《just dive in [reed bishop spin-off] ✔️》eighteen
— e i g h t e e n —
of term flew by faster than Oliver had been expecting and he didn't know how he felt about that. University choices were finalised, personal statements finished off, UCAS applications submitted. Stress levels among the year thirteens were amping up as mocks drew closer. There was less hanging out at Juniper's and more trying to find space in the crowded library. Free periods were no longer just a chance to nap and fuck about with friends, but much needed revision time. Swim practice continued as usual with Charlie's annoying comments, Kessy's bitching retorts and fighting Reed for the title of fastest swimmer. Life fell into a familiar routine of swimming and studying, sometimes with a party at the weekend.
It felt good, and Oliver wasn't talking about his studies, or even swimming really. Things between him and Reed were finally back to normal. On the days Reed didn't have work, or stayed for longer after practice to swim, he'd come round to Oliver's. They called it "studying", although it consisted more of playing video games and scrolling absently through Netflix and chatting shit about anything other than school. Reed also spent much of his time at Oliver's house playing with Lexie, from tea parties with her teddies to scribbling drawings with her crayons. He was happy to humour her endless chatter which meant Lexie had decided that Reed was the next best thing since sliced bread.
Seeing as Oliver held very similar opinions, he could hardly blame his sister for feeling similarly. Although it was a little annoying when she spent every waking hour harping on about Reed this, Reed that, when is Reed coming around?
"I can't help it that your sister likes me better than you," Reed said with a smirk, when Oliver told him about this, but he could tell Reed was pleased. "I hardly blame her. I'm delightful. No need to get jealous," he added, and his blue gaze was teasing again, that hint of a challenge that sent sparks down Oliver's spine. "You're still my favourite Sterling."
It was safe to say Oliver's crush on Reed was anything but fading from all the time they spent together. It was also safe to say he was finding it very hard to care. Maybe Reed wouldn't accept that there was anything more going on between them, maybe he toed the line with flirting and teasing, but Oliver had his best friend back. Anything was worth that.
Sometimes Adam would join them to "study" at Oliver's, if he wasn't roped into doing something with Clair. The outcome of their fight in the common room that day was Adam convincing his parents to let Clair come to France with them. So now it was the three of them...and Clair. Together for ten days in France. It was almost enough to put a dampener on a trip Oliver was really looking forward to. Key word being almost. Clair may be annoying at times, but this was a holiday to the Alps, for gods sake. He always wanted to go skiing but Lexie's health meant that wasn't a trip his family would ever take. Now he had the perfect opportunity, and he got to do it with his best friends. Clair was just an unfortunate problem on the side.
In the last week of term, as the temperature plunged and Christmas excitement was creeping up on everyone, they had their second meet out of town. Oliver wasn't sure how he felt about having to see Hampstead again; more specifically, having to see Finley again. He would feel much better about it if they came away from this meet having done better than Hampstead. Birmingham was only two hours away which meant they wouldn't be staying overnight like they had for the meet in London, but driving back straight after it was done.
"Which means I won't have to set any curfews this time," Jeffries said, with such a pointed look in Reed and Oliver's direction he might as well have blown his whistle in their faces. "What a relief, seeing as some people on this team are incapable of following such simple rules."
That comment earned more than a few snickers from the team and all eyes cut to the two of them. Reed scowled and slunk down in his seat on the minibus, muttering something undoubtedly rude under his breath. Oliver rolled his eyes when Charlie turned around and propped himself up on the seat in front of him. He liked Charlie, he really did, but it seemed as if the other boy went out of his way to sit nearby Oliver on long journeys just to make annoying comments.
As if to prove his point, Charlie said, "How does it feel being the bad guys in Coach's eyes?"
"We could never be the bad guys," Reed said with a scoff. "We're his best swimmers."
"Cocky much?"
Reed narrowed his eyes at him. "You're just gassed that me and Oliver getting caught breaking curfew means Jeffries has forgotten about that time you and Kessy broke it."
"Yeah, no shit," Charlie laughed. "And he was way more angry at you two for breaking it."
Kessy popped up to join the conversation. "That's because when we broke curfew, it was to catch a late night showing of a new horror movie. You two idiots broke curfew to get drunk in bars you're not even legal to enter," she said, with a look of utter disbelief at their stupidity. "You should've gotten way worse than two weeks of detention."
"Okay, mum, we've already heard the lecture a million and one times. Not to mention this was a month ago," Reed said. "You can drop it now."
"A month ago," Charlie said thoughtfully, and Oliver was instantly wary at the gleam in his dark eyes. It definitely didn't bode well for either of them. "That's an awfully long time. I don't suppose since then the two of you have — ow," he yelped, because had Oliver kicked the back of his seat. "Oli! What the hell was that for?"
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence."
"You didn't even hear what I was going to say!"
"Trust me," Oliver said, "I'm almost certain I don't want to hear it."
Reed looked between the two of them with obvious suspicion. "What's he on about?"
"You don't want to know. Seriously," Oliver said, when he saw Reed was going to protest. Kessy had grabbed Charlie and yanked him back down into his seat so they were saved from that interrogation for the time being. "It's just Charlie being an idiot."
"So more of the usual."
"Pretty much."
"Hey," Charlie complained, loud and indignant. His face appeared in the crack between the two seats in front of them. "I can hear you!"
"And unfortunately, I can see you," Reed said, raising a threatening finger. "Get your face out of the way before I poke your eye out." Charlie made a sound of alarm and quickly turned back to face the front. Reed turned his finger on Oliver and made a finger gun. "Pretty effective weapon, right?"
"When you're the one wielding it," Oliver said, amused. "Not that I think you have the balls to actually poke anyone's eye out."
Reed raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"
"You're all bark and no bite, Bishop."
"What an offensively inaccurate and hurtful statement to make, Sterling. I have plenty of bite and you know it."
Oliver raised an eyebrow of his own at the implication behind those words and was rewarded with Reed flushing red. "Really," Oliver said, enjoying a little too much how obviously flustered Reed was. He tipped his head towards him and lowered his voice. "You'll have to prove it."
Reed held his gaze for long enough that Oliver was the one who felt like squirming now. His insides certainly were, an eruption of butterflies that left him feeling like a jittery mess. This was always how it played out. Oliver would flirt and no matter how red-faced Reed got, he flirted right back. Oliver wondered whether it would ever lead to anything more. He had too much pride to ever initiate anything, not after being dismissed and rejected by Reed countless times. He'd made it clear he wanted to pretend they weren't attracted to each other and Oliver wasn't about to go begging on his knees for him to come to terms with his sexuality. Still, Oliver couldn't help hoping that Reed would do something more than tease him with his words. Tease with his mouth, ideally. Or even his hands. That would work too.
"Maybe I will," Reed said, and that was the end of it. He turned away to stare out of the window and Oliver had to pretend he didn't want to combust just sitting this close to Reed. Something told him it would take a lot of uncomfortable shifting and thinking about less provoking things to get through the next two hours.
Oliver plugged his earphones into his phone and Reed held an expectant hand out. "Okay," Oliver said, handing over one of the buds. "But no complaining about my music taste."
"Not even a little?"
"Not even a little," Oliver confirmed.
Reed pulled a face. "But your music taste is shit."
"Ah, ah." Oliver snatched the bud back with a chastising look. "That sounded like complaining to me."
Reed returned his look with an exasperated one of his own and looked like he had any number of colourful retorts he wanted to give, but settled for, "Sorry, you've absolutely misunderstood me, I would be honoured for the gold that is your music taste to grace my ears, Oliver."
"Hmmm." Oliver pretended to consider it before offering up the earbud again with a grin. "Sounded vaguely sarcastic, but I'll take it."
"Vaguely sarcastic is the best you're getting from me. And this isn't complaining, but I get to cue a few songs. Fine, one song," he said, when Oliver opened his mouth to protest. "Maybe two. Probably three." He grabbed Oliver's phone from his hand and flashed him a dazzling smile that he knew clearly let him get away with anything he wanted. And, of course, Oliver was absolutely letting him get away with it. Reed could have everything Oliver owned if it meant he would smile at him like that.
Oliver felt eyes on him and glanced over to see Bailey watching them. She looked away the moment she caught Oliver's eye, turning to chat animatedly to Dex, but not before he saw the frown on her lips. Oliver hadn't spoken much to Bailey since she had broken up with Reed and of the few words they had exchanged, it was all polite conversation about school or classes to pass the time at swim practice. She was never rude to him and as far as Oliver was aware she was never rude to Reed. Although that would have been a difficult task, considering the two of them rarely ever spoke. Bailey was the one topic that had never come up between Reed and Oliver again, the same way Cora had never come up between them again. Reed had made it clear he didn't want to talk about Cora and Oliver hadn't felt like pressing for the details about Bailey.
Until now.
"Hey," Oliver said, turning to Reed. He was too busy scrolling through Oliver's Spotify to have noticed Bailey's attention. "Can I ask you something?"
"You always do," Reed said, without looking up from the phone. "I'm surprised you asked for permission this time."
Oliver lowered his voice so no one else could overhear. "What's the deal between you and Bailey?"
That got his attention. His finger stilled on the screen and his expression was guarded when he looked up at Oliver. "The deal? We broke up," he said, also pitching his voice lower. Charlie and Kessy could have easily eavesdropped in on the conversation if they wanted to but they were too busy having a loud argument about which Marvel movie was the best to pay attention to the two of them. Kessy's strident defence of Black Panther was loud enough to drown out anything the rest of them said from the rest of the team. "A while ago, as you're aware. That's all there is to it."
"You never told me why you guys broke up."
Reed's expression only grew more guarded. "Why the sudden interest?"
"Not particularly sudden," Oliver said. "I've always been curious."
"Ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?"
"And didn't you know that satisfaction brought it back?"
"You're such a smartass."
"But you love me anyway."
Reed stared at him and Oliver could feel his heart pounding at what felt like too much of an admission. Not that he was taking it back. "Sometimes," Reed said, and knocked Oliver in the shoulder with his own when Oliver smiled. "Most of the time, though, you just get on my nerves." And with that, he clicked play on the song he had chosen and turned the volume up when Oliver tried to say something. "If I'm not allowed to complain, then have to shut up for once."
"That seems like an unfair bargain. Especially considering you've hijacked my music so you don't even have anything to complain about."
"Sucks to be you, then."
Reed settled back against his seat with his eyes closed and despite how loud the minibus was, with Charlie screeching in front of them about how Kessy would never truly appreciate the might that was Captain America, he was out like a light in minutes. Oliver had always envied his ability to fall asleep anywhere almost instantly; it took him what felt like hours to drift and if he wasn't in his own bed, it was virtually impossible. At some point, Reed's head tipped onto his shoulder as he slept and Oliver was hyperaware of how close he was, how Reed was leaning up against him so their sides were pressed together. This definitely didn't classify as less provoking thoughts to get through this journey, that was for sure. Oliver took his phone back from Reed's slack fingers and scrolled absently through his phone in attempt to distract himself.
When their team walked into the sports centre where the meet was being held, Oliver spotted Hampstead immediately. They drew the eye in their bright red sports jackets with block yellow lettering. It was clear Reed had seen them too from the way he tensed up beside Oliver. "Great," he said, with a measurable dose of sarcasm. "Look who it is."
Oliver wasn't sure whether he meant Hampstead in general, or Finley specifically. The older boy tapped two fingers to his temple in mocking salute when he met Oliver's gaze and turned it into a blown kiss sent Reed's way. Oliver felt like shoving Finley in the water for that and was a little gratified when he saw the gesture elicited a scowl from Reed.
"Asshole," he growled.
"Get a good look at them," Oliver told him. "That's the team we're beating today."
Reed's scowl turned to a ferocious smile. "Fuck yeah we are."
They changed out and joined the other teams on the poolside for warm-up laps. Of course, it was just their luck that they were seated next to Hampstead. Oliver greeted his old teammates with a small smile, offered Ife a short nod which she barely bothered to return, and completely ignored Finley's shit-eating grin in favour of dropping down in the space next to Marcie.
"Oliver!" She beamed at him and squeezed him in a side hug. "You know, these cross country meets are a pretty great way of catching up with you. As long as both of our teams keep qualifying."
"That won't be an issue on our part," Reed assured her, and his cool gaze cut to Finley on his next words. "I don't know if the same can be said for your team."
"So feisty," Finley chuckled. "Is that a threat, blondie?"
"That we're going to destroy you in the water?" Reed smile was less than friendly and had a wicked edge. "Absolutely."
Finley looked at Oliver with amusement. "You've got yourself a handful there, Oliver. I suppose you've always liked the challenge, hm?"
Reed looked like he was about to snap something wildly inappropriate that would get him in shit and the loud trill of a whistle saved that interaction from getting any more heated. It was calling for their team to hit the water for warm-ups. "Come on," Oliver said, nudging Reed towards the pool when it seemed he had no intentions of doing anything more than scowling at Finley. "Warm-ups first. Destroy him in the water, yeah?"
"You can try," Finley called after them, and Reed flipped him off over his shoulder.
When all the teams had warmed up, and everyone was huddled back on the poolside, the meet officially began. Charlie came third in his heat and Kessy made sure to give him hell over it when she came second in hers. Oliver pulled in a second at his first heat, won his second. Reed won both of his first two heats and made sure to gloat it over all over. Woodway was doing well, really well, and Jeffries seemed convinced that they could pull in at the top of the leaderboard if they carried this energy through until the end. The thing was, Hampstead were also doing really well; Oliver had been keeping an eye on the races they took part in and the ones he saw their swimmers were coming second or first. It seemed like it was going to be a close tie for who won this meet.
The last event of the meet was the men's 100M freestyle and Reed was swimming in the final heat. His hair was still dripping wet from his last race and he had that excited flush to his cheeks that only swimming could give him. It made Oliver want to kiss him. This was his favourite side to Reed, happy and caught up in the rush of doing well at what he loved. That's when Oliver caught sight of the names appearing on the electronic board for the swimmers who would be competing in the final heat. Or more specifically, the name listed right above Reed's.
"Well," he said, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. "This should be interesting."
"What?" Reed turned to follow his gaze and his eyes widened when he saw Finley would be competing against him in this heat. He broke out into a heated grin when he met Oliver's gaze. "How much do you wanna bet I'll beat that piece of shit? One hot chocolate?"
"I'm not taking that bet, Reed," Oliver said. "I'm betting against Finley, not you. I'm sure you'll wipe the floor with him."
Reed's grin widened. "Good. Excited to see me destroy him in the water, as promised?"
"Very," Oliver said, and Reed's giddy excitement was infectious, because Oliver couldn't help grinning back at him. The urge to kiss him was so strong Oliver had to physically lean back to remind himself not to do anything stupid. "Have fun with it."
"I most definitely will."
The trill of the whistle had Reed on his feet and heading over to the pool to take his place at the lane. Finley took his place in the lane next to him. Oliver couldn't make out any conversation between the swimmers, not over the cheering and loud chatter filling the air, but he saw Finley say something to Reed and Reed's response was a scowl. The heated exchange between them was short-lived; there was another trill of the whistle, one of the starters on the side indicating they needed to get into position. Reed flipped Finley off before slipping his goggles in place and getting in position. Finley laughed, turned to catch Oliver's gaze, before also taking position.
"Damn, Oli," Charlie said, raising both eyebrows at him. "You really got two guys fighting over you, huh? And on rival teams? This is some Romeo and Juliet shit."
"How on earth is it anything like Romeo or Juliet?" Kessy scoffed. "Literally no one in this situation is Romeo or Juliet."
"Fine, what about the Trojan War? Oli over here is Helen of Troy. Reed and that tall muscly Hampstead guy are the two nations fighting over Helen."
"That's...actually not a bad comparison." Kessy stared at him in open-mouthed disbelief. "Who are you, and what the hell have you done with my idiot friend Charlie?"
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