《My Brother's Best Friend》Heart-to-Heart Conversation


-I cannot tell you how upset I was after reading some of the comments when Emily was talking about sleeping with Daniel. People were calling Emily a slut and a whore, and I was in shock. Not just because you were insulting my character, but because that's how you must view the world. And I just wanted to take a moment to talk about that.

-Definition of the word slut: a woman who has many casual sexual partners.

-Definition of the word whore: a prostitute

-After reading both of these definitions, I'm 100% sure Emily is neither one of these. She's slept with one guy, and that guy happens to be someone she's had history with, and someone she has confused feelings about. She's not picking up guys off the street and coercing them to come into her bedroom. It's Daniel.

-Another issue I had is that both Parker & Emmett were described, from the very beginning of the book, as being guys who sleep around. But nobody called them sluts or whores. But as soon as Emily & Daniel did it, Emily was immediately labeled. This is a double-standard in today's society, and it's wrong. So I just wanted to throw that out there as well, let you guys think on that.

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Okay, well my little rant session is over. I hope that you guys take what I said here seriously, and I hope that we can build a new relationship from here. The update will probably be later today, so there's that. Love you all, I truly do.

-Rachel <3

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