《Now You Know ✅》Chapter 10: Bed Buddies


Roshon was still extolling at himself even after the three of them had switched off most of the lights later that evening. He had won the last round of the UNO game, with Pelham coming second after losing a handful of rounds. Lucio was incredibly good at the game as well, but he had resolved to watch the two best friends play rather than playing it himself. Pelham had only won first place once, and that was only because he cheated - a flair he was rather qualified at - by hiding a couple of cards in his shirt. Roshon and Lucio had found out about it at the end of the game, where Pelham - after winning the first place - jumped up and cheered for himself, causing a bunch of cards to come slipping out of his shirt. They'd had a row then, but Pelham still won nonetheless. And throughout the entire game, Lucio had to keep an eye on him, in case he tried to cheat again.

Having had enough of the night, Roshon followed Pelham and Lucio into their room, still acclaiming his victory as though he had become the world's champion. To Pelham, it was normal for Roshon to become all braggart and crowing his achievement whenever he won something - after years of experience at playing video games with him, he had grown comparatively accustomed to his best friend's ongoing rants on how he would prove his proficiency to people by beating them at something. He made a mental note to inform Lucio about it before Roshon could get under Lucio's skin.

But then Lucio seemed fine - he was even laughing at the two of them. It was as though they had been friends forever.

And Pelham found himself asking why they - himself and Roshon with Lucio - hadn't hung out before this. It might make sense why, seeing as Lucio was a year below him. But the boy was relatively laid-back; not pompous, not big-headed, just cool. He had the good vibes radiating off him, which was an asset that Pelham looked for when it came to friends. He was again thankful that they were sharing the same cabin for the rest of the week. He silently thanked the snake for causing all of this. He liked Lucio already.

The thing was, Pelham just hardly ever come across someone as cordial and had that commitment vibe coming off them. He might not see or know, but he had complete faith in his instincts. And up to this point, the only person Pelham knew to ever fit those traits was Roshon. No matter how vexing Roshon can be - Pelham had so often asked how they became friends in the first place, for Roshon could be a prick sometimes - their friendship remained steadfast and intact. He hadn't exactly had the faintest idea why, but he had this relatively small hope in his gut that the same thing could happen when it came to Lucio. For some reason, he didn't want to leave this little circle of friends he had. He was hoping Lucio wasn't going to disregard him or Roshon completely once they went back to school after the camp.

He still hadn't gotten a clue on why he would hope that such thing would happen. It wasn't as though he wanted new friends everyday - he wasn't that eager. As a matter of fact, he had been contented enough with Roshon and April. Still, the only ever rational answer he could come out with was because of the vibes - always the vibes - that radiated off Lucio. It was something he couldn't quite name, but it was there.


"It's just a game card," Pelham deadpanned, who had plopped down on his bed while Lucio entered the bathroom.

"In case you hadn't noticed, dear mate, games tend to get more and more intense once you've delved deeper into the procedure,"

"I'm quite familiar with that term,"

"Good to know you've caught up, you nerd,"

"Speak for yourself," Pelham huffed. "Anyway, since you're so boastful, I'm gonna have to mother you: go to your room, it's almost bedtime. Scared to sleep alone? Or are you planning on sleeping here tonight? Like the three of us?"

"Man, how gay can we get?" Roshon laughed.

Pelham nearly tensed at that jest. But he was quick to cover it up before it was shown all over his face. After all, wasn't it common for straight guys nowadays to make gay-related jokes? A lot of times, he had always heard his classmates crack jokes to each other about it, and still be comfortable with the whole thing. Because they don't have to be worried about their sexuality, Pelham told himself, which was partly true. So, in response, he simply chuckled at Roshon's statement.

"Fine, you sleep her while I take your big bedroom," Pelham said. "Maybe you can sleep with Lucio and make love."

He had never made such joke, much less the one that he'd just said that sounded more obscene than he'd imagined. But it was enough to hide the fact that he was one - an invert - simply by putting a straight version of him as a mask. A full-on charade. For a split second, he felt like punching himself in the face; he felt somewhat homophobic towards himself, and he didn't know whether that was normal for boys like him; boys who were just as muddled. He hoped it was common.

"Oh, I will," Roshon winked, pushing himself up from Pelham's bed. "Lucio, darling!"

Pelham blanched and faked vomit.

"Just 'cause I'm black doesn't mean he won't accept me,"

Pelham guffawed. Lucio exited the bathroom not a while later, already in his pyjama pants and black sweater, frowning at them both. "I heard my name," he said.

"You will hear it again moaned by Pel," Roshon said monotonously, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No, Rosh wants to sleep with you,"

"Maybe we should have a threeso-"

"Bloody hell, Roshon!"

Roshon was already in fits of laughter while Lucio buried his face in his hands, shaking his head.

"Taking the joke too far, Roshon," Pelham made a pained face as his friend hopped off the bed.

"Sleep tight, you two,"


Roshon simply cackled before walking out of the door. Pelham went to close it behind him, his face a full shade of crimson. He wasn't sure whether he was abashed by his best friend's seemingly part-time bawdy traits or his lack of sharp-witted comebacks when it came to gay-related jests.

"Sorry about that," he said, gritting his teeth and scratching the back of his neck, clearly sheepish. Lucio simply shook his head, chuckling.

"Hey, about the sleeping arrangement ..." Lucio began, looking around the room as if a bed might materialise out of thin air.

"What about it?" Pelham asked as he took off his shirt casually and threw it into his bag.


Lucio didn't expect Pelham to take off his shirt in front of him just like that. But then he asked himself; wasn't it common for guys to do it? Straight guys, Lucio corrected himself. He, for one, would never attempt such thing - mainly due to insecurity, despite have a slightly toned body himself. And of course, Pelham was straight. Surely he'd pulled off his shirt a lot of times in front of his other guy friends? Exactly how many friends does he have?


Lucio thought that if he were straight and more confident, he would've done the same thing, especially if he had a more toned body just like Pelham. Nevertheless, he found his eyes lingering on Pelham's chest for a short while before instantly focusing his gaze back on his face, his cheeks abnormally hot.

"I can sleep on the couch outside," Lucio suggested, trying to sound casual.

"What happened to being Bed Buddies?" Pelham joked.

Lucio had to remind himself that Pelham didn't know he was gay. In fact, nobody in the town knew except for his parents, his aunt and one of his friends - having had come out during the worst times of his year, which had resulted in him moving out of his hometown.

Straight people didn't mind these things about friends sleeping together, did they? He wasn't sure, since he'd never been to sleepovers. Yet, he was quite certain that Pelham and Roshon had had sleepovers a lot of times before, sharing the same beds and whatnot. Besides, he could only worry if Pelham finds out about his sexuality. And he was not going to tell him that, or else Pelham would break this new bond they were having - that might just be his biggest fear. In the mean time, all he had to do was put on the straight role in front of Pelham for who knew how long.

Lucio liked hanging out with Pelham, as well as Roshon. He seriously wished that they wouldn't neglect him completely once they were back at school.

"I ... you know, thrash around a lot in my sleep," he said to Pelham - and it was a fact.

"Oh, good!" Pelham beamed. "We are meant to be Bed Buddies then! We can be ninjas in our sleep. Don't worry, I once kicked my alarm clock off the desk that I slept the entire day during an exam week."

Lucio couldn't help it. The laughter burst from the pit of his stomach before he realised he was chortling.

Pelham went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and change. Lucio slipped into the bed, leaving a big space beside him for Pelham - since he was bigger than him anyway. When he laid on his back, he was insantly captivated by the clock staring down at him from the ceiling; with its glowing numbers and hands, as well the transparent glass that was its background, so it was showing the current time and weather of the day itself. He found himself staring at the clock in an utter astonishment for a good five minutes that he didn't realise Pelham was already out of the bathroom.

He snapped his attention to Pelham when he felt the bed dip lower next to him. Pelham had noticed Lucio observing the aesthetic ceiling clock, and began to chuckle.

"It took me half an hour to eventually fall asleep 'cause of that ruddy brilliant clock," Pelham told him. "Obviously, it functions as normal clocks, but the creator must've been a splendid man or woman."

"It doesn't look like it has an alarm system," observed Lucio.

"Unless it falls off the ceiling and lands on your face ..."

Lucio grinned. He made to stand up to switch off the lights, but Pelham got there first, eventually plunging them into darkness when Lucio was halfway up from the bed.

"Good night, Bed Buddy." Pelham said as he climbed onto the bed and pulled the covers up to his body.

Lucio felt his face redden as he laid down next to Pelham, facing the other way. "Night, Pelham."


Pelham received a text message from April one the next morning, who asked how his days had gone so far, along with a picture of her English Literature class by which they were being relieved by another teacher - who happened to be his homeroom teacher. Apparently, the students weren't doing anything, and most of them had their heads buried in their arms, clearly sleeping, while the teacher was finishing some assignments on his laptop. Pelham wasn't surprised to see this. Most of the teachers from the school had gone camping as well. No doubt the lessons at school were shortened or there were no lessons at all.

Pelham: looks entertaining.

Pelham: im doing fine btw. Roshon honestly needs to calm his arse down.

April: Did he switch off the lights when you were in the showers again?

Pelham: thankfully, he didnt. hasn't. not yet. idk.

Pelham: but i hope he doesnt see this text n try doing it again or i swear i'll kill him

Pelham felt Lucio stir beside him. Lucio then rolled onto his back, facing upwards, still deep asleep, with the soft snores coming from him. Pelham found himself staring, then he snapped out of it that instant. What the hell, he thought to himself.

April: I'm pretty sure you're used to him by now.

April: I mean you've had sleepovers before. Didn't he lock the bathroom door once and turned the lights off during a storm?

Pelham: dont start.

Pelham: anyway, i wasnt entirely referring to myself. u see, we have a new roommate n last night he nearly embarrassed me in front of him. teach him some manners, April.

April: Well that's typical of him. Can't change that. Plus, Rosh is a cool guy. Kind of a prick smtms. But he can be awesome. I'm sure your new roommate - or cabin mate - will find him amusing.

Pelham: thats the point. I dont want someone to steal my buddy

April: Sweet ;)

April: Hey I gtg! Class is dismissed

Pelham: alright. Hope to hear from ur boring week at school :) ily

Lucio was already awake by the time Pelham put the phone down. He was, again, staring at the ceiling clock as though he couldn't get enough of its design. It was true that it was really simple, yet enchanting, but it was as though Lucio was entirely immersed in some sort of a masterpiece that he couldn't seem to take his eyes off it.

"Morning, Clock Gazer," Pelham said, sliding his legs off the bed and standing up to stretch.

"Rise and shine," Lucio said groggily, still sleepy to utter clear sentence.

Pelham picked up the schedule from the bedside table and observed their activity. "Come on, water activities for the rest of the day!"



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