《Jealousy | Pico x Boyfriend |》Chapter 1


Boyfriend's POV

It was 7am in the morning, I was pretty surprised on how early i woken up considering that I usually sleep really late. Near 3am if we're being exact. I got out of bed, and did my typical hygiene process or what not. Like what any ordinary person would do in the morning. I got ready to pay for some breakfast since it is still pretty early, plus I honestly can barely cook. I headed down to the nearest breakfast place I could find. While walking down I found this poster. I gasped considering the woman on the poster was beautiful! It read " Rapping Competition! Impress Our Beautiful Lady Judge! Go To Our Website To Sign Up! Tomorrow At 9am" After I read " Lady " and " Rap Competition " I knew this battle was for me! I've been rapping my whole entire life and finally I'm able to use my skill to impress somebody, and maybe even impress her! I went to get my breakfast as take out and ran back to my house. I immediately sat on my chair, opened my laptop and started to type my information to sign up for this



Pico's POV

I was doing some lame shit such as testing my firearms and smoking. Y'know, the typical? I was bored out of my mind and I didn't even know what to do. Hell, even trying to kill Nene and Darnell is boring! I realized it was only 8am, the earliest I've woken up. I usually sleep at like 5am or something. It was a surprise to me. I decided to ring up some of my friends considering that's the only thing I was really able to do on this boring ass day. I called Darnell first, then Nene. They all responded with the same answer " Sounds good ". I started to get dressed and get ready. After I got finished I waited for them to arrive. Darnell came with Nene, they were talking about something that I personally could care less about. Nene seemed annoyed while Darnell was holding a poster. They came up to me and started talking about some competition


" Hey Pico! Look at this! " Darnell said waving his hands

" Oh my god, are you seriously going to bring him into your stupid fantasy's " Nene said annoyed, crossing her arms.

" Don't be jealous that the girl on the poster is more attractive looking than you " Darnell chuckled

" So what? That bitch probably can't even hold a firearm without being a pussy! " Nene's voice raised

" Sheeeeh, says the one who tried to end themselves in front of Pico. " Darnell said awkwardly.

" If she was in MY position she would've done the same. " Nene turned her head away

Darnell rolled his eyes and went up to me. He gave me a poster. I thought it was another p0rn0 but looking at first glance it was just a lowlife rap battle for scummy weird men. Though I said I could care less I did need something to do this weekend and this rap battle does seem time consuming. Plus I do rap occasionally, why not do it for this scummy competition. If I'm being honest, the chick is hot. I just could care less. I took the poster out of Darnell's hand and decided to sign up for it when I come back home. Darnell and Nene seemed pretty surprised. They usually know that I'd turn down stuff like this because it's " shitty " or " for pricks and horny's " but my reason of entering was pretty valid so they have no right to say anything on why I'm attending. After we hung out I waved bye to both of them and went home. I got on the nearest device I had in my house and type in my information to sign up for this competition.


Girlfriends POV

I got back from shopping for a new dress and better makeup supplies for the rap battle tomorrow. I already knew those men will be drooling for me. I just hope a decent attractive guy is there. I don't want to bore myself out by having to see ugly men trying to hit their shot at me. But whatever, Daddy Dearest is trying to find the perfect one for me. I wish he'd realize that I can pick my own men. I sighed and walked back home, carrying my bag of makeup and my new red shining dress. I came home to see my dad reading everyone's sign ups and my mom making spaghetti. I put my bag of clothes down and decided to talk to my dad about the competition.


" Hey Dad.. " I said in a very quiet tone

" Yes angel? " he said looking forward at me

" You know how you always pick the guys for the competition? Well, I was wondering if maybe.. I can pick which one I wanted? I'm old enough to decide which guy I do and don't want " I sweat having a feeling I'd know his answer already.

Dad sighed, " Fine, since you're getting older I'll let you choose which one did best. But I still get to see if your pick is good enough for you. I don't want you to be choosing some lazy lowlife homeless bum. " he said looking straight forward at me.

" Fine by me, as long as I get to choose this time I'm grateful for whatever will happen. " I blew a huff and relaxed myself, that out turned better than I expected it too.

I grabbed my bag and headed up to my room. I put my dress in the washing machine and put my makeup on my table. I then sat on my bed and went on my phone to see if anything interesting's happening.


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