《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》Quirk Assessment Test!


Aizawa: Now that I have your attention! First up is the ball throw. I will explain this only once, so listen up! I am sure everyone has thrown a ball in their lives at some point but this time I want you to throw as far as possible. Everything is allowed.

Sounds simple enough.


What should I do?

He did say everything is allowed... I might also see what the others do and copy them. Not originally but it works.

I watched everyone use their quirk and one girl stood out from the rest of them.

A gravity manipulating quirk!!!

That's it!

This will be perfect! I should I ask her or trick her?

With a plan forming in my head, I turned towards the group of girls. I knew that even if I asked her she would probably decline but she can't say anything about a ball that she caught and used her quirk on it on purpose.

Since circumstances were that the class needed me for making tactical planning for their attacks, I knew that she couldn't refuse me and so I began walking casually over to the group.

Me: Uraraka, your quirk is soo cool!

Jiro: He is right!

Uraraka: Ahm thanks...

Me: Infinity. I beat you got the highest score here!

Tsuyu: 100 percent *ribbit*

Me: I even bet the other guys are jealous right now!

Right before I could talk with them further, Aizawa called my name up reminding me it was my turn.

Aiazwa: Midoriya if you could come back here.

Me: Yes!

I wanted to flatter her a little bit before involving her into my plan. There was after all no telling how she would react but chances were high that she would accept my request. So, I went back to the teacher and picked the ball up from his hand, next I turned towards Uraraka.


Me: Ochaco-chan catch!

I threw the ball very lightly towards her. It wasn't hard to catch it.

Aiazwa: *Sigh* Kid?

Me: You said everything is allowed!

I went towards Uraraka and was about to take the ball from her.

Me: Ahm, I am embarrassed to ask you this but could you make it a little lighter, please?

It was annoying to act all shy and not be the sassy ass I was or even the snappy or timid guy at all. Normally I would be like can you use on your quirk on it please? no flattery no act but something told me if I acted this one cute and shy that she would be more willingly to agree.

Uraraka: Sure.

She used her quirk on the ball and gave it back to me. I then went towards the throwing area and threw the ball.

Aizawa: 1000 meters. Next one.

Aoyama: That isn't fair mon ami!

Mina: He used her quirk instead of his!

Me: No, that is wrong, Aizawa said that everything is allowed and I asked her to make it lighter.

Aoyama: How is that allowed?!

Aizawa: *Sigh* Midoriya here is right. He did nothing against the rules I stated!

Aoyama: This is cheating!

Me: Is it? I don't have a quirk how is the whole quirk assessment test fair towards me?

Aoyama: You chose to be here, mon ami!

Me: And I also never did something against the rules. Now chill out!

Aoyama: Chill out! This isn't your ability!

Me: No?

I took out a knife I had in store in my uniform at all times since I wanted to be prepared for a surprise attack on Nezu. Needless to say, that the knife wasn't sharp at all. It took me 2 seconds to get behind him, sweep him off the floor and pinning him down while also holding the knife against his throat.


Me: Unfair?!

Aizawa: ENOUGH!

Once I heard that I put the knife away and stepped back. Next, I bowed before the class. The whole class looked at me completely buffed as if they never expected a quirkless kid being able to move this way at all. Though to be honest quirkless or having a quirk a human was still a human. I could still move extremely fast since I trained very hard. For me it was funny how the class attitude changed in an instant but who was I to complain. I wanted to make them realize that I could be a threat too and not to underestimate me.

After we were done with the ball throw and it was my turn for the next exercise.

Aizawa: *sigh*Next one!

I went towards the teacher und knew that I had to jump as far as I could the question was only how do I accomplish that quirklessly.

Me: Okay.

I stood there and began thinking about a couple of plans until I came up something that was rather stupid. I started angering the Pomeranian.

Me: Hey Dandelion!


Me: An angry ass Pomeranian!


He went immediately after me. However, before he could hit me I saw Eraserhead's scarf shoot from behind me. He then went over to my side.

Aizawa: Problem child?

Me: Yes?

Aizawa: What were you thinking?

Me: That his blast could help me get further away and that if I was reacting at the right moment I wouldn't get even hurt.

Aizawa: *Sigh* This might be a good way but it way too risky for a test.

Me: Though it would work and if this was a villain attack I could have managed to use the quirk of my opponent to actually escape if I had to.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Kid this is an exercise and seeing as you are soo keen as to fight you will be facing me instead of doing this assessment test.

Me: That's fine with me!

The moment I saw him getting ready and throw his scarf at me, I went ahead and charged at him while also side stepping. Not only did I do that but I also grabbed the end of his scarf from the side. Next thing I did was side stepping him getting behind his back and sweeping him of the ground as I did with Aoyama. However, this time I had the scarf in my hand and my a quick move I managed to make him twirl while he was falling making him roll himself up into the scarf. After that a thumb could be heard and Eraserhead was laying on the ground.

Me: So... Do I pass?

I went in front of the teacher crouched down and smiled at him.

Aizawa: .... yes now get me out of this.

I did as he asked and thanks to the speed up of my quirk assessment test I passed and could return back to my dorm room ready to plan the next attempt as well as put some more information down on the smoke bomb that Nezu used. For some odd reasons I finally understood what glitter mix he used and how he builds the grenade up. This came in my mind as I was fighting Aizawa.

The human brain was a mystery to me but I would appreciate the ideas that just pops up in my mind after all.

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