《Nezu-Sensei MOST WANTED!!! (Assassination Classroom x mha)》A motivator!


I knew that the class didn't like me but yet they are willing to ask me for help. This was never a good sign at all.

Iida: Midoriya, as part of this class you are obligated to help us kill him.

Me: Who said that! You don't even think I am part of this class!

Uraraka: That's not true!

Me: No? Then why didn't you come to me earlier or assisted me when Bakugo nearly snapped at me?

It was true though. They were always looking at us never even considered even reaching out or giving me a helping hand. Now out of everyone why should I help them kill someone I don't even wanted to kill?

Doesn't sound like a good plan to me at all.

Iida: Midoriya, this act of yours isn't very plus ultra.

Me: Oh and you forcing me to help you is?

I didn't want to interfere with them any longer and so I stood up, picked up my things and just left the school for the dorms. I didn't care if we still had some lessons going on or not. I had better things to do as in writing all the stuff down I knew about Nezu in a code. There was no point in hiding these information from him but by writing them in code he at least needed some time to make out what I knew and have written down about him.

Me: As if I would even consider helping you guys!

I was currently on my way back to the doors if someone didn't shout my name out. Turning around to see who was calling me, I saw Nezu standing there looking at me. However, he was not the only one I saw.

Nezu: Why are you not in class but on your way back to the dorms? Are you not feeling well Midoriya?

Me: I am okay in 2 ways. For once I love playing with a ball and wanted to get my small fidgeting toy from my room since I forgot it there and for the other one I love watching a good plan unfold.

I hope he will get it!

There are 2 people.

With the ball I mean an electro ball that will probably also hit me and is that Iida watching us?


Nezu: 2 you say?

Me: Yes.

Nezu: East, West, South, North?

Me: South East Nezu.

Nezu: Get down to the ground and hold your breath!

The moment he said that he threw something in between us and all of the sudden a smoke began covering the entire field. Needless to say, I did what he said and the fun part was that the smoke began expanding and not even laying on the ground. It was as if there was a small gap between the ground and the smoke.

After 5 minutes I felt someone patting my head and as I looked up I saw that it was Nezu. The smoke was gone and I sat up looking him into his eyes.

Nezu: Manipulating and warning the opponent. You sure that is something an assassin should do?

Me: No but we had our own deal. Now where are the weapons you promised?

Nezu: For now, I only have these. Take them.

He then gave me 2 daggers and 10 throwing knife.

Me: Thanks.

Nezu: Now tell me your real reason for going back to your room.

Me: I am sure you can figure it out yourself after this failed attempt. Thinking of it. What happened to them?

Nezu: This was a very high dosed sleeping gas. Everyone that was in a mile radius is sleeping right now.

Me: So, no class?

Nezu: Looks like it.

Since he gave me the weapons I couldn't help it but try it out. At first, I started twirling it in my hands and in the next moment I went for a slash across the small creature's neck.

Nezu: Nice try but you will need to have a better plan than this!

All the did was jump away.

Me: Of course! I just wanted to try them out!

It helped me understand how he was moving and that was my goal for now. The question was if he was thinking of me as a threat or not. I was sure he wasn't but at the same time he was starting to act a little bit more vary about me since I just basically betrayed my own class.

Me: Would you mind if I try these out?

Nezu: Of course not! You are welcome to try your best!


Just like that I stood up and began sloppily run at him trying to get him as well as throwing some knifes but not targeting him but the area close to him. I wanted to know how fast he could react and how he moves.

It was only after about 15 minutes into the fight that I out all the weapons aside.

Me: I give up for now.

Nezu: Soo soon?

Me: Yep. I am tired. Would be all right for me to go back to my room?

Nezu: Go ahead. You have my approval. Oh, and get these two inside too. It looks as if it will rain soon.

Me: Will do!

He turned around and began walking away.

Just you wait!

I know have way more information but not everything I need yet!

I'll get you one day!

I will!

All he did was motivate me even more to make the finishing blow to him with these special weapons of him. I was sure that I could do it with time. I needed more information about him and there was only one way to get it.

If that meant using my class to get it then so be it!

They are all underestimating me anyways!

The next day I went to the class and immediately to Iida's seat.

Me: I reconsidered it. I'll help you guys out... So what did you want me to do?

Iida: Since Nezu was praising your skills we thought you might come up with a group attack for us.

Me: Okay.

Momo: Just like that?

Me: Yep. After yesterday I really don't want to get into the crossfire after all!

Iida: So you saw us?

Me: No. Nezu just threw that thing in between us and all I remember was waking up in my own room again.

Iida: It hit you too then huh...


Of course I saw you!

You guys weren't even trying!

Me: Anyways I'll make the plans and let you know as soon as I come up with something!

Iida: Great. Now that that is settled. Do you have something on your mind already?

Me: Kinda.

Iida: Tell us!

I then began explaining to them a nice group attack which would combine their quirks. The reason behind this attack was simple. I wanted to know his adaptability and gadget he had.

So, the moment Nezu came into the room, Shoto froze the whole floor. It was very slippery to say the least. However, the rat didn't mind that at all. Since ice was basically water, I also made Bakugo and Momo go at him with a flame thrower and of course explosions. The chimera only dodged every single attack. Though the goal was not to hit him but the ice below him. Naturally I didn't day that to Momo or Bakugo. The less they know the better. With their attack focused on the teacher, I made Kaminari use his electric quirk on the now slightly melted floor after hearing Iida whistling. This was the signal for them to jump on the next desk as well as everyone else. I didn't want anyone to get injured after all. Nor did I wanted Nezu to know who came up with the idea so I told Iida it was his at all cost. Naturally he agreed on that one.

Nezu: What a nice display of teamwork! However, this is not enough in order to kill me! Bakugo, Momo your attacks are still lacking in creativity. Bakugo you should try some group attacks with another person for once. If you weren't so selfish on trying to kill me on your own, this plan might have worked. Kaminari next time you try attack don't just look at the floor while everyone else is looking at what is happening. Also, Iida nice planning and utilizing your fellow comrades.

Iida: Yes Sensei! Thank you Sensei!

I could see that everyone was motivated after him not scolding but praising us for once as a team. Though US meant me playing and using my class to my disposal. They wanted to use me and they ended up used by me. This was only fair afterall!

His observer skills are also top notch.

If I don't get up with a plan inside a plan than getting him out will be hard...

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