《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》Quirkless Not Useless!


Hawks picked me up and as he began flying to the main building of UA to get me to the infirmary room, he suddenly stopped in midair.

Hawks: You planned that one out quite well.

Me: You heard him?

Hawks: There was not any of us who didn't heard him right now.

Me: ...

Hawks: Look, kid. I am not gonna scold you or lecture you at all since you are the first who even managed to hit him. Though what was that?

Me: The mark?

Hawks: Yes.

Me: I have a bet going on with him. That reminds me. If I can make him stop targeting the earth can I also chose not to get the money but a wish?

Hawks: Depends on the wish but I don't see why not?

Me: Even if that means trying to get a teacher that should be in jail or dead still teaching us.

Hawks: Are you suggesting you could make Nezu reconsider blowing up earth?

Me: Yes, and I want him to stay a teacher at UA if not its principal.

Hawks: I tell you what. If you manage to do that I'll help you get that point straight.

Me: Why would you do that?

Hawks: Because I saw how much he cares for his class and each of his students.

Me: He really does.

Hawks: No one knows why he wants to blow up earth but he for some reason wants to do it.

Me: I don't get it myself. He seems as if he is enjoying it.

Hawks: How are you even feeling?

Me: Okay why?

Hawks: Kid you have third degree burns and aren't even shivering nor making any expressions of pain after we left you kinda just relaxed in my arms.

Me: I have a very high pain tolerance due to how I grew up.


Hawks: ... I am sorry to hear that.

Me: Why are you even caring for me?

Hawks: I'll be your guys new PE teacher!

Me: Say what now?

Hawks: Yep. We can't have Endeavor do it since he has a tendency to just explode and he might hurt you guys. All Might is too busy and so they send me. Besides that, as a member of the faculty I have the rights to try my luck at killing him to and he wouldn't be allowed to harm me.

Me: A win win situation eh?

Hawks: Exactly besides it will be fun.

After he said that he got me to the infirmary room to get healed and brought me back to the building that we class 1A student used close to the forest a little bit away from the main building. We could after all make a disastrous damage to the school property while we are an assassination hero class.

Once I as back I could see them all working out and Nezu watching them while sipping on his tea. Hawks landed right next to him and put me down.

Nezu: Ah you guys are back! Midoriya what did Recovery Girl say?

Me: That I should try not to get hurt that much since my body was a little bit weaker than the other ones since I didn't have a quirk. If you ask me that was just a lie to not see me that often.

Nezu: Or to make you be more careful.

Hawks: I am betting on the second option. She is really caring and doesn't like to see the same people very often. That reminds me! Watch out for her cane!

Me: Oh right. I heard stories about it.

Hawks: And they are all right!

Me: Really?

Nezu: Oh yes, it is. I must say it is quite delightful watching All Might run from her because of all the injuries he gets.


Hawks: Delightful? HA! You lucky you never saw her in her angry state!

Nezu: Midoriya, are you ready to go back to the others and participate with them?

Hawks: No. He is staying with you. She just healed him. She explicit told me to make sure he rests for this day. So, take care of him.

Hawks gave me a wink before leaving us and returning to the lessons.

Nezu: How much did you tell him?

Me: Enough to make him be on my side and help me with what I want to accomplish!

Nezu: And that would be?

Me: For me to know and for you to find out!

Nezu: I was wondering this for a while but after today I have my confirmation. You are not that stupid and dumb as you are playing.

Me: Never was and never will be.

Nezu: Quirkless is not Useless after all. I hope to see your grades catch up with your new attitude too.

Me: Maybe.

Nezu: You scared but why?

Me: You tell me that.

Nezu: Your past or the way your classmates are treating you.

Me: A little bit of both. We are after all told be an assassination hero class.

Nezu: Though you are not allowed to kill each other.

Me: And yet Bakugo tried to do that.

Nezu: Dandelion I recall you called him.

Me: More like an angry ass Pomeranian to me.

Nezu: Pfff- Both of you have a past together. I suggest not angering him if not necessary.

Me: Awww you worried about me?

Nezu: About all of you and you know that by now.

Me: I know. That is the reason you didn't wanted to bet on this.

Nezu: Exactly.

Me: Well we still have 2 hours' worth of PE classes since it is scheduled the whole day. You want to play chess?

Nezu: I would gladly take up the offer. Do you want some tea?

Me: Thank you.

He then somehow got us a chessboard out of seemingly thin air. He told me had it stored in one of his pockets and that it was extra foldable.

While we were playing I tried to test out how much he was thinking about each round and each move I could do. There were a couple of times I could have made a trap and tricked him to win. However, I decided against it since I still didn't want him to know how capable I was. In the end I was yet again a little bit closer to making the perfect plan in order to make the perfect killing mark on him.

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