《just dive in [reed bishop spin-off] ✔️》three
t h r e e
Woodway boasted was impressive, Olympic sized and split into eight separate lanes of clear blue water. It was designed to hold school competitions and so there were seats build around the pool, row after row forming stands up to the high skylights built into the ceiling. There was even a set of diving boards of varying heights. Oliver had his swimming trunks on under his clothes, but didn't bother changing out yet considering he was early for the first practice of the year. The only other person here was Mr Jeffries, the swimming coach, and he was too busy sorting out equipment to notice Oliver.
His first week back at Woodway had passed relatively uneventfully. He had more and more assignments piled on him from each lesson, but by the second day, people had gotten bored of questions and forgotten about him. He still got the odd look now and then but it wasn't unbearable. Lunch was the trickiest time. Reed had apparently gone for the pretend-he-doesn't-exist tactic and whenever he happened to pass Oliver, he completely blanked him. The ice in his eyes whenever they skipped over Oliver, as if he wasn't even there, hurt more than any insult or glare.
Oliver would have been happy to sneak off for lunch and pretend the cold shoulder didn't bother him somewhere else, but Claire was insistent he sit with them at lunch. He didn't know why she cared so much but arguing with her wasn't worth it. Reed never sat with them — it didn't take a genius to figure out who was keeping him away — but he had to suffer through the hour with Adam, who wasn't openly hateful but certainly didn't seem pleased. He was still waiting for a reason why Oliver suddenly disappeared without a word and Oliver was trying to work up the courage to get him alone with Reed. If he was giving an explanation, it might as well be to both of them.
Students began filing out for practice not long later and Oliver was unsurprised to see Reed among them — his place on the swimming team was the only reason he'd been allowed to attend Woodway in the first place. It was painfully ironic that Reed had only wanted that scholarship so he could go to the same high school as Oliver, and now he wouldn't so much as glance in his direction. Being ignored by him wasn't any easier to stomach even after a week and the painful ache reminded him how much he missed Reed's friendship. Oliver pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on the practice ahead of him.
Sports was more important at Woodway than other English high schools, and it's reputation for swimming was the reason it was so selective about those it allowed to represent them in competitions. Anyone could come to practice, but these first practice of the year would act as a tryouts of sorts to determine who would swim at upcoming meets in the next few weeks. Oliver remembered different year groups practiced on different days, so today it was only year twelve and thirteen students, and everyone had to be timed for their lengths.
Oliver had no intentions of trying to talk to Reed, because he was still a bit of a pussy and he didn't want to have his head bitten off, but he realised with a start he recognised the girl standing with him. It became apparent when she saw him that she remembered him too.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, coming to a stop. Reed had little choice but to stop too and made sure to glare at Oliver, to make it clear this was the last place he wanted to be. "I remember you!"
"Cashier girl," Oliver said, and grimaced when he realised how that sounded. "Sorry, I don't know your name."
"Bailey," she supplied.
Reed couldn't stay quiet for any longer. "How do you know him?" he asked, somehow still managing to ignore Oliver.
"Oh, I don't, not really," she replied, seemingly oblivious to the tension between the two of them. "He came to Juniper's the other day during my shift and I remember his little sister. She's really cute, by the way."
"Sure, she can be cute, when she's not being a nightmare."
"Lexie?" Reed asked, and when Oliver glanced at him in surprise, he scowled.
It wasn't that Oliver had expected Reed to forget about Lexie. Unlike Adam, who had treated her with supposed disinterest (Oliver remembered that he had referred to babies as nothing more than a "genetic investment" when he first met Lexie, much to his and Reed's amusement, seeing as they were only eleven when we'd come out with this piece of gold) to hide the fact he had no clue about babies and was possibly a little scared of them too, Reed had thought Oliver's little sister was the cutest thing in the world. Oliver was fairly certain in that first year of her life he came around more for Lexie than him, playing peekaboo and flicking through picture books for hours on end just to keep her entertained. He was just surprised that Reed had willingly spoken to him.
"Yeah," Oliver said. "She's six now."
Reed just looked away. "I don't care."
Bailey was looking between them curiously and seemed to have finally clocked that things weren't entirely at ease. "Do you two know each other already?" she asked.
Reed's expression hardened and Oliver figured the first proper conversation they had, if they ever had one, shouldn't be that they used to be best friends until Oliver moved away and Reed started hating him. And that was just the watered down version. "Yeah," he said vaguely, and quickly continued before she could ask him to elaborate. "What about you two?"
Reed looked at him then, straight in the eye for the first time since in the cafeteria, and said, "She's my girlfriend."
Great, Oliver thought, careful to keep his expression neutral. This whole thing just got a hell of a lot messier. He'd gone for five years and both of his best friends (ex, he reminded himself, they're not even your friends anymore, forget best friends) had managed to get girlfriends. At least Reed's pairing made more sense. Oliver didn't know Bailey but if she was here they both had swimming in common. Adam and Claire, on the other hand, seemed as different as two people could get. Or at least different enough to clash heads in any kind of relationship.
"Bishop, Park, new guy!" Mr Jeffries called, saving Oliver from having to think of something appropriate to reply. "Go change out! Hey, kid," he said, stopping Oliver before he could pass. "What's your name?"
"Oliver Sterling."
"Been swimming for long, Sterling?"
"Since I was six," Oliver answered, as everyone else filed out into the changing rooms. "I used to swim for this school when I went here before, in year seven and eight."
"Oh? I'll be expecting great things then," he said. "Go on, get out of here and get changed."
Seeing as Oliver had been swimming for over ten years, he'd grown accustomed to the lack of clothing and all the skin on show that was a necessary part of any sport involving entering the water. It meant he knew regular swimmers had good bodies and while he could appreciate the view he was professional enough not to ogle. He had to remind himself of that when he saw Reed. Oliver let his gaze linger only for a few seconds on his toned chest and lean muscles, all of it undeniably pleasing to the eyes, before looking away. All things considering, he thought that was an impressive amount of self-restraint.
Reed was off-limits, he knew that. He'd never be stupid enough to try anything again. Claire was off-limits, Bailey was off-limits, Reed was off-limits — maybe he should just simplify it for himself and make everyone in this bloody school off-limits. Celibacy for a year didn't sound too impossible if it meant he didn't get tangled up in any drama.
After warming up with lengths, they began timings. One person took to the water at a time, so Mr Jeffries could record their times, and Oliver wasn't the only one watching Reed when it was his turn. He had this way of moving through the water that made it impossible to look away, cutting cleanly through the water and moving with an unrivalled speed. He'd been one of the best on their team, back when Oliver had been part of it. He said one of the best, because the title for top swimmer on the team was one which had constantly shifted between the two of them.
They'd both been insanely competitive, in different ways, and it led to a lot of petty squabbles that they'd both forgotten by the next day. None of it had ever been serious, no heat behind the bickering. Reed had liked that there was someone good enough to give him a run for his money in the water and Oliver had liked that he had something that not only earned, but held Reed's interest.
Something told Oliver the competition wouldn't be quite as light-hearted or playful this time around.
"Asshole," said one of the guys waiting at the side next to Oliver, but there was no real heat in his voice and he was grinning. "How the hell are the rest of us supposed to go after Reed? We look like sea slugs next to him."
"Why do you care anyway, Charlie?" a redheaded girl retorted. "You always make the team regardless."
Charlie blew her a kiss. "You flatter me, Kessandra."
"I'll cut your balls off if you ever call me by that name again," the girl threatened. "It's Kessy, you uncultured sack of shit."
"Whatever you say, Kessandra."
Mr Jeffries left Oliver until last, for whatever reason, and he was aware of Reed watching as he took his place at the head of the lane. Subtlety had never been his forte. At the sound of the whistle, Oliver pushed all thoughts of Reed and reconciliation aside as he dived into the water. When he swam, everything was irrelevant besides the cool water against his skin and the satisfying burn of his muscles. Unlike most people that fussed and whined over that initial cold that came from jumping in a pool, Oliver loved the shock to his system. It was refreshing in a way nothing else was.
Mr Jeffries was waiting with timer in hand when Oliver pulled himself out of the water onto the poolside, pushing wet hair out of his eyes. "Not bad," Mr Jeffries said, looking faintly impressed as he studied the time displayed. "Not bad at all, Sterling. We might be making it to finals this year with you on our team."
Oliver had always been a little unsure how to receive praise and settled for a nod, curious despite himself. Had he beaten Reed's time? Had he even come close to it? He told himself he didn't care, and he didn't, not really. He swam for the enjoyment more than the need to win. He just couldn't shake that small voice at the back of his head whispering that swimming fast enough might earn back Reed's interest again. Good or bad interest, Oliver was willing to take what he could get.
Mr Jeffries called the twenty or so swimmers around to give them a rundown on their first practice. "Our first meet is only in a month or so, so this isn't the definite team that will be taking part," Mr Jeffries said, scanning the clipboards with all the times scribbled down. "I'll do times again closer to that date and we'll see if anything changes. For now, these are the fastest times in increasing order: Dex Alvarez, Bailey Park, Charlie Lockwood, Kessy Holmes, Reed Bishop and Oliver Sterling."
There were murmurs and whispers as people glanced at Oliver but the only gaze he really noticed was Reed's, those ice blue eyes so intense they practically burned holes into his head. Oliver felt a little flicker of triumph, not only that he'd gotten that interest he had been hoping for but that he so accurately predicted Reed's response. Whatever differences they had now, they had been best friends for seven years before Oliver left for London and he liked to think that even if some things had changed, a lot hadn't. He still knew enough of Reed to claim some of it for himself. Oliver returned Reed's stare with an even gaze and spark of heat shot down his spine when Reed didn't look away, his eyes narrowing in challenge.
This was dangerous territory, Oliver knew that, but he couldn't bring himself to be the first one break eye contact. Reed was just as stubborn as him. It was what had gotten them into trouble that night five years ago.
"Hey, looks like we might finally have someone who could give Reed a run for his money," Charlie said loudly, loud enough for Reed to abruptly avert his gaze. Oliver felt another flicker of triumph at having been the one to win that one. "When was the last time someone beat your time, Reed?"
It was a few seconds before he replied and Oliver didn't miss the slight shift in his tone he was sure no one else heard. "No one asked for your opinion, Charlie."
"Ooh, he knows he's in trouble," Charlie exclaimed, seeming oddly gleeful about that.
"What are you so happy about?" Kessy smirked. "You still didn't beat my time. Always falling behind."
"Hey!" Charlie looked too indignant to be believable. "I am not falling behind, you evil wench. How dare you say such — "
"Argue in your own time," Mr Jeffries interrupted, looking fed up with bickering that Oliver could guess was commonplace. Even the other students were beginning to look a little exasperated. "I want to wrap things up here. Practice is every Wednesday and Friday, and we'll be meeting at the gym for dry training and finishing up here. Don't even think about skipping unless you have a legitimate excuse or you won't be touching the water in any competitions. I'm looking at you, Lockwood," he said pointedly.
Charlie smiled sheepishly. "But laziness is a legitimate excuse, Mr Jeffries."
"I'm not having this discussion with you again," Mr Jeffries said flatly. "Just turn up on time, okay?"
"I can't make any promises, Mr Jeffries," Charlie said, with a cheeky grin. "Not if I can't keep them."
Oliver was relieved when they were finally released to the changing rooms. It wasn't that he found swimming tiresome or boring — the opposite, actually— but they hadn't done much swimming in today's practice and it was exhausting being near Reed without being allowed to talk to him. In all honesty, it was exhausting being near him and pretending it wasn't all he could think about. He didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. Thank god he had the weekend to recharge and figure out what the hell do about this situation.
"Hey, Oliver," Charlie said, from across the changing room. "That's your name, right? Can I call you Oli?"
Oliver frowned. "No."
"What about Liv?"
Oliver shoved his clothes into the locker. "I seriously hope you're joking."
"Of course, Oli," he grinned, and Oliver sighed. Reed had headed towards the showers but not before Oliver saw the hint of amusement on his face — he knew how much he hated that nickname. "Hey, are you wearing coloured contacts?"
"I think I would have gone for the same colour if I wore contacts," Oliver said, amused.
Charlie's eyes widened. "So they're real?"
"That's so cool!" Despite the long limbs and the fact that Charlie was almost as tall as him, there was something undeniably childish about him. Oliver could see how his personality could be both endearing and annoying at the same time. He was like a golden retriever puppy. "So, Oli, you're pretty fast in the water."
It wasn't a question but Charlie looked at him expectantly as if waiting for an answer. "Thanks?"
"Reed's probably crying in the corner," Charlie said with a grin, not noticing the person in question returning from the showers, his wet hair a few shades darker than usual and wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Oliver kept his gaze trained on the content of his lockers because he didn't trust himself to look at Reed. "He's never had someone his own age who's been faster than him."
"Fuck off," Reed said, annoyed, but Oliver suspected that irritation was more directed towards him than Charlie. If it had been anyone else he probably wouldn't have cared as much, but that it was Oliver felt a little too much like icing on the reasons-why-I-hate-you cake.
"See?" Charlie grinned at Oliver. "He's in a pissy mood."
"I'm always in a pissy mood when I'm stuck with you, Charlie."
"But you love me really," Charlie said brightly.
Reed rolled his eyes. "I really don't."
"Of course you do," Charlie said, undeterred. "Because I'm a delight."
"I think you mean delusional. Delusional and stupid," Reed replied, but anyone could tell there was no heat in the words and he was joking. Friendship with Reed always consisted of insults and teasing jabs, but there was never any truth behind them. You never took anything he said seriously, until you weren't friends anymore and he went out of his way to make you miserable. Oliver hadn't gotten to that stage yet but the silent treatment wasn't particularly fun either.
Oliver slipped out of the locker room to their lighthearted bickering and realised just how much he missed their friendship. It felt wrong seeing the person he had once shared every smile and secret with treating him like a stranger. They had never fallen out in all the years they were friends and it had only been the two of them before they'd adopted Adam into their duo in year seven. While they had definitely gotten on each other's nerves at times, there was never anything serious enough to ruin their friendship. Oliver had been naive enough to think nothing would ever ruin it once. Now he was wondering, if he hadn't moved away, if he hadn't shut Reed out — would they have recovered from that night?
He was still mulling over that thought as he lingered by the huge oak tree at the school, killing time until the late bus arrived, when he saw Reed leaving the building. He didn't see Oliver as he made his way towards one of the few remaining cars in the car park. Oliver was surprised he had his own car, seeing as his family struggled with money, until he spotted Adam behind the wheel. That made more sense. Oliver didn't know much about cars but he knew the sleek and silver model was an expensive one.
It also told Oliver that Adam and Reed were most likely still best friends, if the former was willing to wait until five to pick Reed up after swim practice. He hadn't actually seen them together much, but he didn't have lessons with either of them and Reed most likely started his disappearing act every lunch only when Oliver arrived on the scene.
Oliver made a split second decision and headed towards the car. It wasn't like him to act on impulse but wasn't that exactly how he'd gotten into this situation? He overthought everything and lost his friends. He didn't think he could get through a whole year of Adam distrusting him and Reed ignoring him, both probably hating him the whole time. It was somehow worse that they'd remained friends — it wasn't that he had wanted them to fall out, but it just meant both his best friends were free to hate him together. Oliver had to put his neck out on the line if he wanted to salvage things while it was still an option.
He caught up to Reed when he was a couple of feet away from the car and stepped in his path before he could go any further. "Wait," Oliver said, when Reed skidded to a sudden stop.
Reed looked caught off-guard. "What do you want?"
"To talk," Oliver said. "Without you storming off."
"Well, I don't," Reed said, recovering from his surprise with a scowl. "Move out of the way."
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