《Skyrim Guide》Level Up!


Conjuration Leveling

The following is an easy way to get your conjuration skill to 100. In order to do this you need the spell soul trap, which can be bought for roughly 250-300 septims from farengar Secret-Fire at Dragonsreach, Phinis Gestor at the college in Winterhold or Phinnis Gestor in Solitude.

Once you have the soul trap, find and kill an enemy and take them to a safe location. Once there just keep casting soul trap on them to your heart's desire, remembering to wait an hour everytime you run out of magicka to speed up the process, because even though the spell might not work it still counts towards the conjuration skill. You'll be at skill level 100 in no time!

Destruction Leveling

Destruction Leveling

What I find is the easiest way to get your destruction up is to kill your own summons with a destruction spell, such as ice spike or firebolt.

You will need any of the following aronach's(NOTE, each atronach is harder to cast, as the list goes on(i.e, Familiar being easiest to cast, Storm Atronach being hardest to cast.):

Familiar(Cost 94 Magic), Flame Atronach(Cost 121 Magic), Frost Atronach(Cost 189 Magic), and Lightning Atronach(Cost 284 Magic)

You will probably not want to use a rune to fight them, as a guard/citizen may wander over it.

Summon the beast, then kill it with a destruction spell.

All spells needed can be purchased from Farengar Secret-Fire in Whiterun's Dragon Reach's for 200-300 gold each.

Note that summoning a Dremora Lord is not recomended considering it cost a whole 316 Magic and it is an Expert level spell, and you will probably only be able to summon it near end-game, when your destruction spells are more then likely strong enough.

Restoration Leveling

The following are methods to help you level up your Restoration skill quickly. In short, you can level restoration by repeatedly taking damage from the environment (e.g., traps) and then healing yourself.


Restoration can be leveled in tandem with other skills. For example, anytime the player can attack an NPC without fear of reprisal, the player can level restoration along with a weapon skill by repeatedly attacking and then healing the NPC. Restoration can also be leveled along with Alteration once the Equilibrium spell is obtained. Be aware that restoration seems to level very slowly relative to other skills.

Leveling Restoration


In order to easily upgrade your Restoration skill, visit the Graybeards at High Hrothgar. (You'll head there during The Way Of The Voice quest.) In the courtyard, there is the location you cannot access because of strong wind. Have you character stand in the wind to start receiving damage. Heal yourself while standing in it (notice you will not gain or lose health). It is best to do this with a robe to help speed recovery.


Go to Shriekwind Bastion and go through the entire cave, at the end of which you will face the Vampire Thrall. After killing him, look for an activation chain on the side of the door entering his room. Activate the lever and fire should spurt out of a pipe from the ground. Stand on this pipe and heal yourself while you are burning. You should be able to do this as long as you want.


Find a forge and stand in the center of it. Now jump 5 or more times, then heal yourself. This is a safe and easy way to do this because the forge only hurts you when you first touch it. So if you walk up and stand on it, it will hit you once only. By jumping you get hit once for every time you land.

You can also opt to put the Flames spell in the second hand. And that will also level your Destruction skill as well. It's a slow process but you kill two birds with one stone.


There is a place called Halted Stream Camp located between Loreius Farm, Silent Moons camp, and Whitewatch tower. Clean out the baddies inside and take the path near the dead mammoth which will take you to a pit full of spikes. Walk near the spikes to take significant damage then cast Healing to restore your health.

Smithing Leveling

It is a difficult task to loot enough chests, dungeons and enemies to acquire the items needed to improve Smithing. To increase the speed at which your smithing level increases, buy or loot leather, travel to a blacksmith and quickly craft Leather Bracers. This quickly increases your level and can also be done with leather and iron.

Another method is buying/making iron ingots and buying/making leather strips to constantly make iron daggers.

A great way to level it up early in the game is to head to Whiterun and visit the female blacksmith right by the entrance. Buy all the Iron Ingots, Iron Ore, and leather strips from Adrianne Avenicci and Ulberth War-Bear (who is inside the shop). Then head to the smelter to smelt your ore into Iron Ingots. Next go to the forge and make as many Iron daggers as you can. The downside to this is that you'll need an initial investment of 1500-2000 gold before you do this.

To reduce the amount of time you need to spend waiting for the Whiterun blacksmith to restock (24 hours), it is better to fast travel to Riverwood, and buy more ingots/ore from the blacksmith there, then fast travel back to Whiterun, smelt the ore and craft the daggers. By this time 48 hours should have passed, allowing for you to buy more ore/ingots from the Whiterun blacksmiths.

Sneak Leveling

Quick Sneak Leveling

To accomplish this, you will need a dagger of any kind, but preferably one with a higher damage rating/health drain enchantment if you want to kill two birds with one stone.

In High Hrothgar, after you have learned the "Ro" shout for Unrelenting Force, find Einarth in the hallway towards the back left from the main entrance to the building. He will be kneeling down praying. Equip the dagger and sneak up behind him. Make sure not to move and attack him repeatedly. You will begin to level up Sneak very rapidly. Einarth will eventually stand up but as long as you stay behind him and do not move while attacking, he should not turn around. If you mess up, he will immediately use the Ice Form shout and you will have to deal with a handful of very pissed off greybeards. I would recommend saving every few levels or so. Depending on how high your sneak level is, you should level up every second to fifth dagger attack. You should be at level 100 in ten or so minutes, depending what your level was previously.

Einarth has a lot of health/resistance to damage, and as part of a Main Quest, he cannot die. If you use a powerful dagger that drains health, you can use Healing Hands in your other hand and level up Restoration as well, though it is not nearly as fast the Sneak leveling.. An Iron dagger, or something of the like, would not damage him enough for you to use Healing Hands for very long, but would still level Sneak.

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