《The Bad Boy And Me |✅|》11: A Night Full Of Surprises


As I get ready for my mission that is following my brother and discovering what he is hiding I hear something from my window.

I go near it and see that stones,one by one touch the window, make a sound and then fall back down.

I open my window and peek out, curious.

Down there with a fat grin on his face is non other than Jace Brewer himself throwing stones one by one on my window.

"Are you crazy?" I whisper yell.

Since it's 9 45 already my brother would be leaving soon. I don't wanna give away anything and make him suspicious but this idiot standing downstairs,throwing stones on my window is definitely gonna do something wrong.

"Yeah crazy for you!" He yells.

That reply made me blush, blush for me means turning into a red, ripened tomato and made my heart race a hundred kilometer per hour. I don't know why he is having this effect on me, he is a big flirt and he usually does this to other girls for fun. I know that but he is having this much effect on me. Why?

" Don't yell you idiot someone will be suspicious." I whisper yell to him.

"What?" He yells again with a hand around his ear.

This is official. I am surrounded by idiots who have pea sized brains and lack the word known as common sense.

I don't say anything more I just gesture him to come over in my room through the window.

After what seemed like a century he climbed in my room panting like a dog.

"Here." I say giving him a glass of water that I usually have in my room for emergencies.

He drinks up the liquid in one go and look up at me,waiting.

"So... Ash is gonna leave soon and we will follow him as soon as he drives away. Got it?" I explain.

He nods and was about to say something but a knock on my door stops him. We both freeze on our places,not moving.

"Jessie open the door." Ashton's voice calls out from the other side of the door.


"Why?" I yell back pushing Jace inside my closet. Well this was the only place that came to my mind at this time.

"Just open the door." He yells.

I open the door a little,breathing heavily. If he finds out anything about what I am gonna do then I'll be gone gone tonight!

"Yes." I say,my voice a little squeaky.

"Let me in. I want to talk to you about something." He says pushing the door.

"No" I say a little too fast. "I mean no,I am in my undergarments."

He narrows his eyes but says nothing. "Fine." he sighs."I just wanted to apologise for today and check on you. We haven't seen each other since today morning and last I checked you had an awful headache because of me. Are you okay now?"

I smile at his concern for me and say cheekily "I had an awful morning thanks to you but now I am perfectly fine."

He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight Jessie." He says while going downstairs.

"Good night Ash."

"Wow you have an amazing collection of bras." Says the devil holding one of my bra in his hand as I closed the door.

I turn red with embarrassment. "Shut up." I say while grabbing my bra from his hand and keeping it back in my closet.He chuckles at my expression but says nothing.

"I guess we should leave now." I say.

We both look down from the window and see that the coast is clear. We climb down from my room through the pipe and hide behind the bushes.

As soon we position ourselves behind the bushes I hear the main gate opening. We both see Ashton leaving with a smile on his face. He gets in the car and drives off.

At the last moment I come out of my hiding place and see that his car has taken a right turn. The right turn from my house only leads to the garden nearby. I smile, congratulating myself by finding where he was going.

"Come-on" I say as me and Jace walk through the short cut to the garden.


As we reach the garden I see my brother getting out of his car and walking inside. He nears the swings and then I die.

Not really.

I die because of excitement. There,in front of him is a red headed girl and when he reaches her, Ashton grabs hold of her waist and kisses her.

Kisses her. Oh my God!

I am gonna kill him. He didn't tell me such an important thing. I quickly take out my phone and click pictures of them. I know sneaky but I want prove right?

After their everlasting kiss the girl smiles and that smile tells us that something is there, something more than friendship. They talk about something. After the talk they make their way towards Ashton's car and go away. Now I am not gonna follow them. I don't know what I'll see next. This is quite a surprise for tonight.

After they go,me and Jace come out of our hiding place. I am feeling so giddy now, I am so happy for my brother. Atlast he found someone. Jace on the other hand is shocked,with his mouth ajar he is still looking at the place Ashton's car was there.

We start walking back to my house,this time not in a rush.

"Wow. Ashton got a girl!"he says breaking the silence.

"Yep. I am so happy for him. First I'll kill him for not telling me,of course." I say and again we are silent,still processing what happened today.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" He suddenly asks after a 5 minute silence.

"Yeah alright." I shrug.

"What is your favorite color?" He asks.

"Ocean blue. Yours?"

"I don't know. But I like wearing black. So black I guess."


"Had any boyfriends in the past?" He asks.

"Yep. One. Any girlfriends?"

"No, single for life. My moto." He says in a high pitched voice. I laugh at that.

Then he asks something that I don't understand.

"What did u say?"

"Umm. Areyouavirgin?" He says too fast that its hard for me to catch up.


"Virgin are you...I mean...." He stutters. I turn red at that." You don't have to answer that if you-"

"Yes I am. You? Wait whom am I asking?"

"Wait what do you mean whom am I asking? What if I tell you I am?"

"You are?" I ask.

"Well no."

"I knew that. You are 'the' guy of our school who is known for sleeping around with girls."

"The rumours are all wrong, I don't sleep around with anyone. Instead I have only did it once and I regret it. I was drunk and I didn't know until the next day when I woke up." He says looking down as if ashamed.

"What about the other girls?" I ask.

"Susan was the one I did it with and she told that to everyone. The other girls, I don't know why ,came up with lies and rumours too and I didn't decline it. So here comes the chain of rumours about me I guess. I am not that kind of a guy birdie, I respect girls except for the usual flirting. I don't use girls as tissue paper." He says.

I am shocked,he just shared something with me that is so big and secret. I am happy that he trusts me and he isn't like the other guys in our school who uses girls. I am filled with warmth at his sincerity and his trust towards me.

"Who knows about this?" I ask.

"Brad and Zach knows a little but not everything, you are the first one to know everything birdie. Don't break my trust." He says and smiles at me.

I smile back,a sincere smile.

"Why do you pretend to be a bad guy if you are nothing like that?"

"Let's save this for next time. We have reached your house. should be going now,it's late. Good night birdie." He says with a sad smile.

I smile back but ask nothing as he gets into his car and leaves.


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