《Enda (Boyxboy)》Chapter 46: The Stand (Part Two)


"Nai!! Stop!!" I plea, slashing his sword against mine. Only making him duck down. Twirling swiping his feet. I skip over them and ram my elbow into his cheek. He hisses, grabbing my arm and flipping me over him. I groan on my back.

"Why should I fucking stop, bastard?!" Nai screams, bringing his sword down. Only to be stopped by mine. My arms tremble as I fight with him. Lugging my legs up and wrapping them around Nai's neck. Tossing him towards a demon. His sword sliding through the demon like butter. I rush to him while he's bothered with the demon. My sword dragging along the ground.

"Nai come back to me!" I beg, before my sword is banged against his. We push back and forth. Before he growls angered and falls to nothing but a black pool of nothingness on the ground. Shrinking away into a shadow. I panic. Canton?! He couldn't be going after Canton. I run pushing past soldiers and demons. Seeing Canton and Mulnire making their way up to Favera and the Underworld King. I loose my footing and feel a hand grab at me.

"Come here, little bastard!" Nai's voice commands.

I land on my shoulder. A flash of pain makes me cringe. I grit my teeth. Holding my shoulder. My sword lying beside me. I see Nai's head come up from a shadow and grin at me before sinking back down into the darkness. No time for being a bitch! I've gotta keep him away from the others. It's an order from Canton! I stand up, grasping my sword, tightly. Then dash to Nai. Hiding behind a demon. Plunging his sword into its back, giggling. My sword drags in the mud and blood. Before I slash it down. Connecting with Nai's blade. I grimace.


"Nai, dad wouldn't have wanted this!" I plea again, gritting my teeth as my blade slips bringing Nai closer to me. Our faces inches apart now. I can look into Nai's eyes now.

"What would my father had wanted, bastard?!" He growls.

"Us to get along." I suggest, before pushing my blade towards him. We struggle pushing back and forth, "Nai, I need you!!!!"

"How would a bastard like you need me?" Nai grimaces.

"I-I love you no matter what you say!! Nai, I need you to help me. Dad is gone now. I. Need. You!!!!" I exclaim, staring at the blade near my throat. Nai puts it down.

"I-I can't. She won't let me." Nai states, shaking. Glancing down, scared. Unsure of himself.

"Favera? Favera won't let you?!" I ask, angered. That bitch!!

"Stupid, bastard!" Nai screams smacking me, my blade grazes the top of his shoulder. He sinks back into the darkness. Retreating?!

"Nai?!" I shout, running watching a small blink of eyes in the darkness moving away from me.

Before I grit my teeth, ramming my sword down in the mud, mad. Hearing a grunt of pain. Looking up at Canton whipping around useless guard dogs. Then to Nai laying on the ground gripping his stomach. Now what?! I didn't think that would actually work!!!

"Piece of shit!" Nai spits at me. I glare at him. My blade only nicked the side of his stomach.

"Bitch, please." I hiss.


Another Shorty :p Nai and Dukey's brotherly relationship XD

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