《complete || ot7 x reader》𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯


: thank you soooo much for one thousand reads!! i didn't this fic to get many reads on it and i'm so grateful. i also wanna thank you for all the positive feed back, and for the votes as well. ily of all

. . . .

Jimin happily walked into his shared apartment with his soulmates. He spent the rest of the day with you, getting to know you better. You were a fun person to be around, constantly cracking up jokes between your conversation.

"I'm home!" he called out, closing the door behind him. "Hey, how was spending your time with y/n?" Jin greeted the younger male, pulling him into his embrace.

"It was nice. y/n's such a nice person to be around," Jimin said with a smile spreading across his face. Jin hummed in response before connecting his lips with his.

Jimin smiled into this as Jin pulled his body closer to his. "I missed you," Jin whispered. "We all did." Jimin smiled. "I missed you guys too," he chuckled before connecting their lips once again.

"Hey, I missed you too, Jimin." Jimin separated himself from Jin and laughed as he saw Yoongi standing there with an evident frown on his face.

"Come here, Yoon." Yoongi wasted no time pulling Jimin into his embrace, showering the younger boy with kisses. "Why don't I call the others? I'm sure they want to hear about your time with y/n," Jin suggested as he still his arms around Yoongi's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I want to hear what you two did," Yoongi said.

"Okay, I have a lot to share with you guys anyway."


The boys were sitting around the large living. Jimin was sitting between Hoseok and Namjoon.

"She looked so cute when I first saw her. She looked look so tiny in her overalls and everything." The smile on his face grew as he began talking about the girl.


"She allowed me to see the sculpture she was working on, and it looked so cool. It was so big. It surprised me how a tiny girl like her was able to create something so big."

"When I gave her my feedback, she asked me if I wasn't saying that simply because I was one of her soulmates, one of her soulmates! Hearing that made me feel so warm inside, made me feel so happy."

If it was possible, his smile only grew wider. The other's knew why that made him so happy, and it made them happy as well.

"You know she started asking me about soulmates made each other feel and stuff like that. I couldn't hold myself back, so I kissed and oh my gosh-" Jimin let out an exaggerated gasp, dramatically clutching his chest.

"Hyung," he looked at Namjoon with wide eyes. "I almost couldn't hold myself back. The taste of her lips was so addicting, and I kept wanting more. If we weren't in the middle of a student hall where anyone could've walked in on us. Or it wasn't the first time we've kissed. I swear I would've taken her right there."

Jimin dramatically fanned himself, causing the others to laugh.

"Kim Namjoon, you know I love you and but if I ever find out you devoured the poor girl's lips the moment you felt that spark, I swear-" Jimin said, pointing a finger causing the man to gasp.

"I haven't even met her, and you're already claiming I'd do such? I'm offended," he said, and Jimin playfully rolled his eyes.

"I just know you're going to do something like that!"

The boys erupted into laughter. Laughing as Namjoon tackled the boy, ticking his sides. Jimin felt so happy. So happy to be with his soulmates. Even though one was missing, he knew she would soon be with the seven of them, happily laughing with them.



Jungkook was lying in bed next to Yoongi and Hoseok. The two men beside him were fast asleep, their soft snores filling the quiet room.

It was late, but he couldn't seem to fall asleep. The sudden buzzing from his phone caused him to raise a brow. Who was texting him so late in the evening?

He managed to wiggle his arm around his sleeping soulmates and reach for his phone. His eyes widened when he realised it was a notification from y/n.

Jungkook gently freed himself from his soulmates' hold and sat up, looking at her text with wide eyes.


hey, I know we only had our first proper interaction, hang out, date, whatever you want to call it today, and i'm sorry to ask you this, but I was wondering if i could stay the night at your place?


i'm kind of in a situation. my roommate's being a bitch and won't let me in because she's too busy fucking someone. haru seems to be out like a light, and he won't answer my calls. so you and jimin are the only other people i can contact.


but i'll only stay if the other's allow me. i'm assuming you live with the boys, and i don't want to intrude or anything like that.


you wouldn't be intruding. you're our soulmate. i'll send you our location.


jungkook, please make sure everyone is okay with me staying the night. i'll apologise for waking them up, but I don't want to come into your home with the knowledge of everyone.


you won't need to apologise.

Jungkook turned off his phone and let out a sigh. "Yoon, Hobi. Guys, please wake up," Jungkook whispered, gently shaking his sleeping soulmates.

"Hmm... what is it, Kookie?" Yoongi asked, his voice hoarse. Hobi softly whined. He didn't like the fact that his peaceful sleep was disturbed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, but It's y/n," he whispered, and the two were suddenly wide awake, hearing the name of their soulmate.


"I'm sorry for waking you guys up. She wouldn't come if I didn't tell you guys you first. She said Jimin and I were the only other people she could contact, and I-" Jungkook apologised to his sleepy soulmates, and Jin gave the boy a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Kookie. I'm glad you woke us up."


The sudden knocking on the door cut Hoseok off. "That must be y/n."

"Jin, why don't you get the door?" Jungkook suggested. Jin only nodded before getting up and making his way to the front door.

He nervously unlocked the door, a bit disappointed that his sleepy-looking self would be the first impression y/n would get from him.

He opened the door to see a woman nervously playing with her fingers. She was so deep in thought that she didn't realise the door had opened.

"y/n?" Jin called, catching her attention. She looked up and nervously smiled.

"T-that's me..."


: lucky number 7. they're all finally going to meet her ~~

word count - 1112

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