《Jealousy | Pico x Boyfriend |》Chapter 3


Boyfriend's POV

I was pretty nervous considering I haven't done competitions like these in along time. I waited in line for the other participants to finish. It was my turn up , against the people I was avoiding. The Halloween looking people. I went up the stage and adjusted the microphone, I saw the lemon guy come up stage. We rapped and rapped while the girl was smiling. We finished out battle, I had a moment to catch my breath while looking up to see my next challenger. The 2 spooky kids. They started to rap before I was even able to prepare myself. I quickly got back on my feet and started rapping. I did have some voice cracks here and there but I wasn't able to actually prepare myself. It felt like arrows were just thrown at me and I had to keep pressing for me to succeed. I finished those challengers. The next one was the last one for today but..it wasn't any ordinary challenger..it was my..


Pico's POV

" My ex.. " I blinked a couple times in shock. I didn't actually think he'd be here. But I'm not surprised at the same time. He would come to something like this. But the chances felt low. I brushed off my feelings and grabbed the mic. Lifting my UZI up. I already registered my custom song so this should be fun. I gripped on my mic and started off the lyrics, saying " Go Pico, Go,Go,Go Pico. " in my mind, I still can't believe he'd try to go out with this thing. I could've treated him better than whatever she is. She's obviously a attention whore, otherwise why would she be on this competition participating. I could've treated you better boyfriend. I'm better than her. Those words kept repeating in my head while I rap my verse. Then it was his turn



Boyfriend's POV

I still can't actually believe what was happening. I didn't expect him to actually be my ex, I kept rapping my verse of the song while overthinking on the current situation. He was a great guy, don't get me wrong. He was just so clingy and would always pull some crazy stunts. He was clingy to the point where I wasn't even able to go to the grocery store. It felt nice to rap with him again but it felt weird considering we haven't seen each other in along time. I wish me and him ended off in a better term. My verse was over and I won. I shook his hand since it was a good battle. And I'm glad I got to rap with him again. While he was shaking my hand I noticed he looked like he was blushing. I blushed a little too but not in that way..it can't be that way, can it? I saw the girl hop off the speakers, walking near me, trying to get pico away from me. She hugged me while putting my head up to look at her. She was fairly tall. I looked over to see Pico getting mad. I started to worry and separated myself from her real quick. His face changed and left the room. I decided to introduce myself to change the topic.

" Hey! Uhm..I'm Boyfriend. Weird name but I personally thought it sounded cool? Haha. " I said awkwardly while sweating a little

" Oh! That's ironic, my names Girlfriend! And you are rather handsome yourself. " she'd smile

" Ah! Oh, well thank you! " I'd blush a little. Being really flattered at her comment.

" I had a conversation with my dad while the battle was happening and he agreed that you'd be a perfect fit for me! " she seemed very enthusiastic about it.


I did read on the website about a date, but I thought it was a joke considering she was way too pretty to be allowed to go with a random guy. I'm kind of surprised.

" Ah! What a surprise! " I'd rub my neck while wiping off the sweat from my forehead. "

" So, date night at 9pm today? " She smiled

" Ah! Sure, sure! " I'd smile back.

We both walked outside holding hands, Girlfriend was giving me light smooches on the cheek. I got a ride from her dad. His car was crazy expensive! I arrived home and tried to get out the car. Before I was able to get out, Girlfriend was slowly rubbing my neck, making her other hand under my shirt to my stomach, whispering in my ear " I love you " I sweat and blush, I was super flustered at the compliment but I had to get home. It felt too awkward. I told her that I have to go home for some important work projects real fast. She understood and let go of me. I went to my house and unlocked the doors to my house. I went upstairs and slammed my face on my bed. I dozed off without realizing.


Pico's POV

I felt angry, angry that Boyfriend would go out with a skank like her. I crossed his street and saw his new girlfriend's car. My eyes widened looking at the sight of her touching him. She was staring at me like she was teasing. Her face had a evil grin. I held a fist. I wanted to strangle her so badly, but Boyfriend wouldn't like that. And I have to respect his feelings.

I sighed and kept walking towards my home. 40 minutes after I arrived at my doorstep, I grabbed my keys and started to unlock my door. Before I was able to go inside I felt a little tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see it's the girl from the competition. She introduced herself to me.

" My apologizes I didn't get to introduce myself at the contest! My names Girlfriend! I'm guessing you're Pico. " she said smiling at me

" Yeah, I am Pico, but my question is why are you at my house. " He'd question

" Ah! My apologizes again! I was here to tell you a little warning " she'd pin me against the wall and tilted my head to where I could see her.

" He's mine, you have no chance with him again. It's best if you were to stay away from us and our relationship. " she'd grin in a evil way.

I'd grab my Uzi and try to aim at her but she said something to me that made my body stop.

" Do it, shoot me. You're just gonna make him hate you even more, Pico. " she'd whisper

I dropped my Uzi and pushed her out of the way.

" Get off my property. " I said in a snarky and a mad remark.

She stepped off and walked back to her fathers car .

I went inside my house and closed my door. I was so mad I put a dent in my wall. I wanted Boyfriend to myself, not her. "She doesn't deserve him at all. She's a evil snobby bitch". I kept repeating that same sentence in my head over and over again.

I miss him.

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