《Loved Like a Psycho》9: Wild Avneet


Avneets Pov:

I woke up with my hair all over my face, books surrounding me, I had walked back to my room from library because library hours were over. I stretched my arms and rubbed my eyes. My body was aching, my head was pounding.

I took a quick look at the clock and jerked up realizing the time, I had exam in half hour. I threw my hair in a quick messy bun wore a tank top with a jeans. Collecting the notebook and a pen from the table, I made my way toward the canteen.

I looked around before I really entered the canteen. And by the grace of God he wasn't there so I peacefully ate my breakfast and revised my notes. After the blissful breakfast I got myself in the exam hall. As soon as I entered the hall faces turned to me, people shot me dirty looks. Jealous girls flipped their hair. Well damn ladies have him it's not like I want him anyway! I glared at them and they turned away from me.

I was sitting on my table rereading ad rechecking my answers. I mean time wasn't passing I kept looking at the clock, I spotted the girl from last night looking at me. She looked away quickly when she found me looking at her. Good. My mind flooded with thoughts like what did I do to be punished like this? Why did I get this crazy obsessive, possessive psychopath? Tears stung my eye. I wiped it away and focused on rechecking when the bell rang and the professor took the papers from us.

I made my way towards the campus where I may find my friends, I need them right now. The classrooms were empty by now as most of the people were done with their exams. A guy came running toward me, my expression was a bored one but I tried to smile just to be polite.

"I need your help" he said politely smiling at me

"Umm What help?" I asked, I don't get a good vibes right now. Oh god spare me.

"You have the notes of neurons right? I

need those" he said scratching the back of his head "Professor told me your the best and most attentive" he said in a flirty tone. I hesitated but fished out the notes from my bag and handed him.

Suddenly I heard angry footsteps. I gulped knowing who it was, it was his way of walking. Yes he had a way of walking, I groaned. I was tired of his shit I was tired of all this hell hole. I wanted to run away. Quit, leave everything and go far away from this psychotic idiot.

He grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me away from the guy, who was dumbstruck, my notes had fallen from his grip, he had a pitiful expression. I glared at him. NOBODY GETS TO PITY ME. Siddharth pushed me to ground I fell with a thud I was expressionless. He was walking pacing toward me with anger dripping from his eyes.

"What the fuck where you doing?" He raged.

"What?" I asked sternly

"Why were you talking to that guy?" he shouted startling me. "I can talk to whoever I want " I stated firmly, regaining my confidence.

"No"he yelled "You Are Not Allowed To Talk To Any Other Guy. And if you do I will chose them" He said gritting the last part, he was already out of his mind right now.

"Sure " I spat sarcastically and folded my arms, I was still on floor so I rested my back against wall.


"I mean it Angel" he said holding my hand tightly. I looked away without any response.

"look at me" he ordered, I didn't why should I? I won't!

"I said look at me" he yelled.

"No" I yelled with same intensity, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

He held my chin tightly making me hiss in pain. He forced me to look at him.

"Now Angel. I said few words before. Keep them in mind" He said cupping my face. I jerked his hand away..

"Never. I will talk to whoever I want " I stated. He held a my neck digging his fingers through my hair and pulled it.

"Leave " I said gritting my teeth, biting away my pain.

"If I see you talking to any guy I swear that guy will see the worst day of his life and guess what? Just because of you" He threatened.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes, my hand was still trying to get his hold off me.

"You know what? I remember the guy's face you were talking to. Lets start with him" he had a evil smile crept on his face. He got me up I carried myself as I saw him getting out, oh no what was he going to do to him?!


He angrily went out of the room and to the canteen, Lucky and Arishfa came to him.

"Get others we have this person to handle" He said not looking at them, Arishfa nodded and left. Siddharth scanned the canteen finding the face of the boy. He spotted him and smirked. He took him from his collar, startling him. Siddharth dragged him to the grounds. Where Jannat, Bravesh, ritika, Manjul, Lucky and Arishfa were already there. He dropped the guy in front of them.

"Decide his punishment guys " he smirked.

"Let's dip him in spray paint" Manjul said as he kicked the boy in stomach.

"What do you think? Should we?" Siddharth said with a evil grin putting his hand in his shoulder.

"But what did I do?" the guy asked trembling.

"You dared to talk with Avneet. Bloody asshole" he said holding his shoulders, staring him right in eyes, scaring the shit out of him. Avneet saw this she came running. Siddharth slapped him

"SIDD STOP!" She said placing hand on his bicep. He stopped and softened at her touch, she was holding him willingly for first time, he got lost in her eyes and she was staring back at him.

"You slut. Tell him to leave me.." The boy said pointing at Avneet bringing both of them back to present, they snapped their head in his direction both had a glare on their faces. Siddharth raised his hand to punch him but Avneet caught his punch with her hand. Her jaw clenched, she pushed Siddharth away and took the collar of boy in her hands. Siddharth landed on floor near the gang but he wasn't angry, he was too stunned at sudden action to respond.

"What did you just call me?" She said in dangerously low tone

"Slut!" He said again, Avneet smiled at him sweetly batting her eyelashes at him before punching him in the jaw, blood oozed out of his mouth. She punched his nose multiple times before she slammed his head on hard floor, she stood up and kicked his stomach. She was already mad at her fate, she was already fueled up enough by Siddharth's cruelty. It seemed almost impossible that she'll leave this guy alive.

"Say that again!" She shouted at his face, he shook his head 'no' joining his hands together begging for mercy, his collar was in her hands again, she was glaring right into his eyes, he was honestly scared of this girl. She used the collar to shove him to the ground again.


"N-no" He trembled and Avneet kicked him yet again and blood oozed from his nose. She dusted her hands and left the scene angrily, muttering curses under her breath, her hair were flowing because the tie had broken during the fight, she tied her hair in a bun without a hair tie angrily.

Meanwhile, the gang was watching her, their jaws dropped. Siddharth was watching her awestruck, she was just perfect for him. He admired every punch she threw, every kick she hit. A ghost of smile plastered on his face as he watched her go, this wild Avneet was simply spectacular, he didn't even care about her open hair at the moment. It all made him want her more, love her more, make her his permanently, keep her with him forever and hide her from the world. The boy was still on the floor, Lucky had his grip on him.

"My side of punishment is still remaining" Said Siddharth his eyes still fixed on the tiny figure of Avneet which was walking inside the building. He rushed in direction where Avneet had gone, leaving rest of the gang to do whatever to the boy. He reached the girls dorms and slipped into her dorm, he found her cursing in front of mirror he pulled the study chair out and forcefully made her sit on that chair placing his hand on both sides he caged her.

"Now darling, what you did out there was hot" He said in his husky tone. Her face was expressionless as ever. She didn't speak a word, she got herself comfortable in the chair folding her arms and legs, not looking at him. His blood boiled, nobody gets to ignore him like that

"You won't talk to any other guy from now on, do you get that?" he said with a cold tone gritting the last part.

"You have no right to choose whom I talk to" She said firmly snapping her head in his direction.

"Oh honey I do" he said in his cold voice, she rolled her eyes at him "I fucking don't want any other guy to talk to you, no one but I can get you only" He stated "Why don't you get it? I can't just can't lose you by any mean" he yelled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I was never yours, to start off with" She scoffed coldly. She didn't give a damn about that hurt expression which had crossed his face, and had lingered there for more than few seconds. He was and will remain Hitler Romeo.

"You're mine, and you will stay mine forever" he held me by my chin tightly.

"You will never get me, not my heart at least" She spat jerking his hand away.

"You're just mine and no one can take you away from me bloody no one not even you" he glared picking Avneet up by her hair cluster she gritted her teeth.

"Never disobey me. I don't want to hurt you Angel. I love you and you have to be with me you like it or not" he stated

"Leave me" She hissed in pain as she attempted to free herself.

"I love you Angel. Why don't you get it?" he softened his voice to a desperate one as he cupped her cheeks, patting the place where he had pulled her hair, his thumbs caressing her skin.

"You don't, you don't love me!" She said tears roll on down her cheeks, she angrily wiped them away, she hated it when she cried in front of him. In front of her abuser, she didn't want to be weak in front of the guy who claimed to love her but didn't actually.

"Don't say that ever again" he made his hold tighter digging his nail on her skin.

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME" She cried as tears went down her cheeks, he watched those tears. He hated himself for making her cry, he mentally kicked himself and left her there. He didn't want to hurt her but he couldn't control himself.

He stormed to the canteen and walked to his table he sat down on his usual seat. Everyone shot him worried looks but he glared at them.

"That dick piece is going to pay for it" Siddharth gritted "Bring that fucker Ritu"

"Aye! You boy, bring Rohit" Said Ritika snapping her fingers at random guy he nodded and rushed outside the canteen.

"He is so dead" Lucky whispered to Arishfa who had a tensed face.

"Do something" Jannat whispered in a ordering voice to Bhavesh.

"What am i supposed to do?" he frowned whispering back.

"Anything" she replied gulping the lumps of fear as she noticed Siddharth's anger getting worse. He was fiddling his fingers angrily, he was clenching and unclenching his jaw. His hands itching to beat the boy.

"Here he is" The boy dropped Rohit in front of Siddharth and fled.

"Good" Siddharth said standing on his feet he started circling Rohit like a predator circles it's prey before feasting on it "So tell me should I cut of your tongue or tear your vocal cords off, for swearing at my Angel?" he said darkening his eyes with a cold voice.

"Please please leave me, I will never curse i swear" Rohit trembled.

"Obviously you'll never but there should be a punishment for what you did right" Hitler Romeo gave him an evil smile.

"No please" Rohit pleaded.

"Shh let me think" he said making a thinking face as his neck twitched.

"I will postpone your punishment till tomorrow by that time you think what might the punishment be" he chuckled evilly and left that guy with a push saying so Sidd left the canteen.

Avneet's POV:

I crawled to my bed the moment he left the room. I brought my knees near my chest that touched my chin. I trembled and sobbed, tears escaped my eyes. I gulped down the lumps of disgust as I got flashes of his touches before my eyes, they felt toxic like they could burn my skin. Should I leave this college?

I really don't wanna leave this college, I made some good friends here, got some unexpectedly good teachers, the facilities that they give are really praiseworthy. Would it really be worth giving up on my career to run away from him? Should I do it? I am really considering it. But what will I do if I leave this college? Where will I go? And I can't tell my parents, they wont let me study ever again. It was a lot of hardship convincing them to let me come here.

There was a knock on the door, I was startled, my heart skipped a beat, he cant come back! Not this quickly I hate him, more tears streamed down my cheeks but when I opened the door, just because I had to, it was Jannat I sighed of relief and hugged her tight, she patted my back and pulled me in a tight embrace, she let me cry on her shoulder as she walked us in and closed the door, I didn't notice Ashnoor, Anushka, Aashika and Reem were there too.

"Avu" She said pulled away from the hug, hurt evident on her face, Reem came and stood beside me putting her hand on my shoulder. The girls made me sit on the bed and they locked the door. I felt like a prisoner being visited by her parents.

Aashika wiped my tears, Anushka offered me water as i was continuously sobbing and gasping for air.

"This is getting worse" Reem stated, her voice filled with anger "We need to do something, we cant let him treat her like this, she is not his property!"

"I agree" Anushka sighed as she sat beside me and kept my head on her shoulder, I wetted her shoulder with my tears but she didn't care.

"I really don't know, why is he doing all these" Jannat's voice had irritation and guilt.

"Well because he is a psychopath if you didn't notice the obvious Jannat" Ashnoor said Angrily.

"He's a good guy by heart, you guys just don't know him" Jannat said hesitantly.

"Yeah, a good guy who abuses and harasses a girl" Said Aashika with an eye roll. I was silent all along, I didn't want to speak a word, Aashika cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, Avu calm down, everything will be okay soon enough don't worry, we are with you" Said Aashika, tears were stuck in my throat stinging me badly.

"Yeah, don't worry we're here with you. Besides, just wait till he gets enough of you Avu, that's how he really is" Said Reem and Ashnoor agreed.

"But why isn't he getting over me?! Why can't he just throw me away like he does with other girls? Why does he want me when I clearly hate him, when I clearly don't want him around" I yelled at them, those throat stuck tears finally came out.

"Guys she has a point, he's not getting enough of her" Said Anushka with a worried tone and we all fell into silence, which was being disturbed by my occasional sobs or gasps.

"We haven't had our dinner right?" Said Anushka trying to cheer the mood up,

"It's so late" Jannat frowned.

"Yes madam" Ashnoor giggled trying to make the situation lighter.

"Shit let's go" Jannat clicked her tongue and everyone got up

"I am not hungry" I said as I curled up into a ball on my bed.

"Avu yaar don't shower your frustation on food at least" Aashika forced taking my arm.

"Yeah let's go" Said Reem.

"No I really don't wanna face your lunatic friend again" I said with a tired voice to Jannat who hung her head low.

"Avneet I think you should stop being stubborn and come with us, you don't know what step he might take if he doesn't see you" Said Ashnoor tensed.

"I don't care, I am not coming" I said stubbornly.

"Please Avneet ,Ashnoor is right you should.." I cut Jannat off.

"I wont. Go " I tucked myself on my bed.

"Okay" Anushka sighed. and all of them got out of the room. I further buried myself in the sheets. Then I thought over Ashnoor's words, I groaned as I got up. She's right he might do something completely insane

But I'm not going anywhere, I'm used to his shit so yeah.

I changed into my onsie, took my notes with me and stuffed inside the bed. I studied the lecture for half and hour and i was seriously tired as hell and hungry but i cared less. I pulled out the book I was currently reading and placed it on the bed while I shuffled through my clothes inside the cupboard with the hope i might get something to eat, there was nothing. I snapped at the door as I heard a knock and it was Siddharth's style Yup he has a style of his own. My heart was hammering inside my chest, I felt like I might get panic attack because I was slowly running out of breath, I watched the knob jiggle and then the door opened, yes it was him.

"Why the hell did you skip dinner?" He yelled and he was fuming in anger.

"Because I wanted to" I said firmly ignoring my loss of breath.

"Come with me" he held my wrist and tried dragging me I didn't move, my chest was heaving now, this is not correct moment to have my first panic attack of my life, control yourself Avneet.

"Come with me, I said" he stated with a cold voice and dark eyes.

"Leave me" I jerked his hand away. He grabbed my hand again, tightly this time.

"Why did you skip dinner? " he asked in a worried tone, he stared in my eyes.

"I was not hungry" I lied softly being trapped in his gaze.

"Tell me the truth" He whispered in same worried expression. I Didn't respond, we stood there like that until he lost it.

"The truth Angel, THE TRUTH " He yelled making me jump on my place, pulling me out of trance. Clap clap enough of dream land

"Because I can't eat with someone who disgust me that much" I spat in disgust. His hold over my arms tightened his nails dug inside my skin hurting me. I winced in pain but didn't show it on my face.

"You have to, you have no choice. Like it or not you will be with me" he glared and I scoffed "Come with me or else " he threatened.

"Else what?" I asked coldly, he slowly crept closer, so close that I could feel his heartbeat, he snaked his arm around my waist completely pulling me into his magnetic eyes. Shivers ran down my spine when he smirked at me, girls swoon over this smirk.

"What the.." I yelp, he had picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder, UGHHH NOT AGAIN.

"Now I will take you to the canteen like this" he stated happily as he turned toward the door I punched his back which didn't affect him one bit.

"Put me down, I'm coming I'm coming" I said as I used my hands to support me over his shoulder, my hair tie fell. He was carrying me through corridors.

"Nope" he said I could hear his smirk.

"Please please please please please please please" I ranted real fast and he chuckled, another Real chuckle! Oh my god this one was so cute to hear, I blushed smiling at the adorable sound which had escaped his lips. Wait what EW!

I stayed on his shoulder, using my elbows to support me on him, my head in my hands, I had a pout on my face we reached the canteen it was closed.

"Fuck" he cursed as he put me down gently.

"Can I go now?" I asked with a a bored expression.

"Go, I will bring you something " he said taking out his phone.

"But .." I was cut off.

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