《•A Beautiful Sight• ~Kageyama x Male! Reader~》Final Chapter


Kageyama was insanely nervous.

He was planning to pop the question to M/n. They've been together for a few years now and he thought that it would be the perfect time to ask.

He watched as his boyfriend talked with the other players on the Men's National Volleyball Team for Japan.

M/n worked very hard to improve his skills, even after highschool. Eventually, he was chosen for a spot on the team, and as vice captain no less.

"L/n, do you mind sending me some tosses?" Ushijima asked him politely.

M/n narrowed his eyes. "If I say no, will you tell me that I should've gone to Shiratorizawa during highschool..?"

The olive haired capitan sweatdropped and cringed slightly at his past self. "L/n please...I've already apologized about that.."

"Pfft, I'm only messing," the other boy chuckled. "Come on. It's good practice for me as well, seeing as you use your left hand."

The couple met eyes. The older giving a smile, as the other blushed.

"Geez, he only gave you a smile and your face is already pretty red," Hinata came up beside the dark haired setter, teasing him. "You're totally whipped."

"Shut up, Hinata.."

"Better put a ring on his finger Tobio," Atsumu chimed in. "Or I might take him for myself," he teased.

Kageyama glared sharply at the other setter.



"That was very tiring," M/n said as he drank from his water bottle.

Training ended and the players were getting ready to leave.

"Little Giant, can you give me a towel?" He asked.

"Here you go, L/n," both Hinata and Hoshiumi chorused.

M/n blinked and thanked the two of them in the end, taking both of the cloths. "I should just start using their names instead," he sweatdropped.


Kageyama came up to him. "M/n, let's go on a date," he said bluntly. "On Friday...please..?"

"Actually, I have something I need to do on Friday..." M/n hummed.

"Oh...No, that's fine we can go on one another day-"

"How about Saturday?"

"O-Oh, Yeah! That's fine we could do it on Saturday," Kageyama smiled in relief.

The (h/c) male grinned, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks, Tobio."

He walked out of the gym, heading home.

"Task failed...successfully?" Bokuto chuckled.


"What's in that bag?" Kageyama asked an excited M/n.

"Food! I even found that drink and yoghurt you really liked back in highschool," he smiled.

It was Saturday, and Kageyama brought the two back to the same park they had their first date on.

It was a nice day, so there were a few people there.

"You still remember?" The dark haired male tinted red.

"How could I not, you always stared at the vending machine with a grumpy face because you could never choose between them."

Kageyama stared into his eyes. "Still as beautiful as ever."

"I didn't have a grumpy face..!"

They both walked for a while, messing around and making jokes as responsible adults do.

Eventually, the two found a bench a little farther away from all the people.

The sun was beginning to set.

Kageyama sipped on his drink, listening intently as M/n talked about how his sister got the best libero award.

"I'm pretty sure she has a practice match against Date Tech's team soon too. She's just like Yuu," he chuckled. "But without the boy crazy, she's grown out of that phase now and into more of a 'men suck' phase," The (h/c) male laughed.

Kageyama laughed along lightly, fidgeting with the small black box hidden in his pocket.


"S/n made cookies, I think I have them here.." M/n looked through the bag, almost...nervously?

"Ask him now, Tobio! Don't wuss out!"

Kageyama scrambled up from the bench and got onto one knee, holding the small box open.

"M/n.." He got his boyfriend's attention.

The older boy's eyes widened.

"I- uh...Don't know what to say actually...I'm not exactly good with words.." Kageyama admitted sheepishly. "..But you've helped me so much during our time together. You were patient and understanding with me, even when I hurt you. You're a hard worker who doesn't think they're enough, even though they are. I love you so much...You make me so happy just by being in the same room as me, and I want to continue being happy with you and make even more memories together...So..."

"..M/n L/n..."

"..Will you marry me?"

M/n stared, speechless at his proposal.

"Are you kidding me.." He finally breathed out.

Kageyama panicked at his reaction. "Oh no...It was too soon wasn't it? He's not ready yet.."

The older of the two rummaged through his bag once more, before slowly pulling out...

...Another small, black box...

With some tears of happiness building up in his eyes, he opened the small container to reveal a beautiful ring. "I was going to ask you too...But you beat me to it," he laughed.

Now it was the blueberry haired setter's turn to go speechless.

"Megami and S/n helped me pick it out. That's why we couldn't go out on Friday. You were always there for me and I couldn't thank you enough," the tears falling down his cheeks as he smiled.

"But to answer your question, Tobio..." M/n stood up.

"...Yes..I will marry you."

Kageyama stayed in the same position, before getting up and englufling the slightly shorter male into his arms.

"You scared me, I thought you were going to say no.." Kageyama buried his face into the crook of his neck.

"Why would I ever say no?" He started crying. "I love you so, so much, Tobio."

Kageyama slipped the ring on M/n's finger, as the other boy did the same with his.

The two had huge smiles on their faces as they shared a passionate kiss.

"I guess this makes me a king now too," M/n joked as they pulled away for a breath.

"Idiot," Kageyama smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The few that saw the almost chaotic proposal, cheered on silently, not wanting to ruin the couple's moment.

But regardless of who saw it or not...

...It truly was a beautiful sight.


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