phone. "What?" she answered sternly as her eyes stayed on Severin.

"I'm at the location," informed Marcello. "Where are you?"

Zero breathed deeply. "Give me five minutes," she said before cutting the line. Zero put her phone away. "An urgent matter has come up, so I need to go. I'll let you get settled. But I will be back before midnight," she told him. Severin's gaze troubled Zero. She didn't know why it told her to be careful, which never happened before.

Severin saw the straining lines on her face. "You really don't get to rest, do you?" he remarked but she couldn't give an answer. "Good luck," he simply told her, and then, he turned his attention away towards his luggage.

Zero left in a hurry.

She ditched the car in the garage and went straight towards the bike parked on the side. Putting the black helmet over her head, she drove out of the garage and through the gates with relentless speed.

Zero zipped down the city streets that were empty and quiet. The only thing the night heard was the engine of her slick bike tearing past everything in its path.

Zero took the exit off the highway on the right when she recognized her surroundings almost immediately. She stopped in front of a vacant building, that she knew all too well. This was the place she had recently freed those slaves from the cage fights. This was the establishment she closed down herself. Why did she get the address to this place? she wondered.

"You're here," said a voice.

From the scent alone, she recognized who it was. A man appeared dressed in a tailored grey suit, with a deep burgundy overcoat, that just rested over his broad shoulders and fell to his knees. Marcello Tricomi stood to an impressive height, which matched his strapping physique. Even this late at night, he appeared sophisticated with that lavish attire, and his dark blond hair was combed back and away from his attractive face. Marcello had sharp golden eyes, that had grown soft these past couple of months, which was the result of being happily mated. This man was undoubtedly a ruthless wolf who only strived for his own benefit, but that all changed when he met the love of his life.

"What's the urgent matter that it couldn't wait until morning?" she asked him.

Marcello walked towards her; his strict expression unaffected. "It's waiting for you inside," his cool tone was still the same. Good to know that some things never changed.


Zero looked at the massive building. No lights were on and only the lamps around the streets exposed the eerie property to them.

"I got a call from one of my informers," Marcello told her. "He came to shut this place down and clean it up after your mission was complete, so there would be no unnecessary investigation. But when he got here-" Marcello's voice fell and his dumbfounded expression told her something was very wrong- "Well, you'll see when you go inside."

She didn't need to go inside. Zero smelled it all the way out here from the way the breeze carried an awful iron odour directly towards her. The building was tainted with death, which sucked the very breath out of her. What the hell happened here while she was gone? she contemplated.

Zero looked at Marcello impatiently. "What are we waiting for?" she asked.

"He should be here," said Marcello looking down at his watch irritably. "I called him two hours ago."

Zero felt inside of her jacket to see if she had any weapons on her, but then she remembered that she just came from the airport. The only weapon on her were her fists. She didn't like being unarmed. Damn, she cursed. She should've grabbed at least her daggers before leaving the house.

"Where were you anyways?" asked Marcello, as they waited.

"London," she answered.

Marcello raised a brow. "There was a mission in London?" he asked her then.

"No, I was invited to a party-" Marcello just stared at her to explain more- "You know Wayne Salvatore?" she asked and he nodded. Of course, he knew Wayne, everyone knew the Salvatore family. "He is a close friend of mine."

Marcello raised a brow. "A friend," he astounded. "How'd that happen?"

"It's a long story," she sighed waving her hand for him to let it go.

Marcello didn't budge though. "Make it short then," he insisted.

"I saved him from a car crash," she said. "Huh, I guess it's not that long." Zero considered for a long moment if she should tell him about the 'Severin Salvatore' part and how he's at her house.

"Wayne is a man with hard rules," said Marcello. "Frankly, I'm not surprised that he chose you for a partnership. Wayne Salvatore definitely doesn't pick his associates easily. I believe he has two sons, right?"

"Severin and Thomas Salvatore," their names spilled out of her mouth like oxygen would, which she found strange since she barely knew them. Marcello saw the tremendous blaze in her eyes, despite her desire to hide it. Screw it all, she gave in. "Severin is visiting New York and he's under my supervision."

Marcello's face changed now. His gold eyes widened and he gaped at her. "Why didn't you lead with that?" he astounded.

"I didn't think it was that important," she mumbled.

He stared at her stumped. "Do you know who that man even is?" he asked her. "Severin Salvatore alone owns billions of shares in property. He is worth more than anyone I know, and so is his family."

Zero rolled her eyes at him. "Stop fangirling in front of me," she grumbled.

They were interrupted by another roar of an engine, that rolled up beside them. It was a snow-white Tesla roadster with tinted black windows. The flawless car gleamed under the darkness after it slowed down and parked before the bright headlights turned off. The door opened and a man stepped out of it. Another formidable wolf shifter, that reformed his infamous days of being in the mafia to being a dutiful husband to his mate now. King Vitiello had arrived.

"What the hell do you want with my life in the middle of the night?" King asked irately.

"You're late," complained Marcello.

King rolled his sapphire-blue eyes. "You're such a bore, Marcello," he remarked, as he strode to them.

King's powerful demeanour didn't hide behind all the black that he wore. He was dressed rather casually in rugged dark jeans and a loose silk shirt, which the buttons were left open revealing the dark ink over his bronzed skin. He had layered a thick leather jacket over top; the zipper left open too. Unlike Marcello, King's jet-black hair was tousled and raked with his fingers only. He still fixed the stubborn strands now, and every time he had, the golden band on his finger glinted in the light. He never took off his marriage band and his mate didn't either.

"I called you like two hours ago," chastised Marcello. "How are you late?"

King smirked. "I was... occupied," his voice was dripping with amusement and that slick hot tease which always made King charismatic. "You know how it is, Marcello," King confided to the man who scowled at everyone all the time. "You're mated yourself, so you know how I feel."

Marcello sighed deeply. "Fine, whatever," he gave in because he did know what happened to someone when their mate was in the room. One couldn't help but become distracted and lose track of time.

Zero watched them two and realized how much they've changed. She knew when both of them were rogue wolves trying to kill everything and anyone. They both even attempted to take her down; Marcello even shot her once, when he was trying to get King killed long ago. Those days even came and went. And now, after both of them mated, they had improved themselves to being better men and helped her with a worthier cause.

"How are the packs?" Zero asked them.

"All good on our side," King said first. "Gabriel sends his regards as usual."

"Delivering messages for him now," Marcello mocked.

"Shut up, jackass," King answered curtly making her laugh. "Don't act like you don't do the same for your pack."

Zero grinned at Marcello. "Did Isaiah send his regards too?" she asked.

Marcello pierced his lips together, like he held his answer back but then he gave in. "Yes, he did," he brooded making her laugh.

Suddenly, the air chilled and Zero's entire body grew on high alert. "Boys," she cautioned, as she turned and her eyes darted around them. Surveying the entire area, Zero saw nothing but she certainly felt the eyes on them.

King and Marcello already had their hands on their weapons. "Klaus is going to kill me if I get a single scratch on that car," said King, as he realized the Tesla was in the crossfire if a shoot-out did begin.

"I would love to see Klaus kill you," added Marcello.

"Don't make me use your ass as a shield for the car, Marcello," grumbled King.

Zero snapped her head and glared at them. "Cut it out. Geez, you act like four-year old's together," she scolded.

King and Marcello glared at each other. "If I'm four, then he's like two," added Marcello under a deep breath.

"Oof, Maya," Zero shook her head and prayed for patience. "Get inside the building right now," she ordered and they cooperatively followed her command.

They walked through the broken doors into the vacant area. The ceilings were high and the lights started to flicker, which didn't sit well with Zero. After crossing the main passageway, the three of them arrived near the end doors where she knew that it opened up to the enormous hall. However, before Zero sensed any danger. She sensed death in the air and a putrid scent, that made her stomach lurch. In the distance, she heard the buzzing of flies and the rotting odour filled her nose.

"Fuck, that smells disgusting," carped King. "Damn, instead of being in bed with my mate, I'm here with you two," he grumbled. "Don't you two take a day off?"

"No-" they both answered.

Marcello and King moved on ahead. But Zero put her hand up, stopping them in their tracks. She stepped forward and stood in front of the closed doors. King and Marcello stuck close beside her. She unfastened the heavy metal doors, swinging them both open and then the room was revealed... she lost all words for what she saw next.

"What the actually fuck?" astounded King.

"Glad I called you now," Marcello remarked to them, but mostly Zero.

In the massive room were tall wooden spears fixed upright and on each sharp spear was a head. The sharp wooden beam had been impaled straight through the middle of the skull and that wood held the head up high. The thick blood pooled all over the mucky floor, there was so much that there wasn't any place to put her feet. Zero had never seen such a horrific sight, but she hadn't shown any expression though. Being surprised wasn't a luxury she had, because in her line of work scenes as horrifying as this were ordinary.

Zero saw that on the first head right in front of her, there was a white parchment paper in the man's broken mouth. Zero grabbed the note careful not to dirty her hands. She peeled the paper open and saw neat writing scratched across with black ink.

'For Zero. Now, it's just you and me.'

That's all it said. Zero looked up at the horrible scene and realized that someone did this to get her attention. Reaper, thought Zero.

"Someone is really hoping to get your attention," remarked King.

"We already know who it is," added Marcello.

Zero stood in front of the massacre and had a feeling there was more to the scene than she was gathering. And when Zero realized the message Reaper left for her, she felt her skin crawl from the nasty intent.

"These were my targets," Zero revealed. "All these people were my-" her voice went quiet.

"Why would Reaper kill for you like that?" King asked.

Zero looked down at the note. Now, it's just you and me. "He cleared the field," she mumbled.

"Wow, how gracious of the asshole," scorned King.

"He's planning on keeping Zero's attention to himself," said Marcello. "Zero, what are you going to do?"

Reaper was the adopted son of Menza who she killed off when the Plague association started in Rome years ago. Marcello was the one who told her, that Reaper was coming to seek revenge. He wanted to kill her, just like she had killed Menza. Revenge wasn't a new notion to her; she knew what she was facing. Zero turned and left the building. She stepped out of the sick smell and into the night so she could finally breathe.

"Zero," Marcello called out. "What will you do about Reaper?"

"What I always do when I face an enemy," she told him. "I kill them." Marcello and King exchanged a wary look behind her; she knew they did, she felt it.

"It doesn't seem that easy," claimed King.

Zero surveyed the perimeter and noticed that the eyes on them before had vanished. "A man's eyes masked with revenge are blind and that is always an easy target for me," she told King when she heard his allegation.

"He may be blind but he's determined," believed Marcello. "Desperation inside Reaper has led to a lot of pain, Zero."

"I know," she said.

"He already killed everyone, so you wouldn't get distracted from him," continued Marcello. "He seems obsessed with you."

"I wonder why?" questioned King.

"He's a twisted result of Menza's influence, that's why," she gritted out.

"What's our next move?" Marcello asked her.

Zero faced them now. "Go home and be with your mates. Leave this to me," she ordered.

King and Marcello didn't look convinced at all. "This isn't the time to procrastinate, Zero," said King. "What do you need us to do?"

Zero regarded the two men. "Like I said, go to your packs and warn them," she said. "Reaper is coming for me alone. You two, and everyone can else stay out of it."


She shot Marcello a hard glare shutting him up. "I don't like repeating myself," she said.

Eventually, King and Marcello got in their cars and drove away leaving her alone on the street.

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